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Wildlife Works

The Project: Wildlife Works, Export Processing Zone (EPZ), is a Kenya-based apparel company and manufacturing arm of Wildlife Works, Inc., which was founded in 1997 in California, USA. Wildlife Works' mission is to harness the power of the global consumer to create innovative and sustainable solutions for wildlife conservation.

The Deal: In March 2005, Verde Ventures provided a loan of $150,000 to Wildlife Works, EPZ for working capital, which will enable the company to augment its production capacity in Kenya and subsequently increase the level of conservation and social impact in the region.

The Benefit: In addition to aiding in the conservation of Wildlife Works' 80,000-acre Rukinga Wildlife Sanctuary, which is located between Tsavo East and Tsavo West national parks in the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot, this investment will also provide incentives for local communities working with Wildlife Works to reduce poaching and increase reforestation efforts on nearby Mt. Kasigau. The company’s efforts will help protect four endangered species found in the sanctuary and will also aid in the protection of three Critically Endangered species in adjacent areas. In addition, 55 people in the community will directly benefit from this investment through local employment.

Related links:

Conservation Partner Opens Retail Store
Kenya Eco-factory Rallies Residents Around Reforestation


© CI, Russ Mittermeier
African elephants near Tsavo East and Tsavo West national parks, Kenya.

© CI, Deborah Aragão
Wildlife Works Eco-Factory in Rukinga, Kenya

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