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Strategic Framework





Strategic Framework, FY 2008-2012

VI. Sustainability

Ecological sustainability. The fundamental premise of CEPF is that large-scale actions taken by multi-lateral institutions and national government agencies to protect biodiversity (and, therefore, functioning ecosystems on which many economic systems depend) are more likely to succeed if they are both influenced and supported by civil society. This 5-year period of CEPF will contribute to ecological sustainability in at least 14 hotspots through directed and strategic civil society actions that will complement government and other donor conservation programs. The project’s components and specific elements are designed to interlink, with each complementing and building upon the activities in the other, to contribute to sustainability of project initiatives, influence larger policy and institutional framework, and ensure ecosystem conservation in the long term.

Social and institutional sustainability. The CEPF experience to date demonstrates that the program can strengthen positive roles for civil society in ensuring ecological sustainability, and in building long-term skills and strengthened environmental governance. When local communities are able to express their knowledge about the natural systems that form the basis of their livelihoods and can articulate their economic and cultural interests, better and more enduring decisions are likely to be made at national and international levels. A key part of the Regional Implementation Teams’ responsibilities will be to build the capacity of local actors to design and implement conservation activities. CEPF will empower civil society actors to directly assist in biodiversity conservation, acquire a positive stake in sustainable development programs, and become sources of improved design, support, and durability for those efforts, thereby also further contributing to ecological sustainability as well.

Financial sustainability. CEPF is a long-term, multi-donor program with different donors funding different time slices. To date, CEPF grantees have leveraged at least an additional $130 million toward specific projects and civil society activities within the hotspots, thereby contributing to sustainability of these efforts beyond CEPF involvement. The capacity of CEPF and the many civil society groups it has supported to attract other donors constitutes a significant market test of the initiative. It is highly unlikely that most of these funds would have been allocated by their donors to civil society-led conservation or the specific hotspots without the existence of the CEPF program.

In addition, CEPF will seek to further expand its formal donor base to ensure financial sustainability for the global program, as well as to again leverage significant funds at the hotspot level. Activities to be encouraged will also include piloting of specific innovative financial mechanisms, such as payments for ecosystem services and market transformation initiatives that would contribute to sustainability of results.

The funding model below illustrates the envisioned transition to this new Strategic Framework beginning in FY 08 based on the following assumptions:
  • The total goal for direct donor commitments to CEPF for implementation will be $150 million.
  • Ecosystem profiles will continue to be developed for each new hotspot selected for investment.
  • CEPF will manage the two phases of CEPF concurrently and present consolidated reporting that illustrates the full activity of the fund.

CEPF is planning for a seamless transition that will allow for continuity and solid investment management.

Per the original CEPF funding model, in FY 07 preparation (ecosystem profile development) funding for new regions ceased and grantmaking and Secretariat operations began to decline. In the new model below, the lighter shaded areas combined represent the total funding goal for this Framework and the start of new investments beginning in FY 08 based on the newly approved ecosystem profiles for the Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot, the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka Hotspot, and the Indochina Region of the Indo-Burma Hotspot, as well as future consolidation and expansion. CEPF Secretariat operations will not exceed 13 percent of the total.

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(Blue and yellow macaw) © André Bärtschi