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Documents for Donor Council Approval

CEPF Operational Manual
Electronic Review
17 August 2007

Cover sheet (PDF, 21 KB)

Download the full manual (PDF, 1.8 MB) or individual sections:

1. CEPF Program
1.1. Program Overview (PDF, 1.06 MB)
1.2. Monitoring Approach and Performance Targets (PDF, 41 KB)

2. Financial Management
2.1. Overview of Financial Management (PDF, 17 KB)
2.2. Conflict of Interest and CEPF Funding (PDF, 14 KB)

3. Project Cycle Management (PCM)
3.1. Project Cycle Management for CEPF (PDF, 28 KB)
3.2. Process for Design (PDF, 22 KB)
3.3. Consultation and Participation (PDF, 22 KB)
3.4. Process of Monitoring and Evaluation (PDF, 34 KB)
3.5. Safeguard Policies and Project Cycle Framework (PDF, 31 KB)
3.5.1. Process Framework for Involuntary Restrictions (PDF, 40 KB)
3.5.2. Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (PDF, 50 KB)

4. Procedures for Grant Management
4.1. Ecosystem Profiles (PDF, 29 KB)
4.2. Summary of Core Roles and Responsibilities (PDF, 22 KB)
4.3. Regional Implementation Team Terms of Reference and Selection Process (PDF, 30 KB)
4.4. Grant-Making Process (PDF, 13 KB)
4.4.1. CEPF Letter of Inquiry (PDF, 23 KB)
4.4.2. Project Proposal Application (PDF, 22 KB)
4.4.3. Grant Decision-making Process (PDF, 28 KB)
4.4.4. Financial Questionnaire for CEPF Grant Recipients (PDF, 47 KB)
4.4.5. Guidelines for Completing Risk Assessments (PDF, 57 KB)
4.4.6. Grant Agreement Template (PDF, 222 KB)
4.4.7. Internal (CI) Grant Agreement (PDF, 209 KB)
4.5. Grant Management Process (PDF, 29 KB)
4.5.1. Payment Request Form (PDF, 16 KB)
4.5.2. Project Performance Tracking Report (PDF, 120 KB)
4.5.3. Budget Report (PDF, 17 KB)
4.5.4. Final Project Completion Reports (PDF, 40 KB)

5. Donor Council, Working Group, and Focal Country Endorsements
5.1. CEPF Donor Council Terms of Reference (PDF, 12 KB)
5.2. CEPF Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF, 14 KB)
5.3. Focal Country Endorsements (PDF, 23 KB)

6. World Bank Reporting Procedures
6.1. Interim Un-audited Financial Report (PDF, 17 KB)

Annex: CEPF Strategic Framework, FY 2008-2012 (PDF, 89 KB)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro