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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Succulent Karoo
A Conservation Awareness Raising Plan for the Bushmanland Inselberg Geographic Priority Area, Final report (PDF), Namprocon CC
A Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Succulent Karoo Biodiversity Resource and Conservation Center with Satellite Information Centers, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
A Transformation Map for the Little Karoo, Final report (PDF), Geo Terra Image (Pty) Ltd.
A Vegetation Map for the Little Karoo, Final report (PDF), Regalis Environmental Services CC
Alternative Small Predator Management Techniques in the Succulent Karoo : Options to Conserve Biodiversity, Final report (PDF), South African National Parks
An Inventory of the Rare and Endemic Plants and Habitats of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Final report (PDF, 19 KB) - Related report - A Description of the Endemic Flora and Vegetation of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Namaqualand, June 2006 (PDF, 1.72 MB), Nick Helme
Biodiversity Awareness Raising: Exhibitions and Biodiversity Fieldtrips During the Western Cape International Youth Festival, Final report (PDF), Western Cape International Youth Festival
Co-authorship of a Book titled East of the Cape–Conserving Eden, Final report (PDF), Shirley Pierce Cowling
Conservation Priorities for Insects of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Final report (PDF), Jonathan Colville
Developing a Fine-Scale Conservation Plan for the Kamiesberg Uplands, Final report (PDF), Philip Desmet
Development of the Sutherland Succulent Karoo Route: Catalyzing Conservation Through Ecotourism and Environmental Awareness, Final report (PDF, 28 KB), Garden Route Enviro Services
Ecological Interactions and Impact of the Tent Tortoise (Psammobates tentorius) on the Succulent Karoo Biome, Final report (PDF), University of Stellenbosch
Environmental Education Program for The Succulent Karoo Hotspot in Namibia: Phase 1 - Program Development, Final report (PDF), Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust
Facilitating the Transition from Conservation Planning to Action: Establishing SKEP Sub-regional Coordination Nodes, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Facilitating the Transition from Conservation Planning to Action: Providing Biodiversity Specialist Support to the SKEP Coordination Team, Final report (PDF), Botanical Society of South Africa
Formal Launching of CEPF-Funded SKEP Programme in Knersvlakte, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Impacts of Herbivores on the Succulent Karoo Vegetation of Anysberg Nature Reserve, Final report (PDF, 166 KB), University of Cape Town
Inventory, Mapping, and Increased Awareness of the Brown Hyena and Other Large Predators in the Sperrgebiet and Surrounding Areas, Namibia, Final report (PDF), Brown Hyena Research Project
Investing in Technology to Build Communication and Financial Management Capacity for Civil Society Biodiversity Conservation NGOs in African Hotspots, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Karoo Veld: Ecology & Management, Final report (PDF, 65 KB), University of Stellenbosch
Klein Karoo Awareness Project, Final report (PDF), L. H. Jordaan
Knersvlakte Biodiversity Awareness Raising Project, Final report (PDF, 37 KB), Masibambane Multi-Purpose Community Centre
Market Research Support to the Africa Environmental News Service, Final report (PDF), Equals Three Communications
Nieuwoudtville Biodiversity Facilitators Project, Final report (PDF), Indigo Development and Change
Piloting a Resource for Environmental Education in the Little Karoo, Final report (PDF), Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust
Planning the Knersvlakte Biodiversity Corridor, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Raising Awareness and Building Local Capacity for Project Design and Implementation Linked to SKEP Conservation Targets, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Sanna's Garden: Animated Animals Teach Kids about Conservation, Final report (PDF, 65 KB), Fopspeen Live Art
Sharing Lessons From the Succulent Karoo on Conservation Assessment and Planning, Final report (PDF), Philip Desmet
Southern Namib Restoration Ecology Information Package, Final report (PDF), EnviroScience
Taking SKEP to a Finer Scale: Catalyzing Conservation Action in Geographic Priority Areas in the Succulent Karoo, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
The Biodiversity & Wine Initiative Succulent Karoo Expansion, Final report (PDF, 41 KB), The South African Wine & Brandy Company
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About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro