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Pride Campaign: Sundaland

Country: Indonesia

Partner: Fauna and Flora International

Campaign Manager: Tisna Nando

Project Area: Aceh Jaya District

Principal Threats: Deforestation, illegal logging, floods, hunting

Campaign Goal: To conserve the forest, water and wildlife resources of Southern Siberut for future generations

Flagship Species: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus)

Proposed Campaign SMART Objectives:
  • Objective 1: By August 2005, 50% of the students (aged 15 -19 years) will understand the importance of conserving Aceh Jaya forest and can give three reason for doing so
  • Objective 2: By August 2005, 30% (up from 13, 9%) of students will be aware that damaging the forest will increase human-elephant conflict
  • Objective 3: By August 2005, 50 % of the students (aged 15-19 years) will have correctly named (at least one species) of wildlife found only in Sumatra
  • Objective 4: By August 2005, of 30% of (up from 12.8%) of students (aged 15 – 19 years) will have participated on conservation related activities
  • Objective 5: Through educating the general public (Farmers, fishermen, trader, housewife and local government) about the importance of conserving Sumatran lowland forest in Aceh Jaya, by the end of year 2005, 50% of the general public can name 3 threats to their forest area and say what they can do to protect it
  • Objective 6: By August 2005, of 20 % of female (reduce from 49.5%) will say they heard the news about Sumatran elephant conservation
  • Objective 7: By August 2005, of 30 % of female (reduce from 41%) will say they have been involved in the conservation related activities in Aceh Jaya district and can name 3 ways to doing so
  • Objective 8: By educating the general public about the importance of conserving Sumatran lowland forest in Aceh Jaya, by the end of year 2005, 50% of available forest remaining will be established as a new elephant sanctuary
  • Objective 9: By August, of 25-30% general public (up from 5.6%) will know the protected area status of Aceh Jaya forest
  • Objective 10: By the end 2006, Aceh Jaya district leader (Bupati) will have signed the petition to support the designation of elephant sanctuary

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Pride Campaign Leader Tisna Nando (left).

Index to CEPF-supported Pride campaigns

Related stories:
- November 2004, In Focus: Marketing Social Change
- August 2003, In Focus: Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education

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