Publications: Donor Council Documents
CEPF Operational Manual
Electronic Review
17 August 2007
Eleventh Meeting of the Donor Council World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
18 July 2007
Tenth Meeting of the Donor Council Teleconference
31 May 2007
Ecosystem Profiles, Regional Implementation Team Terms of Reference and Selection Process
Electronic Review
13 March 2007
Ninth Meeting of the Donor Council
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
29 November 2005
- List of Attendees
- Ninth Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of the Eighth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on decisions taken at the Eighth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on Progress
- Update on the External Evaluation
- CEPF Financial Summary and Spending Plan
Eighth Meeting of the Donor Council
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
26 March 2005
- List of Attendees
- Eighth Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on decisions taken at the Seventh Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on Progress
- Presentation on World Bank/CEPF forum in Brazil and plans for Africa and Asia forums
- Options for directing additional CEPF resources to Sumatra, post tsunami
- Update on efforts to integrate poverty reduction measures into CEPF business
Seventh Meeting of the Donor Council
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
1 November 2004
- List of Attendees
- Seventh Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on decisions taken at the Sixth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Summary of CEPF progress since March 2004
- Statement and Measurement Indicators on CEPF and Poverty Reduction
- Options for Funding the Pipeline Ecosystem Profiles
Sixth Meeting of the Donor Council World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
31 March 2004
- List of Attendees
- Sixth Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Election of the Chairperson
- Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on decisions taken at the Fifth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Summary of CEPF progress since July 2003
- Management Team Response to the External Review of CEPF
- Maximizing CEPF Leverage in the Hotspots
- Expansion of CEPF's membership structure
- Fund-raising Strategy
Fifth Meeting of the Donor Council World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
31 July 2003
- List of Attendees
- Fifth Donor Council Meeting Provisional Agenda
- Summary of CEPF progress since February 2003
- Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on decisions taken at the Fourth Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on CEPF Monitoring
- External Review of CEPF
- Caucasus Ecosystem Profile, Overview and Introduction
- Eastern Arc Ecosystem Profile, Overview and Introduction
- Discussion on the Ecosystem Profile for Northern Mesoamerica
Fourth Meeting of the Donor Council
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
12 February 2003
- List of Attendees
- Fourth Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of the Third Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on Decisions Taken at the Third Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Summary of CEPF FY03 Progress (July 2002-Present)
- Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Profile, Overview and Introduction
Third Meeting of the Donor Council
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
12 June 2002
- List of Attendees
- Third Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of the Second Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on Decisions Taken at the Second Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Summary of CEPF Annual Report and Communications Activities
- Mountains of Southwest China Ecosystem Profile, Overview and Introduction
- Present and Future Priorities
Second Meeting of the Donor Council
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
11 December 2001
- List of Attendees
- Second Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of the First Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Report on Decisions Taken at the First Meeting of the CEPF Donor Council
- Terms of Reference for the CEPF Working Group
- Atlantic Forest, Cape Floristic Region, Choco-Manabi Corridor (Choco-Darien-W. Ecuador), the Philippines, Southern Mesoamerica, and Sumatra (Sundaland) Ecosystem Profiles, Overview and Introduction
- Priority Areas for the 3rd Preparation Cycle
- Changes to CEPF Operational Manual
First Meeting of the Donor Council
World Bank Headquarters, Washington, DC
14 December 2000
- List of Attendees
- First Donor Council Meeting Agenda
- Vilcabamba-Amboro (Tropical Andes), Madagascar and Upper Guinean Forest (West Africa) Ecosystem Profiles, Overview and Introduction
- Priorities Areas for the 2nd Preparation Cycle
- CEPF Operational Manual
- Fund Raising Strategy
About the Donor Council
The CEPF Donor Council governs the Fund. The Donor Council provides strategic guidance, secures additional partners to the Fund and approves priority areas for investment.
Donor Council members
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