Publications: Succulent Karoo
Reports compiled by project leaders detailing final results and lessons learned.
View reports.
- Biodiversity & Wine Initiative Newsletter, Vol. 2 Issue 2 July 2007 (PDF, 1.62 MB) / Vol. 2 Issue 1 January 2007 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Brown Hyena Research Project Newsletter, December 2006 (PDF, 271 KB) / September 2006 (PDF, 404 KB) / Archive
- CAPE Environment Newsletter, Vol. 2 April, May, June, 2007 (PDF, 349 KB), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
- The Cape Leopard Trust Newsletter, June 2007 (PDF, 178 KB) / April 2007 (PDF, 37 KB)
- The Golden Mole Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1 September 2006 (PDF, 791 KB) / Vol. 3, No. 3, November 2005 (PDF, 1.2 MB), Namib Desert Envionmental Education Trust
- Namibia Nature Foundation Newsletter, September 2005 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- South Africa Hotspots Program Newsletter Issue 3, April 2007 (PDF, 527 KB)
- Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program (SKEP) Newsletter current issue
- The Sub-region Namibia Annual Newsletter (PDF, 812 KB), SKEP
- A Description of the Endemic Flora and Vegetation of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Namaqualand, South Africa (PDF, 1.72 MB), Nick Helme
- The Annual Mole, 2006-2007 Annual Report (PDF, 772 KB) / 2005-2006 Annual Report (PDF, 703 KB), Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust
- Best Practice Guidelines for Minimizing Impacts on the Flora of the Southern Namib (PDF 1 MB), EnviroScience
Project Update October 2005 (PDF 25 KB), SKEP: Bushmanland Conservation Initiative
- SKEP 20-year Strategy (PDF, 1.8 MB), January 2003
- SKEP Coordination Unit Communications Strategy (MS Word, 430 KB), 2006
- SKEP Priority Area Fact Sheets: Bushmanland Inselbergs (PDF, 195 KB) / Central Namaqualand Coast (PDF, 241 KB) / Namaqualand Uplands (PDF, 254 KB) / Knersvlakte (PDF, 205 KB) / Hantam Tanqua Roggeveld (PDF, 255 KB) / Central Little Karoo (PDF, 249 KB)
- SKEP Progress Report 2006:
- Foreword and Contents (PDF, 3 MB)
- Introduction (PDF, 5 MB)
- Strategic Focal Area 1 (PDF, 2.4 MB)
- Strategic Focal Area 2 (PDF, 3 MB)
- Strategic Focal Area 3 (PDF, 2.7 MB)
- Strategic Focal Area 4, pages 20-24 (PDF, 4 MB) / pages 25-30 (PDF, 3.5 MB)
- Acknowledgements (PDF, 733 KB)
- Appendix Part 1 (PDF, 5.2 MB) / Part 2 (PDF, 4.3 MB)
- SKEPPIES Fund Brochure (PDF, 396 KB)
- SKEPPIES Fund Information Sheet (MS Word, 31 KB)
- SKEPPIES Fund Pilot Phase Report (PDF, 1.31 MB)
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