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New Booklet for Managing the Sperrgebiet

The Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP) sub-region Namibia launched a booklet entitled "The Sperrgebiet – Managing its biodiversity" together with the Blood Finger DVD. The Minister of Environment and Tourism, Honorable Rev. Willem Konjore, officially launched the products on March 2, 2007, in Aus, Namibia.

"The Sperrgebiet - Managing its Biodiversity" booklet seeks to promote sound management of a biodiversity hotspot of international importance by providing baseline information, as well as good monitoring strategies for stakeholders involved in the management of the Succulent Biome.

The DVD revels in the visual splendor of the Namibian portion of the Succulent Biome, which includes Namibia's newest National Park - The Sperrgebiet. It is envisaged that the visual information provided in the DVD production will be valuable for all stakeholders interested in the long-term conservation of the Namibia Succulent Karoo Biome.

On the same occasion, the SKEP–Namibia small grants program held a signing ceremony of eight recently approved projects. An amount of R453,000 has been earmarked for those projects, which comprise research, environmental education, marketing, and livelihood. Before handing over the cheques to various grantees, Konjore encouraged the recipients to use funds for the intended purposes and at the same time promote good governance at the local level.

The Succulent Karoo is one of the biological wonders of the world, with an unrivalled level of diversity and endemism for an arid area. Creating awareness about the importance of the Succulent Karoo has been identified as one of the four strategic focal areas, as well as the first step to ensuring conservation practices are adapted. Development of educational and awareness materials on biodiversity through facilitative participatory approaches (e.g., video, books) is recognized as a strategy in contributing to this strategic focal area.

- March 2007

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© Namibia Nature Foundation
The "Managing the Sperrgebiet" booklet and accompanying DVD are available through the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP).

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