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Tropical Andes

Award for Legal Pioneers: Environmental law group Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) recently won one of the first annual MacArthur Awards for Creative and Effective Institutions for its pioneering work in establishing environmental laws and policies to protect Peru’s remarkable natural heritage. With support from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) since 2002, SPDA helped Peru’s government develop 10 new laws that have enabled landowners and other civil society groups to create private nature reserves. Thanks in large part to SPDA’s efforts, Peru’s first private reserve – known as a “servidumbre” in Spanish – was recently created in Cuzco.

  • Read José Luis Capella’s firsthand experience as a senior attorney at SPDA.
  • With support from CEPF, SPDA produced a printed publication titled "Manual de Instrumentos legales para la conservación privada en el Perú," which is available for download as a PDF.

- October 2006

February 2006
New Partnership to Launch Small Grants Program in Bolivia
In an effort to help communities manage their natural resources in and around protected areas, CEPF has teamed with Fundación Protección y Uso Sostenible del Medio Ambiente (Fundación PUMA) to launch a $1 million program to make a long-term impact on biodiversity conservation in the Tropical Andes Hotspot.

September 2005
Brazil Nut Farmers Crack Forest Conservation in the Tropical Andes
One hundred and thirty pioneering Brazil nut producers in the Amazonian region of Madre de Dios, Peru recently won formal Brazil nut concessions from the Peruvian National Institute for Natural Resources.

July 2005
Back to School: Change Takes Root in Rural Bolivia
High in the Bolivian Andes, Instituto para la Conservación y la Investigación de la Biodiversidad undertook an innovative educational program to get schoolchildren and their parents to take the initiative on conservation projects and think for themselves.

February 2005
World Bank, CEPF Forge Greater Links
Representatives from the World Bank, CEPF, local civil society groups and governments across Latin America recently met to explore improving linkages between CEPF and Bank operations.

May 2004
Andes Documentary Premieres Reach 3.7 Million Viewers
Tesoros Sin Fronteras, an award-winning documentary produced by Conservation International in collaboration with Bolivia's National Service for Protected Areas and Peru's National Institute for Natural Resources, recently premiered in the Bolivian cities of La Paz and Santa Cruz and resulted in extensive media coverage.

February 2004
Developing Legal Tools for Conservation
A new guide to private conservation tools is now available as part of a project by Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental to advance conservation of the Vilcabamba-Amboró conservation corridor in the Tropical Andes hotspot.

November 2003
Control Posts to Help Combat Illegal Logging in Peru
Illegal loggers in Peru’s Alto Purus Reserved Zone will find their activities much harder with the arrival of three new control posts.

November 2003
Rainforest Alliance Launches Expanded Eco-Index
English / Español
Now it is easier than ever to find detailed information about conservation projects in Latin America through the Eco-Index, an Internet resource managed by the Rainforest Alliance. The Alliance launched a redesigned and expanded Eco-Index site earlier this month to help busy conservationists more speedily discover what their colleagues are doing in the region.

September 2003
Saving Polylepis Forests in Peru
The American Bird Conservancy and the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of Andean Ecosystems have teamed up with three villages in southern Peru to protect polylepis forests, sometimes called "enchanted forests" and home to three of South America's endangered birds: the royal cinclodes, the ash-breasted tit-tyrant and the white-browed tit-spinetail.

July 2003
Ecotourism Exchange in the Amazon Advances Community-Based Ecotourism
In the midst of the Amazon a unique ecotourism exchange program is giving community-based ecotourism stakeholders the boost they need to better conserve local cultures and environments, improve local economies and potentially reach tourist markets around the world.
Related stories:
- The Meeting of Two Worlds in the Bolivian Amazon
- Host to Host: Lessons Learned

November 2002
Rainforest Alliance to Expand Virtual Conservation Resource in Neotropics
Eco-Index, a Web-based, bilingual almanac of nearly 400 conservation projects in Mesoamerica, will be dramatically expanded over the next year. The expansion will include adding more projects in the region and projects in the Atlantic Forest, Chocó-Darién-Western Ecuador and Tropical Andes hotspots as part of a CEPF grant approved in late October.

August 2002
Peruvian Government Extends Manu National Park
The Government of Peru issued a supreme decree in July extending Manu National Park by 215,538 hectares, bringing the park's total area to 1,716,295 hectares. The action is another dramatic advance for turning the Vilcabamba-Amboró conservation corridor, a 30-million-hectare expanse of high biodiversity straddling the Bolivia-Peru border, into a reality.

June 2002
Developing a Communications Strategy for the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor
Creating a broad, local constituency for biodiversity conservation goals is a major challenge but vital to ensure the success and sustainability of efforts. One major piece of a CEPF-funded project to meet the challenge in the Tropical Andes is a collaborative communications strategy development process that has proven successful in numerous countries.

May 2002
Dramatic Actions Advance Vision for Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor
Directors of three protected areas in the Tropical Andes hotspot signed a landmark transnational agreement in April to jointly coordinate and implement management efforts.

May 2002
TROPICO Ecological Restoration Project
Destructive gold mining is taking a serious toll on habitats across the Tropical Andes hotspot, eliminating native vegetation and filling rivers with sediment and pollutants. This month, a local organization will launch a community project to begin reversing the damage in Bolivia's Rio Tipuani Valley and, ultimately, create a model for other communities.
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SPDA is helping to establish a private reserve at the Abra de Malaga pass.

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