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Around the world, especially in developing countries where resources for conservation are scarce and environmental regulations are weak, businesses have the opportunity to play an important role in protecting the planet. The private sector can help to limit the negative impacts of development by employing best practices in their industry while working to gain support for conservation where they operate and within consumer markets. Conservation International (CI) believes that conservation success can only occur with the active participation of the private sector.

CI has cultivated partnerships in virtually all the biodiversity hotspots and high biodiversity wilderness areas where we work. CI's corporate supporters and partners back our mission because they know that citizens worldwide - their customers, shareholders, employees, and suppliers - are united in their concerns about protecting the environment. CI's major corporate partners include such companies as McDonald's, Intel Corporation, Ford Motor Company, Starbucks, United Airlines, and Disney. These are just a few of the corporate partnerships CI has forged to accomplish our mission of conserving biodiversity and demonstrating that economic development can be compatible with the preservation of the natural world.

Today, companies are discovering new incentives to demonstrate environmental leadership. Though the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business, CI is engaging the private sector worldwide in conservation through core business activities. Examples of this involvement may include sourcing sustainably harvested products from CI project sites or participating in industry initiatives to promote best practices at the global level. CELB provides a forum for collaboration between the private sector and the environmental community, promoting business practices that reduce a company's footprint, contribute to conservation and create business benefits for participating companies. To learn more about some of these in-depth initiatives, please visit CI's Center for Environmental Leadership in Business at: celb.org.

Corporations can also support CI's efforts in a variety of other ways including sponsorship or purchase of a table at a CI fundraising function, cause-related marketing, offering in-kind contributions of goods or services, or supporting our work in the field through a cash contribution. For more information on becoming a corporate supporter please contact us through the CELB website.

Both financial assistance and direct involvement are essential to CI's work, and successful partnerships often include a mixture of both. To see a complete listing of CI's current corporate partners and to follow updates on how we are putting our philosophy to practice visit celb.org. The opportunity for corporations to have a positive and lasting impact on conservation has never been greater, nor has the need. Please join us.


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CI collaborates with the private sector on global initiatives, such as working with a company's supply chain on the responsible sourcing of wood and agriculture products.

© Sterling Zumbrunn
At the local level, CI brings corporations together with local communities and farmers to create price incentives for sustainable harvesting of products which can be brought to the consumer market.

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One way companies can support CI is through sponsorships at special events.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Greater Flamingos © Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures); (Diagonal-banded Sweetlips © Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures);
(Madagascar Aloe © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hippo © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hummingbird © Pete Oxford); (Malagasy Frog © Piotr Naskrecki/CI)