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Succulent Karoo

Sept. 4, 2007
Replacing Dumps with Daisies

Based on input from a community participation meeting, the Namaqualand Restoration Initiative is helping replant mined areas across the Succulent Karoo Hotspot.

March 2007
New Booklet for Managing the Sperrgebiet
The Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP) sub-region Namibia recently launched a booklet on one of Namibia's newest national parks, the Sperrgebiet.

November 2006
Mining Giant Commits to Conservation
New funding is helping the Namaqualand Restoration Initiative develop protocols to re-establish indigenous plant species in the Succulent Karoo Hotspot.

October 2006
Conservation First for Bushmanland
A key business partner in the Succulent Karoo Hotspot has agreed to set aside 25,000 hectares of highly threatened habitat as a conservation management area.

August 2006
Partners Join in New Alliance
The Namibian Wildlife Coalition aims to share resources, knowledge, and expertise regarding large carnivores in the Succulent Karoo Hotspot.

June 2005
Wines, Mines, and Sustainable Development
In two South African industries, innovative conservation approaches are showing great promise in conserving the Cape Floristic Region and Succulent Karoo hotspots.

May 2005
World Bank and CEPF Build Greater Links in Africa
Representatives from the World Bank, CEPF, the United Nations Development Program, and governments from several African countries met at the second in a series of regional meetings to explore how to improve linkages between the CEPF initiative and Bank operations.

March 2005
Namibian Nature Foundation to Coordinate Succulent Karoo Investments
The Namibian Nature Foundation will soon take charge of coordinating the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program (SKEP) in the Namibian portion of the Succulent Karoo Hotspot.

November 2004
Marketing Social Change
Thirteen individuals in nine biodiversity hotspots are being trained in social marketing and the art of convincing local communities and governments that conservation is key.

June 2004
Namibia Declares Sperrgebiet As National Park
Known worldwide as the source of exclusive diamonds, the Sperrgebiet is set to become the gem of Namibia’s protected areas as the result of a recent decision by the country’s cabinet to proclaim the region as a national park.

May 2004
Mining Company Commitment Helps Bushmanland Initiative
The Bushmanland Conservation Initiative is getting a head start on creating a 60,000-hectare protected area in the Succulent Karoo Hotspot following a commitment in April by a local mining company for both in-kind donations and future collaboration on conservation.

January 2004
Connecting Conservationists In Africa
Two former Reuters news service correspondents, a chartered accountant and others have teamed together to develop a news service about Africa that will work in all three of these areas in the first dedicated service of its kind. And now you can help.

August 2003
Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
A multinational team is nearing the end of an intensive 10 weeks of specialized training to become community educators with a single mission: to promote local pride in the environment in some of the planet's most threatened ecosystems.

April 2003
Stakeholders Forge Common Ground in Succulent Karoo
More than 130 people attended a special event in the heart of the Succulent Karoo biodiversity hotspot to mark the launch of the CEPF investment strategy for the region.

October 2002
Team Pioneers Coalition-Led Approach to Conservation
A team of more than 30 individuals from 15 institutions in Namibia and South Africa is working to establish a common vision and strategy among diverse stakeholders for conserving the Succulent Karoo Hotspot.
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© CI, Nina Marshall
Namaqualand daisies in Namaqua National Park.

Learn more about our investment strategy for this hotspot.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Chameleon) © CI, Russell A. Mittermeier