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Tropical Andes

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Tropical Andes

Sometimes called the "global epicenter of biodiversity," the Tropical Andes is the biologically richest and most diverse of Earth's biodiversity hotspots. The hotspot is home to 20,000 plants found nowhere else and at least 1,500 unique terrestrial vertebrates, including a spectacular array of birds and amphibians.

The greatest threat to biodiversity in this hotspot is human activity and population growth. Direct threats include inadequate management of protected areas, hydrocarbon development, gold mining, uncontrolled logging, road and dam construction, insufficient information on the biological and socioeconomic characteristics of the region, and limited collaboration and information sharing.

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) focuses on the Vilcabamba-Amboró biodiversity conservation corridor—a 30-million-hectare expanse of rich biodiversity stretching from the Vilcabamba mountain range in southern Peru to Amboró National Park in central Bolivia.

As part of the overall strategy, three distinct protected area complexes will be connected and, when stitched together, could equal one of the biologically richest tapestries of life.

Six strategic directions guide CEPF's approach in the Vilcabamba-Amboró corridor:
  1. establish effective mechanisms for transboundary coordination, collaboration, and catalytic action
  2. strengthen bi-national coordination of protected areas systems
  3. encourage community-based biodiversity conservation and natural resource management
  4. strengthen public awareness and environmental education
  5. strengthen environmental and legal policy frameworks
  6. establish an electronic information exchange, coordinated information, and data-gathering mechanism

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News & Feature Archive


Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in the Tropical Andes (PDF, 748 KB)

Full strategy with graphics English (PDF, 500 KB) / Español (PDF, 484 KB)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Rain forest) © Gerry Ellis / Minden Pictures