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Pride Campaign: Sundaland

Country: Indonesia

Partner: Conservation International

Campaign Manager: Akbar Ario Digdo

Project Area: Northern Sumatra (Pakpak Bharat district)

Principal Threats: Landslides, flooding, illegal logging, shifting agriculture

Campaign Goal: To conserve Pakpak Bharat forest ecosystem for the sustainable benefit for the people

Campaign Slogan: Bright Pakpak Nature, Bright My Future

Flagship Species: Orangutan (Pongo abelii)

Proposed Campaign SMART Objectives:
  • Objective 1: By April 2006, school student involvement in conservation activities will increase by 25%, (reduce “never” answer from 52% to 27% when asked about involvement in conservation activities)
  • Objective 2: By April 2006, farmer involvement in conservation activities will increase by 15% (reduce “never” answer from 64% to 49% when asked about involvement in conservation activities)
  • Objective 3: By April 2006, the ‘Adat’ traditional council, with the support of the general public, will provide at least 10 hectares of unmanaged land for reforestation activities as the demonstration plot
  • Objective 4: By April 2006, there will be at least one village regulation that mentions water resources and buffer zone conservation/management
  • Objective 5: By April 2006, farmers will be informed about protected areas in Pakpak Bharat and 30% (up from 10%) can mention the name of Pakpak’s protected areas correctly
  • Objective 6: By April 2006, more biological information on Pakpak’s natural resources will be available, with at least two biodiversity studies (up from zero) completed within Pakpak Bharat protected areas
  • Objective 7: By April 2006, there will be at least one local regulation at district level that strengthens Pakpak Bharat protected areas status
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© Tisna Nando
Campaign Manager Abkar Ario Digdo poses with puppets he created for his campaign to conserve Pakpak Bharat forest ecosystem in northern Sumatra.

Index to CEPF-supported Pride campaigns

Related stories:
- November 2004, In Focus: Marketing Social Change
- August 2003, In Focus: Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Chameleon) © CI, Russell A. Mittermeier