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Improving Linkages Between CEPF and World Bank Operations: Asia Forum
June 23 - 25, 2005, Medan, Indonesia
  1. The Bank’s Environment and Social Development Program in EAP, Teresa Serra, Sector Director EASES, The World Bank Group
  2. World Bank Assistance for Biodiversity Protection in the East Asia and Pacific Region, Magda Lovei, Sector Manager EAP, The World Bank Group
  3. Overview of the Bank's Work on Biodiversity in South Asia, Malcolm Jansen, Senior Environmental Officer SASES, The World Bank Group
  4. Overview of the Bank's Work on Biodiversity in East Asia, Tony Whitten, Senior Biodiversity Specialist EASES, The World Bank Group
  5. The World Bank and Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund: A Shared Agenda, Michael Carroll, CEPF Task Team Leader, The World Bank Group
  6. Improving Linkages Between World Bank and CEPF Operations, Jorgen Thomsen, Executive Director, CEPF
  7. Improving Linkages Between World Bank and CEPF Operations, Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, Sector Leader LCSES, The World Bank Group
  8. Mountains of Southwest China, Sun Shan, Senior Program Officer, Conservation International-China
  9. Sumatra: The Sum of Four Parts, Sari Surjadi, CEPF Grant Manager, Conservation International-Indonesia
  10. Eastern Himalayan Hotspot, Mingma Sherpa, Himalayas Director, WWF
  11. Ecosystem Profile, Indochina Region, Indo-Burma Hotspot, Jack Tordoff, BirdLife
  12. World Bank – CEPF Workshop: Opportunities for Collaboration, China - and Beyond, Kathy Mackinnon, Lead Biodiversity Specialist ENV, The World Bank Group
  13. Summary of Bank Implemented NRM and Biodiversity Projects in the Philippines, Gilbert Braganza, Operations Officer, The World Bank Group
  14. Six Months Later: The Bank’s Response and Environmental Challenges, Joe Leitman, World Bank Manager Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Aceh and North Sumatra, The World Bank Group
  15. CI's Work to Date in Aceh, Jatna Supriatna, Regional Vice President, Conservation International

Improving Linkages Between CEPF and World Bank Operations: Africa Forum
April 25 - 26, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa
April 28, 2005, Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Putting CEPF in the Broad Perspective, Michael Carroll, Task Team Leader, The World Bank Group
  2. CEPF's Portfolio Approach and Global Overview, Jorgen Thomsen, Executive Director, CEPF
  3. Community-Driven Development: An overview of practice, Dan Owen, The World Bank Group
  4. CEPF Cape Floristic Region Portfolio, Mandy Barnett, Programme Developer, C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit
  5. CEPF Succulent Karoo Portfolio, Owen Henderson, SKEP Coordinator, Conservation International
  6. CEPF Madagascar Portfolio, Frank Hawkins, Technical Director, Madagascar Center for Biodiversity Conservation, Conservation International
  7. Latin America Regional Workshop Conclusions, Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, Sector Leader, The World Bank Group
  8. Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya Portfolio, Julius Arinaitwe, Secretary, BirdLife Africa Partnership

Improving Linkages Between CEPF and World Bank Operations: Latin America Forum
January 24 - 25, 2005
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  1. Perspectives for CEPF Mainstreaming, Laura Tlaiye, Sector Manager Environment Department, The World Bank Group
  2. Putting CEPF in the Broad Perspective, Michael Carroll, Task Team Leader, The World Bank Group
  3. CEPF and the Latin America Portfolios, Jorgen Thomsen, Executive Director, CEPF
  4. A Sample CEPF Portfolio: Southern Mesoamerica, Manuel Ramirez, Southern Mesoamerica Senior Director, Conservation International
  5. Synergies with CEPF: PROBIO and Ecological Corridors, Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, Sector Leader, The World Bank Group
  6. Altantic Forest CEPF Portfolio, Luiz Paulo Pinto, Atlantic Forest Senior Director, Conservação Internacional do Brasil
  7. Chocó-Manabí Conservation Corridor CEPF Portfolio, Fabio Arjona, Conservation International-Colombia and Luis Suarez, Conservation International-Ecuador
  8. Northern Mesoamerica CEPF Portfolio, Carlos Manterola, CBC Director, Mexico & Central America, Conservation International and Carlos Rodriguez, Director of the Highlands Corridor, Mexico and Guatemala, Conservation International
  9. Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor CEPF Portfolio, Eduardo Forno, Executive Director, Bolivia, Conservation International
  10. Establishment of Maquenque National Park to Achieve Connectivity within the San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor, Enrique Ramirez, Executive Director, Centro Cientifico Tropical
  11. Atlantic Forest Hotsot - The Challenge to Restore and Protect its Biodiversity, Denise Marçal Rambaldi, General Secretary, Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
  12. Biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest - The São João River Basin, Carlos R. Ruiz-Miranda, Project Coordinator, Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
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Related Stories:
- World Bank and CEPF Strengthen Ties in Asia, July 2005
- World Bank and CEPF Build Greater Links in Africa, May 2005
- World Bank, CEPF Forge Greater Links, February 2005

Visit the Publications section for more information.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro