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The work of The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business has been featured in many media outlets. Below is a representative sample of recent coverage.

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Oil & Gas Journal - February 17, 2003 -Camisea Impacts Letter to the Editor, by Glenn Prickett. In a letter to the editor, Glenn Prickett, the Center's Executive Director, addresses Bob William's article "Pluspetrol: Camisea could spur Peruvian gas exploration boom like Bolivia's" (OGJ Online, Nov. 6, 2002). Prickett argues that while potentially important for oil and gas development, the Camisea project also impacts areas of tremendous importance to global biodiversity and traditional lands of many indigenous groups. Only the coordinated work of government agencies, companies, civil society, and multilateral agencies will ensure the development of a project that will translate in economic profit while preserving the invaluable natural and cultural richness found in the project area. (complete text)

Wall Street Journal - August 28, 2002 - Summit Displays Growing Ties Between U.N., Global Business by Jeffrey Ball As part of its special coverage of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the Wall Street Journal focused on the increasing number of partnerships between corporations and non-governmental organizations. The Energy & Biodiversity Initiative, convened by the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business, is highlighted in the article as one of those partnerships that the International Chamber of Commerce and the U.N. had selected as a leadership example of sustainable development partnerships.

Far Eastern Economic Review - October 25, 2001 - To Cleanse a Poisoned Land by Jonathan Finer.
In a section entitled "Sustaining Asia: Environment" the Review discusses how policymakers, industry leaders and activists are forging unlikely alliances to pursue cleaner practices and profits. In talking about the Center's work in this area, Center executive director Glenn Prickett is quoted as saying that rather than confront companies, the goal of the Center "is to constructively engage the private sector in environmental solutions."

The New York Times (Sunday) - September 9, 2001 - Together at Last: Cutting Pollution and Making Money by Claudia H. Deutsch.
This article in the Money & Business section reports on companies that discovered that using better environmental business practices can help them turn a profit. Glenn Prickett, executive director of the Center, is quoted as saying "The notion that environment is just an expensive cost is way out of date." The article also talks about the Conservation International's work with the Starbucks Coffee Company. Regarding the Shade Grown Mexico coffee product, Orin Smith, president and CEO, stated to the reporter "We risked this for the environmental benefits, but it now has potential to be a really profitable product."

Business Week Magazine - August 6, 2001 - Confronting Anti-Globalism.
In its weekly editorial section, the Business Week editors focused on the anti-globalization debate. The editorial uses the Starbucks-Conservation International partnership as an example of smart companies working with proactive organizations.

CBS MarketWatch.Com - August 2, 2001 - Starbucks Drinks to 5 years in Japan by Bill Clifford.
This online article begins with the news about Starbucks celebrating its 5th anniversary in Japan. The article continues on to describe Starbucks' release of Shade Grown Mexico and CI's Conservation Coffee program. Orin Smith, Starbucks president and CEO, is quoted as saying, "This project isn't charity, it's about business."

USA Today - July 26, 2001 - 'Cause Coffees' Produce a Cup with an Agenda by Patrick McMahan.
This front page article talks about the popularity of environmental and fair-trade coffee with consumers. The article talks about Starbucks offering these types of coffee and mentions CI's Conservation Coffee program. Orin Smith, Starbucks president and CEO, is quoted as saying, "There is extraordinary excitement with people in our stores about things like shade-grown."

The Osgood File (CBS Radio Network) - July 26, 2001 - Sun Grown Coffee Bad for Environment vs. Shade Grown Coffee Eco-Appropriate.
This daily radio feature re-aired a piece talking about the shade-grown coffee vs. sun-grown coffee. Matt Quinlan, Director of CI's Coffee program is quoted as saying, "By working with CI on credit, agricultural assistance and developing new markets, these farmers are able to obtain full value for their coffee."

The Associated Press - July 5, 2001 - Ford Gives $25M to Environment Center.
The Associated Press ran an article on its wire services describing the launch of the Center. Martin Zimmermann, Ford's vice president of government affairs is quoted as saying, "We're at a crucial point in our ability to address environmental issues. Through our involvement in the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business we intend to act in the interests of both our shareholders and society."

The Washington Post - July 3, 2001 - Ford Money Drives Environmental Partnership by Richard Morin and Claudia Deane.
In the first article about the launch of the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business, Jason W. Anderson, the Center's Media Manager, is quoted as saying, "CI's idea here is that corporations and the environmental sector can work together; environmentalists should harness the private sector's ingenuity to make a difference."

Green@Work Magazine - July/August 2001 - Private Sector Ingenuity at Work.
Green @Work, an environmental business magazine, ran an article about the launch of the Center, its objectives and listed the board members. Peter Seligman, chairman and CEO of Conservation International, is quoted as saying, "Solving the planet's most pressing environmental problems requires the ingenuity of the private sector. Leading corporations like Ford Motor Company are recognizing that their effect on the environment is a core business issue."

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