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Investment Priorities
Full Strategy
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Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in Madagascar: English (PDF, 407 KB) / Français (PDF, 320 KB)

Full strategy with graphics English (PDF, 361 KB) / Français (PDF, 390 KB)

Madagascar Investment Priorities

Strategic Directions Investment Priorities
1.  Integrating local groups and individuals into the management of protected areas and reserves 1.1  Financial and technical support to existing parks and reserve management teams
1.2  Promotion of protected-area partnerships involving local and international NGO participation
1.3  Specific training programs for local groups
1.4  Participatory planning processes to develop corridor concept strategies (linking existing protected areas to form corridors)
1.5  Regional priority-setting and similar participatory processes
1.6  Basic biological inventories of existing and newly-protected areas, classified forests, and forest reserves
2.  Private sector conservation initiatives 2.1  Targeted initiatives such as:
- small-scale nature tourism projects linking benefits to communities
- plantation forestry models
- models of private sector engagement in biodiversity conservation
2.2  Research and development of appropriate carbon sequestration methods, such as:
- feasibility studies
- demonstration projects
3.  Biodiversity conservation and management training programs 3.1  Training programs such as:
- guide training
- training in species knowledge
- national university programs
- support for the collaborative creation of overseas training programs and scholarships
4.  Public awareness and advocacy 4.1  Awareness and information campaigns:
- promotions highlighting importance of biological diversity
- promoting biodiversity as a national asset
5.  Biodiversity Action Fund. Small grants not to exceed $10,000 5.1  Individual and start-up initiatives such as:
- small workshops
- critical travel needs
- field equipment and biodiversity publications
- individual and small scale grassroots conservation initiatives
6.  Creation of a participatory monitoring and coordination network 6.1  Creation and implementation of a coordination mechanism consisting of:
- a core alliance of organizations with significant technical capacity and strong program history in the region
- advisory panel to include a selection of top scientists
- participation in identification and review of potential CEPF projects
- an active role in monitoring CEPF projects' implementation
6.2  Establishment of electronic information management and communication mechanism

* Note: CEPF is not accepting letters of inquiry for Madagascar at this time. Get more information about our related funding mechanisms or other funding resources. Tell a Friend About CEPF

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(Rain forest) © Gerry Ellis / Minden Pictures