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How We Work

Strategic Framework





Strategic Framework, FY 2008-2012

V. Monitoring and Evaluation

The CEPF monitoring approach focuses on monitoring and evaluating performance and impact of the overall program, as well at the ecosystem and individual project levels. The three levels will be carefully integrated to build linkages between the program’s overall purpose, the strategic directions and investment priorities identified to achieve selected conservation targets in each hotspot, and the many projects that CEPF supports.

Data gathered will inform decisions and adaptive management of ecosystem portfolios, as well as feed into analysis and documentation of best practices, lessons, and results within and across critical ecosystems and at the global level.

A global Results Framework provides the conceptual underpinning for the CEPF monitoring approach. Specific conservation targets and related indicators will also be developed as an integral part of the ecosystem profiling process for each hotspot.

Priorities for strengthening the monitoring approach during implementation will include (i) ensuring that conservation targets are defined in all regions that receive CEPF funding; (ii) improved outcomes monitoring at the ecosystem level in all critical ecosystems receiving funding; and (iii) sharing the results widely to demonstrate biodiversity impact and enable adaptive management by CEPF and the wider conservation community.

The Regional Implementation Teams will be responsible for monitoring all projects and will assist the CEPF Secretariat in portfolio-level monitoring. The approach will build upon and further strengthen the success of the first phase to conduct baseline assessments as part of developing the ecosystem profiles in partnership with local groups, and then to facilitate and support continuation of monitoring at the local level.

All grantees, including the Regional Implementation Teams, will submit regular financial and programmatic reports detailing progress toward specific deliverables. CEPF will also use the GEF tracking tools to monitor impact of protected area and other interventions. Monitoring at the ecosystem level will also draw data from the Biodiversity Early Warning System of CI’s Center for Applied Biodiversity Science at the midterm and the global monitoring programs of other conservation organizations to provide additional information and inform decisions on whether to adapt implementation.

CEPF will use global socioeconomic, policy, and civil society measures to better assess and monitor the impact of CEPF investments in improving people’s welfare, particularly with regard to poverty reduction, as well as capacity and empowerment of civil society groups. Selected, related indicators will be drawn from the Global Results Framework for monitoring at the ecosystem level. In addition, CEPF will continue to track results against key socioeconomic indicators agreed to date by the donor partners. These types of indicators and measures may also be further developed at the ecosystem level.

Monitoring by the CEPF Secretariat will include monitoring the performance of the Regional Implementation Teams and lead responsibility for producing mid-term and final analytical overviews of each ecosystem portfolio. These overviews will draw from the participatory assessments led by the Regional Implementation Teams and include details of interim progress toward the targets, lessons learned, and, in the case of the mid-term report, recommendations for changes to the targets or overall strategy, where appropriate.

The Secretariat will also be responsible for monitoring performance of the overall program and ensuring that all activities and financial management are carried out in compliance with the guidance of the Donor Council and the CEPF Operational Manual.

Evaluation will be mainstreamed into all levels of the program. In addition, the program’s overall performance will also be assessed through an independent evaluation under the direction of the Donor Council at the mid point of this Strategic Framework.

Global Results Framework

Objective Targets Use of Information
Strengthening the involvement and effectiveness of civil society in conservation and management of globally important biodiversity.
  • At least 14 critical ecosystems/hotspots with active investment programs involving civil society in conservation.
  • At least 600 civil society actors, including NGOs and the private sector, actively participate in conservation programs guided by the CEPF ecosystem profiles.
  • 20 million hectares of key biodiversity areas with strengthened protection and management2 including at least 8 million hectares of new protected areas3.
  • 1 million hectares in production landscapes managed for biodiversity conservation or sustainable use.
- YR 1-4: Gauge CEPF’s global performance in achieving coverage targets and key milestones against ecosystem profile targets.

- YR3: Contribute to independent mid-term assessment and adjust overall strategy and operations as recommended.

- All years: Identification and pursuit of opportunities for long-term sustainability and replication.

- Results feed into global outreach program, program evaluation.
Intermediate Outcomes Intermediate Targets Use of Information
Outcome 1:
Globally significant biodiversity is under improved management and protection.
  • At least 70% of targeted key biodiversity areas with strengthened protection and management.
  • At least 30% of projects globally enable effective stewardship of biodiversity and ecosystem services by indigenous and local communities in focal areas.
  • At least 10 sustainable financing mechanisms established or strengthened with initial capital secured.
  • At least 5 multi-regional projects contribute to the conservation of globally significant biodiversity.
- Profile Midterm: Gauge portfolio performance against targets and milestones identified in ecosystem profile. Refine Results Framework or profiles as needed. (Start-up in hotspots will be staggered.)

- Program Midterm: Assessment of contribution to GEF and CBD 2010 targets based on GEF tracking tools for protected areas and mainstreaming.

- All years: Identification and pursuit of opportunities for long-term sustainability and replication.

- All years: Results feed into global outreach program.

- End of Framework: Assessment of overall program achievement and contribution to CBD programs.
Outcome 2:
Biodiversity conservation is integrated into landscape and development planning as a result of increased local and national civil society capacity.
  • 60% of projects outside protected areas integrate biodiversity conservation in management practices.
  • At least 10 public-private partnerships mainstream biodiversity in the forestry, agriculture, and tourism sectors.
  • At least 50% of global grant funds allocated to local civil society groups4.
  • At least 70% of targeted communities involved in sustainable use projects show socioeconomic benefits.
- Profile Midterm: With each hotspot, gauge portfolio-level performance against targets and key milestones identified in ecosystem profile. Refine Results Framework or ecosystem profiles as needed. (Start-up in each hotspot will be staggered.)

- Framework Midterm: Assessment of contribution to GEF and CBD 2010 targets based on GEF tracking tool for mainstreaming.

- All years: Identification and pursuit of opportunities for long-term sustainability and replication.

- All years: Results feed into global outreach program.

- End of Framework: Assessment of overall program achievement and contribution to CBD work programs.
Outcome 3:
Effective monitoring and knowledge sharing.
  • 100% of CEPF regions possess baseline data and indicators and monitor and report against approved logical frameworks.
  • Select targets from global Results Framework standardized for all hotspots and contribute to global reporting and assessment.
  • At least 75% of civil society groups receiving grants effectively plan and manage conservation projects.
  • 2 learning exchanges and participatory assessments of portfolio-level results hosted and documented within each new hotspot for investment.
- All years: Portfolio reviews feed into strategy decisions.

- Midterm and end of Framework: Calibrate against other biodiversity status reports produced for the hotspot e.g. forest status, Important Bird Areas, etc.

- All years: Identifying best practice and lessons learned for dissemination and uptake.

- All years: Results feed into global outreach program.

- Midterm and end of Framework: Assess progress and examples of replication.
Outcome 4:
Ecosystem profiles act as shared strategies, and effective program-wide implementation and outreach.
  • Ecosystem profiles and investment strategies developed with stakeholders and financed for all new hotspots selected for investment.
  • In at least five hotspots, ecosystem profiles influence other donors’ investment strategies.
  • Regional Implementation Teams build capacity of local civil society groups to design and implement projects.
  • Overall program, including all activities and financial management, effectively monitored and in compliance with CEPF Operational Manual.
  • Program-wide replication strategy developed and implemented to disseminate best practice within and across hotspots.
  • 10 publications produced and disseminated on CEPF experiences, lessons learned, and specific themes.
  • 100% of final project reports compiled by grant recipients available online.
  • Visitors to Web site and newsletter subscribers increase by 70%.
  • 5 annual reports and 20 quarterly reports produced.
- All years: Results feed into profile planning, implementation and adaptation.

- All years: Profiles guide decisionmaking and assessments of progress and results.

- All years: Results feed into global reporting to CEPF donors and overall outreach program.

- Midterm and end of Framework: Results feed into evaluation.

2Guided by a sustainable management plan

3Protected through a formal legal declaration or community agreement

4CEPF defines a local civil society group as one that is legally registered in a country within the hotspot and has an independent board of directors or a similar type of independent governing structure.

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(Blue and yellow macaw) © André Bärtschi