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Finca Argovia

The Project: Established in 1880, Finca Argovia is an agroforestry production estate that includes coffee, ornamental flowers, fruits and vegetables, reforestation projects for endemic species, and a small ecotourism operation. The plantation operates the first approved wastewater treatment plant and one of the first ecological wet mills in Mexico. The plantation also works closely on water and soil conservation issues with partners including the Mexican Water Council, private institutes, and schools and universities. Finca Argovia is currently Rainforest Alliance Certified.

The Deal: Verde Ventures approved a rotating line of credit of $50,000 for Finca Argovia in October 2006 for working capital to finance pre- and post-harvest expenses.

The Benefit to Conservation: In combination with four other investments in this area, Verde Ventures hopes to create a sustainable coffee corridor in the buffer areas of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas Biosphere Reserve in the Mesoamerica biodiversity hotspot. All of these coffee estates preserve remnants of intact forest in strategic sites and reforest buffer areas to contribute to watershed management and the protection of rivers and springs that cross the farms. Finca Argovia directly contributes to the sustainable management of 557 hectares and directly benefits 80 people who are employed in the estate.

Related story: In Focus: Our Coffee Portfolio


© Finca Argovia
Coffee at Finca Argovia

© Finca Argovia
The climate and favorable humidity at Finca Argovia are ideal for growing tropical plants and flowers.

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