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Verde Ventures
Verde Ventures is a fund designed to strengthen small- and medium-sized enterprises that are strategically important to biodiversity conservation. The fund provides debt and equity financing of $30,000-$500,000 to select businesses in CI’s priority areas. To learn more, please visit: Verde Ventures

Equator Ventures
The Equator Initiative is a partnership that brings together the United Nations, civil society, business, governments and communities to help build the capacity and raise the profile of grassroots efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. To learn more please visit: Equator Ventures

Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF)
CEPF provides strategic assistance to nongovernmental organizations, community groups and other civil society partners to help safeguard Earth’s biodiversity hotspots. A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation. To learn more please visit: CEPF

Centers for Biodiversity Conservation (CBSs)
CI's Centers for Biodiversity Conservation (CBCs) are regional programs working extensively with partners to carry out their biodiversity conservation strategies. Most CBCs receive funding from the Moore Foundation, which funds CI to build regional capacity. CI assigns 30% of this funding to partners. CI's regional program management administers the funding of partners. To learn more about funding through CBCs, please visit (links at bottom of page): CI's country programs

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