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Working with communities for conservation

The following links provide examples and descriptions of CI's work with indigenous people and communities around the world. For more information about CI and our work, please feel free to contact us.

Centers and Programs

Human Dimenions of Biodiversity Program (HDP) at the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS)
The Human Dimensions of Biodiversity Program explores the complex dynamics of the relationship between people and the conservation of species and their habitats.

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
CEPF engages civil society in efforts to conserve biodiversity in the biodiversity hotspots.

Verde Ventures
Through Verde Ventures, CI recognizes the important role of small business in the conservation of biodiversity and employment of local people in jobs which preserve local natural resources for future generations.

Ecotourism Program
CI's Ecotourism Program helps to ensure that local people benefit from tourism, and that communities receive training and support to establish and manage their own ecotourism businesses.

Conservation Enterprise
CI works with communities to find new ways to generate income for local people while helping to conserve natural habitats.

Population Environment Program
The Population Environment Program seeks to reduce human impact and pressure on the limited natural resources in rural, biologically rich areas and improve local conservation activities by providing communities with basic health services, such as family planning and reproductive health services, and information and training in improved agricultural or agroforestry techniques.

News and Program Highlights

Corridor project portends hope for the war-torn Congo
Tribal leaders guide a project to save eastern lowland gorillas.

Green Khampa: New Tibetan NGO takes its first steps
A small group of Khampa Tibetans is dedicated to boosting sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.

A road less travelled
The success of local ecotourism initiatives has begun a movement to take ecotourism principles from the site to the global level.

Sumatran tragedy a wake-up call to protect natural resources
Flash floods in Indonesia brought to light the impacts of illegal logging on communities and nature alike.

CI and the Yek'wana peoples in Venezuela's Caura Basin
The traditional lifestyle of the Yek'wana people are a key factor in the presevation of the vast Caura River Basin.

Expedition to Botswana's Gudigwa Camp
The community-owned Gudigwa camp provides economic alternatives for the Bukakhwe San Bushmen.

Otishi National Park: Rallying communities for conservation
Indigenous communities in Peru contribute to the establishment of Otishi National Park and adjacent community reserves.

Conservation corridors: Helping people and nature co-exist
Conservation corridors protect biodiversity through a network of land uses, including agriculture, human settlements and even industrial activities.

Kayapó indigenous territories: Preserving ancestral lands
The Kayapó nation sets the conservation agenda for their land.

CI mobilizes communities and presidents to preserve Andes treasure

Indigenous people and local communities are critical to the success of a binational conservation corridor in Bolivia and Peru.

"Hell": A conservation paradise
The Peruvian indigenous community, Infierno, is a model for wildlife management and sustainable economic development along the Vilcabamba-Amboró corridor.

New coffee a boon for Colombian biodiversity
Conservation Coffee in Colombia provides a biodiversity-friendly alternative to cattle ranching.

Ghanaian clan customs offer way out of bushmeat crisis
Reawakening Ghana's clan traditions put the brakes on the country's bushmeat trade.

A call of the wild: An interview with CI-Ghana Director Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei
CI-Ghana Director, Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei, discusses his life in Ghana and why traditions and culture are important for conservation.

Defending Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains
Former soldier talks about his committment to conservation.


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Photo credits for banner images: (Greater Flamingos © Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures); (Diagonal-banded Sweetlips © Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures);
(Madagascar Aloe © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hippo © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures); (Hummingbird © Pete Oxford); (Malagasy Frog © Piotr Naskrecki/CI)