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Tropical Andes

Investment Priorities
Full Strategy
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Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in the Tropical Andes (PDF, 748 KB)

Full strategy with graphics English (PDF, 500 KB) / Español (PDF, 484 KB)

Tropical Andes Investment Priorities

Strategic Directions Investment Priorities
1.  Transboundary coordination, collaboration, and catalytic action within the corridor 1.1  A formalized coordination mechanism with one or more collaborating organizations staffed and operational by June 2001. Activities should focus on the following functions:
- coordination and establishment of strategic alliances
- act as interface between CEPF and partners
- provide repository and clearinghouse for corridor information
- conduct analysis and planning to inform conservation decisions
- develop a monitoring framework
- identify and undertake strategic actions to support a corridor conservation plan
- provide neutral forum for meetings and workshops
- manage a conservation action fund for the Corridor
1.2  Processes established and in use to ensure stakeholder involvement and buy-in amongst the various mechanisms supported by CEPF
1.3  Core bi-national working group of NGOs and government agencies supported
1.4  Small-grants mechanism established to support grass-roots initiatives, community outreach, time-sensitive research and other similar small-scale projects (A total of $200,000 to be granted over 3 years with no individual grant over $10,000)
2.  Strengthening binational coordination of protected area systems 2.1  Support provided for the realization of protected area planning workshops with participation of government agencies, local & international NGO's, grassroots groups, and indigenous groups.
2.2  National and bi-national exchanges of protected area managers funded as well as the eventual inclusion of local participants in the actual management of protected areas
3.  Community-based biodiversity conservation and natural resource management 3.1  Ethnographic analyses of traditional knowledge, attitudes and environmental practices among rural populations supported in year 1
3.2  Support provided for a series of participatory workshops in each country for communities and indigenous unions to define actions and alliances
3.3  Selected community-based projects funded for implementation beginning in year 2. Possible project types include:
- Environmental awareness
- Legal issues
- Institutional strengthening
- Business management
4.  Public awareness and environmental education 4.1  Support provided for the creation of joint communication and environmental education strategies during year 1
4.2  Development and implementation of environmental education strategies for urban areas and selected settlements supported
4.3  Support provided for the creation of environmental curricula and the teacher training programs to accompany this new curricula
4.4  Creation of informative documents to be distributed to selected politicians and decision-makers funded.
4.5  Focused communication strategy supported to include:
- environmental radio shows
- television spots
- training of local media
- video documentaries
5.  Strengthening environmental and legal policy frameworks 5.1  Support provided for the creation of bi-nationally coordinated proposals for sustainable exploitation of natural resources to be submitted to policy-makers.
5.2  Policy and economic analyses on extractive industries, transportation and tourism funded
5.3  Workshops on extractive resource management, infrastructure mitigation and tourism mitigation supported
5.4  Development of a set of environmental policy and legal recommendations supported as well as events to engage decision-makers, donors, extractive business interests and others in constructive dialogue on how to implement these recommendations
6.  Electronic information exchange and coordinated information and data-gathering mechanisms 6.1  Regional biological assessments will be funded during year 2, based on the results of the general assessments, for the creation of comprehensive lists of:
- vertebrate species
- standardized vegetation types
- associated plant species
- the highest priority areas for biodiversity conservation
6.2  Support provided for the management and periodic updating of the corridor monitoring system to include responsibilities such as:
- conducting multi-temporal analyses of land use and coverage changes
- coordinating field research for rapid change monitoring
- establishing new field studies in areas of human activity on wildlife and fisheries
6.3  A unified database organized by Hotspot - Corridor - Project - Site will be funded and access will be provided at least to all CEPF participants
6.4  The establishment of an electronic information exchange mechanism will be supported for CEPF participants and others by end of year 1 and will be maintained throughout CEPF activity.

* Note: CEPF is not accepting letters of inquiry for the Tropical Andes Hotspot at this time. Get more information about our related funding mechanisms or other funding resources. Tell a Friend About CEPF

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(Rain forest) © Gerry Ellis / Minden Pictures