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Thank you for visiting Conservation International's (CI) website. Visitors to www.conservation.org and all related sites are guaranteed privacy. Information collected on www.conservation.org and all relatated sites is kept private and never shared with other organizations. We've created this privacy policy to inform you about the types of information gathered and disseminated on this website.

Measuring Audiences
Your IP (Internet Protocol) address is used to gather broad demographic information. CI logs IP addresses and browser types for systems administration purposes. These logs are analyzed to constantly improve the value of the materials available on this website. Your IP address also helps us diagnose problems with our server and administer the Web site. IP addresses do not provide us with any identifiable personal information. This means your session will be tracked, but you will remain anonymous to us.

In order to better understand the way our websites are used by visitors, CI employs the use of cookies, a small file that stores information on your hard disk drive. CI uses information derived from cookies strictly for tracking usage and developing site improvements.

Outside Links
This site contains links to sites outside www.conservation.org. CI is not responsible for the privacy practices, or the content, of such other Web sites.

Affiliated Sites
Web sites directly affiliated with www.conservation.org and governed by this privacy policy are:
  • Investigate Biodiversity, http://investigate.conservation.org

  • Biodiversity Hotspots, www.biodiversityhotspots.org

  • Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, www.biodiversityscience.org

  • Center for Environmental Leadership and Business, celb.org

  • Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, www.cepf.net

  • Defying Nature's End (Conference site), www.defyingnaturesend.org *

  • The Ecotravel Center, www.ecotour.org
CI guarantees that information submitted to these sites is never shared with any other organization.

Submitting Personal Information
You can submit information to www.conservation.org in several places on the website. A 'Contact Us' form allows customers to request information. The form requests visitors' contact information such as their e-mail address and/or mailing address. Contact information from the feedback form is used to send responses or information requested by our customers. This information is never shared; it is used only for our replies.

CI's online donation form is hosted by an outside vendor. The vendor provides a link to its privacy policy on the form. The form requires financial information (such as credit card numbers), as well as e-mail addresses and postal mailing addresses. This information is kept confidential. Contact information from the form is used to reply to our visitors as needed, and is not shared with outside organizations.

E-mail Updates
CI strongly observes anti-SPAM practices in its e-mail outreach programs. Visitors can currently sign up for e-mail updates on Investigate Biodiversity and www.cepf.net. Each e-mail comes with an unsubscribe option and lists are never shared among or outside the organization.

The information you submit when using CI's eCards is not utilized for any other purposes. Your personal information will never be shared among or outside the organization.

Site Security
This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

Children's Guidelines
None of the websites covered by this policy knowingly collect identifiable personal information from children under age 13. If we discover that a person under the age of 13 has provided us with any personally identifiable information, we will delete that information from our systems. We are unable to reply to information requests from children under the age of 13, if so identified. A parent or guardian must initiate any requests for information from children under the age of 13 on their behalf. We encourage parents to supervise children when they browse the Internet.

You Have a Choice
CI does not utilize direct mail services or telemarketing so your information will never be used for solicitation.

Need to Make a Correction or Update Information?
Please update any changes to your personal information so we may maintain accurate records regarding your membership with CI. You may send changes using our Contact Us form or, write to:

Conservation International
1919 M Street, NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036

Contacting Us
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please use our Contact Us form.


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© 2006 Conservation International Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
Photo credits for banner images: (Greater Flamingos © Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures); (Diagonal-banded Sweetlips © Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures);
(Madagascar Aloe © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hippo © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hummingbird © Pete Oxford); (Malagasy Frog © Piotr Naskrecki/CI)