Pride Campaigns

Atlantic Forest Hotspot
Country: Brazil
Parnter: Instituto de Estudos Socio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia
Campaign Manager: Ana Roberta Gomes

Cape Floristic Region Hotspot
Country: South Africa
Partner: Cape Nature
Campaign Manager: Jakob Hanekom

Country: South Africa
Partner: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality
Campaign Manager: Clyde Scott

Guinean Forests of West Africa Hotspot
Country: Sierra Leone
Partner: The Environmental Foundation for Africa
Campaign Manager: Edward Sesay

Mesoamerica Hotspot
Country: Nicaragua
Partner: Fundación para el Desarollo Sustenible
Campaign Manager: Maria Ignacia Galleano

Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot
Country: China
Partner: Roots and Shoots - China / Jane Goodall Institute
Campaign Manager: Zhang Zhe

The Philippines Hotspot
Country: Philippines
Partner: Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Campaign Manager: Melania Dirain

Country: Philippines
Partner: The Katala Foundation
Campaign Manager: Indira Lacerna Widmann

Country: Indonesia
Partner: Conservation International
Campaign Manager: Akbar Ario Digdo

Country: Indonesia
Partner: Fauna and Flora International
Campaign Manager: Tisna Nando

Country: Indonesia
Partner: Conservation International
Campaign Manager: Rully Prayoga

Succulent Karoo Hotspot
Country: South Africa
Partner: Conservation International
Campaign Manager: Morne Farmer

Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena Hotspot
Country: Ecuador
Partner: Municipal Government of the Canton of San Lorenzo del Pailon
Campaign Manager: Luis Adolfo Carvache