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Finca La Paz
The Project: Located in the buffer area of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Finca La Paz is a 207-hectare estate that has belonged to the Trampe family since 1920. The farm produces specialty shade-grown coffee and is currently focusing on soil conservation activities and diversification of shade in its farms.

The Deal: Verde Ventures approved a $100,000 rotating line of credit to Finca La Paz in 2006 to finance working capital and upgrades in its wet-milling process to reduce water consumption and improve wastewater treatment.

The Benefit to Conservation: Located in the Mesoamerica biodiversity hotspot, the buffer zone of the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve is threatened by the conversion of shade-grown coffee and polyculture farms to farms that produce monoculture crops and sun-grown coffee. In order to help mitigate these threats, Finca La Paz has partnered with other coffee estates in this region to implement sustainable coffee practices and diversify the shade used in agriculture. Currently the estate contains 168 hectares of shade-grown coffee and 35 hectares of forest. In a further boost for the local economy, Finca La Paz employs between 60 and 250 people during the coffee harvest.


© Finca La Paz
View of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in the Mesoamerica Hotspot

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