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Northern Mesoamerica
Investment Priorities
Full Strategy
Project Database for this Region

Southern Mesoamerica
Investment Priorities
Full Strategy
Project Database for this Region

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Fact sheet English (PDF, 50 KB) / Español (PDF, 88 KB)

Northern Mesoamerica:
- Full strategy with graphics: English (PDF, 1 MB) / Español (PDF, 1 MB)
- Map of CEPF conservation targets in the region (PDF, 2.5 MB)

Southern Mesoamerica:
- Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in the Mesoamerica Biodiversity Hotspot (Southern Mesoamerica) (PDF, 320 KB), April 2007
- Full strategy with graphics: English (PDF, 747 KB) / Español (PDF, 753 KB)

Southern Mesoamerica Investment Priorities

1.  Strengthen key conservation alliances and networks within integral corridors 1.1  Support existing alliances such as the Talamanca/Osa/Bocas regional alliance, Osa alliance and Northern Costa Rica working alliance to further key common agendas in advocacy, communication and land tenure efforts through targeted civil society efforts
1.2  Create a coordinating group, led by the NGO community, that will guide conservation actions In the Cerro Silva-Indio Maiz-La Selva Corridor
1.3  Support a civil society effort to integrate and incorporate NGO concerns into CCAD and PPP efforts
2.  Connect critical areas through economic alternatives 2.1  Support NGO efforts to evaluate modalities for establishing additional private conservation areas to integrate connectivity among key areas
2.2  Support civil society efforts and community efforts to establish best practices in coffee, cocoa, and tourism in areas of potential connectivity
3.  Promote awareness and conservation of flagship species 3.1  Implement awareness programs focused on flagship species in order to improve public understanding of the value of biodiversity
3.2  In coordination with UNDP's Small Grants Program, establish an emergency fund to support projects that will help protect critically endangered species
4.  Support improved management of key protected areas 4.1  Support civil society efforts to create participatory management plans in target areas and provide opportunities for civil society to participate in government led planning processes
4.2  Support civil society efforts to establish the Maquenque National Park in northern Costa Rica
4.3  Support civil society efforts to establish protected areas within the Ngobe-Bugle indigenous territory
4.4  Support efforts by the NGO and private sector community to provide financial incentives for private reserves and conservation set-asides
4.5  Support targeted civil society efforts to implement discreet elements of existing management plans

* Note: CEPF is not accepting letters of inquiry for the southern region of the Mesoamerica Hotspot at this time. Get more information about our related funding mechanisms or other funding resources. Tell a Friend About CEPF

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(Rain forest) © Gerry Ellis / Minden Pictures