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Consider an online gift for the Northern Sumatra Restoration Fund. On the second page of the form, select "Northern Sumatra Restoration Fund" in the "Designation" drop-down menu. Click here to donate now.

"CI has been working in Sumatra for more than a decade now and when this crisis is over we will continue to be there for as long as we are needed," explains Susie Ellis, Vice President of CI's Indonesia and Philippines programs. "That's our promise to Indonesia's people, its wild places and its irreplaceable species."

Since the day that the tsunami struck, CI-Indonesia staff members have been working to help their neighbors. At headquarters, we established an emergency fund to support our local partners, the communities in which they work, and their families. The Northern Sumatra Restoration Fund will be used to assess the needs of our partners with an emphasis on re-building the conservation capacity that has been lost.

Longer-term, we will focus on the ecosystems that have been severely impacted. Entire freshwater systems have been contaminated, forests and coral reefs were decimated, and extensive soil and beach erosion is pervasive. Because the connections between people and natural resources are so integral to quality of life, we also will be conducting assessments of the ecosystem services that have been lost or damaged, including watershed function, soil retention, and coral cover, and determining the best way to work toward their restoration, in partnership with local communities. These efforts may include reforestation, building artificial reefs, or other activities.

From Conservation International’s people and partners around the world: Our hearts, thoughts, and deepest sympathies are with all the people who have suffered in this tragedy.

Northern Sumatra Restoration Fund
You may use our online donation form to give a gift online. On the second page of the form, select "Northern Sumatra Restoration Fund" in the "Designation" drop-down menu.

You may also send a check, made payable to:
CI Northern Sumatra Restoration Fund
c/o CI Indonesia Program
1919 M. Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036

Or, consider a contribution to the humanitarian groups International Red Cross, Mercy Corps, Doctors Without Borders, or CARE.


© CI
A mosque remains standing amid the devastation in Northern Sumatra.

© CI, Haroldo Castro
CI-Indonesia staff on the ground at Kawai refugee camp, Aceh Provence.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Greater Flamingos © Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures); (Diagonal-banded Sweetlips © Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures);
(Madagascar Aloe © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hippo © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hummingbird © Pete Oxford); (Malagasy Frog © Piotr Naskrecki/CI)