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Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests

Tanzania Government Tackles Forestry Corruption: Tanzania's government held a special meeting to address corruption in the forestry sector. The meeting came as a result of parliamentary debate following a report released by TRAFFIC International in May on illegal logging in the country. The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and other partners supported research on the Tanzanian timber trade, which made the report possible.

- July 2007

May 4, 2007
Communities See Brighter Future on Wings of a Butterfly
ICIPE provided training to more than 200 people in a sustainable livelihoods program for communities in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya region.

March 2007
Threatened Bird Sighted in Tanzania

A CEPF-supported team recorded sightings of the Critically Endangered Uluguru bush-shrike (Malaconotus alius) in the Uluguru South Forest Reserve, an area thought to be located above their altitudinal limit.

August 2006
East African Biodiversity News Now Online
The Journal of East African Natural History is now available electronically. With support from CEPF, the long-running print publication has begun posting current issues online, and plans to add an archive of past issues over time.

July 2006
Pemba’s Deepening Shade of Green
Lying 50 kilometers off the coast of Tanzania, Pemba Island has lost 95 percent of its original forest. International partners are now building on past campaigns that protected threatened species such as the Endangered Pemba flying fox in order to engage local communities in preserving what remains of the island’s fragile ecosystem.

March 2006
Landmark Agreement Made with Government of Tanzania
CEPF and the Government of Tanzania recently came to an agreement regarding the sharing of information with the Forestry and Beekeeping Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. It's an important step toward ensuring that the results of CEPF investment are integrated into management decisions for Tanzania’s forests.

November 2005
Journal Boosts Biodiversity Knowledge
Lack of biodiversity data is one of the major obstacles to taking effective conservation action in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. The Journal of East African Natural History is addressing this problem by serving as a reservoir for information gathered in species documentation and research and conservation work.

October 2005
In Close: Coordinated Grantmaking in the Eastern Arc Mountains
CEPF funding opportunities prompt lots of proposals, but making sure that projects complement each other and fit in with our strategy is a complex process. The CEPF coordination team in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya has created a partnership approach in planning, research, and sharing results.

June 2005
New Monkey Species Found in Tanzania
Scientists have discovered Africa's first new species of monkey in more than 20 years. The discovery, described in a recent issue of Science, was made by two research teams working independently in the Tanzanian part of the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests Region.

May 2005
World Bank and CEPF Build Greater Links in Africa
Representatives from the World Bank, CEPF, the United Nations Development Program, and governments from several African countries met in late April at the second in a series of regional meetings to explore how to improve linkages between the CEPF initiative and Bank operations.

April 2005
Strengthening Local Livelihoods Secures Future for Sacred Forests
Integrating modern and traditional conservation in Kenya’s Kaya Kinondo forest is a challenge, one that can even involve community consultation with oracles or foretellers.

February 2005
Stakeholders Identify Priorities for Udzungwa Mountains National Park
Diverse stakeholders recently agreed the most important actions to help conserve Udzungwa Mountains National Park in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania region.

September 2004
Tanzania Seizes 157 Containers of Timber in Port
The Tanzanian government has imposed a ban on the export of timber and seized 157 containers of logs, many harvested illegally from the coastal forests in the southeast of the country.

July 2004
New Investment Gives Hope for Threatened Species in Tanzania and Kenya
CEPF and four East African organizations recently announced a $7 million investment strategy to conserve the rich natural resources of the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya.

August 2003
CEPF Set for Expansion
The CEPF Donor Council recently approved new ecosystem profiles and investment strategies for the partnership to expand to two new biodiversity hotspots: Caucasus and the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya.
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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Chameleon) © CI, Russell A. Mittermeier