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Eastern Arc Mountains

Investment Priorities
Full Strategy
Project Database for this Region

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- Fact sheet (PDF, 49 KB)
- Full strategy with graphics and appendices (PDF, 1 MB)
- Map of CEPF conservation targets in the region (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests Investment Priorities

Strategic Directions Investment Priorities
1.  Increase the ability of local populations to benefit from and contribute to biodiversity conservation, especially in and around Lower Tana River Forests; Taita Hills; East Usambaras/Tanga; Udzungwas; and Jozani Forest 1.1  Evaluate community-based forest management initiatives in the hotspot to determine best practices.
1.2  Promote nature-based, sustainable businesses that benefit local populations in the hotspot.
1.3  Explore possibilities for direct payments and easements (Conservation Concessions) for biodiversity conservation in the hotspot and support where appropriate.
1.4  Build the capacity of community-based organizations in the hotspot for advocacy in support of biodiversity conservation at all levels.
1.5  Support cultural practices that benefit biodiversity in the hotspot.
1.6  Research and promote eco-agricultural options for the local populations of the hotspot.
2.  Restore and increase connectivity among fragmented forest patches, especially in Lower Tana River Forests; Taita Hills; East Usambaras/Tanga; and Udzungwas

2.1  Assess potential sites in the hotspot for connectivity interventions.
2.2  Support initiatives that maintain or restore connectivity in the hotspot.
2.3  Monitor and evaluate initiatives that maintain or restore connectivity in the hotspot.
2.4  Support best practices for restoring connectivity in ways that also benefit people.
3.  Improve biological knowledge in the hotspot (all 160 sites eligible) 3.1  Refine and implement a standardized monitoring program across the 160 eligible sites.
3.2  Support research in the less studied of the 160 eligible sites in the hotspot.
3.3  Monitor populations of Critically Endangered and Endangered Species in the hotspot.
3.4  Support research in the hotspot to facilitate Red List assessments and re-assessments for plants, reptiles, invertebrates and other taxa.
3.5  Compile and document indigenous knowledge on hotspot sites and species.
3.6  Support awareness programs that increase public knowledge of biodiversity values of the hotspot.
4.  Establish a small grants program in the hotspot (all 160 sites eligible) that focuses on Critically Endangered species and small-scale efforts to increase connectivity of biologically important habitat patches 4.1  Support targeted efforts to increase connectivity of biologically important habitat patches.
4.2  Support efforts to increase biological knowledge of the sites and to conserve critically endangered species.
5.  Develop and support efforts for further fundraising for the hotspot 5.1  Establish a professional resource mobilization unit, within an appropriate local partner institution, for raising long-term funds and resources for the hotspot.
5.2  Utilize high-level corporate contacts to secure funding from the private sector for the hotspot.
5.3  Train local NGOs and community-based organizations in fundraising and proposal writing.

* Please note that Letters of Inquiry for strategic directions 1, 2, 3, and 4 are no longer being accepted. Tell a Friend About CEPF

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(Rain forest) © Gerry Ellis / Minden Pictures