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Cape Floristic Region

Nature's Valley Trust Wins Kudu Award: Nature's Valley Trust recently won the South African National Parks (SANParks) Kudu Award for its contribution to community-based conservation efforts in South Africa. The Kudu Award is an initiative that aims to recognize external stakeholders for their contribution to SANParks' conservation work. A grantee of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), Nature's Valley Trust received one of the five awards dedicated to nongovernmental organizations and individuals.

  • Learn more about SANParks.
  • Read the full press release on the awards.

- May 22, 2007

May 11, 2007
Assessments Completed in Six Additional Regions
New assessments found that Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) investments have helped build civil society as an effective force for long-term biodiversity conservation in six more of the world’s most threatened regions.

October 2006
Time for Tea!
Increased demand for rooibos tea is threatening the Cape Floristic Region Hotspot's unique flora and fauna. Three projects are helping local communities work with the rooibos industry to create a sustainable future for the region.

July 2006
C.A.P.E. Partners Showcase Biodiversity at Work

The annual conference highlighting CEPF's investments in the hotspot included the launch of biodiversity guidelines for municipal councils across South Africa’s Western Cape Province.

December 2005
Urban Conservation Leads to Hope in the Cape
Urban nature sites in the Cape Floristic Region Hotspot are under huge pressure as communities struggle for housing and employment. Solutions may lie in a network of partners and stakeholders piloting new models for biodiversity conservation in deprived urban areas.

July 2005
Fine Fynbos People Bring the Action to C.A.P.E. Conference
The Fynbos Fynmense conference brought together CEPF grant recipients from across the region to discuss conservation successes and exchange ideas on how to better merge development and biodiversity needs.

June 2005
Wines, Mines, and Sustainable Development
In two South African industries, innovative conservation approaches are showing great promise in conserving the Cape Floristic Region and Succulent Karoo hotspots.

May 2005
World Bank and CEPF Build Greater Links in Africa
Representatives from the World Bank, CEPF, the United Nations Development Program, and governments from several African countries met in late April at the second in a series of regional meetings to explore how to improve linkages between the CEPF initiative and Bank operations.

November 2004
Marketing Social Change
Thirteen individuals in nine biodiversity hotspots are being trained in social marketing and the art of convincing local communities and governments that conservation is key. The project brings promising individuals and local groups together with the support of Rare and Conservation International’s global communications team

October 2004
Building Bridges With CREW
In South Africa, cultural divides are far and wide, and many times conservation initiatives—and globally threatened species—can get lost in the gap. Cape Threatened Plants Program “local heroes” are stepping in to work with communities where conservation is often a new concept.

October 2004
Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
What can you do with $100? For groups receiving support from our diverse small grants funds, this small sum could be the lever for saving one of the world’s most threatened primates, preserving threatened forest or enabling hundreds of people to invigorate their local economies.

August 2004
Cape Nature Conservation Launches Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor
The Western Cape Nature Conservation Board in conjunction with Cape Action for People and the Environment recently launched the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor.

July 2004
C.A.P.E. Partners' Conference
More than 260 people recently gathered at the base of South Africa’s world-famous Table Mountain for the Cape Action for People and the Environment (C.A.P.E.) first partners’ conference. Participants reviewed progress, shared lessons learned and planned for the future.

July 2004
The Table Mountain Fund: Granting Better Futures
Two years into its Capacity Building Program, the Table Mountain Fund is seeing the emergence of an inspiring leadership base of black men and women conservation role models who are forging the way for a different type of conservation management in the Cape Floristic Region.

January 2004
Connecting Conservationists In Africa
Information is key to effective conservation: collecting it, making sense of it and doing something with it. Two former Reuters news service correspondents, a chartered accountant and others have teamed together to develop a news service about Africa that will work in all three of these areas in the first dedicated service of its kind.

December 2003
Conservation Stewardship in South Africa: Landowners to Lead the Way
Under threat from invasive plants, unsustainable burning, overgrazing, human encroachment and illegal flower collection, renosterveld is the focus of conservation efforts in the Cape Floristic hotspot. And now private landowners are emerging as the potential heroes to preserve this species-rich ecosystem.

August 2003
Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Amid the diverse student population of Kent University in England, a multinational team is nearing the end of an intensive 10 weeks of specialized training to become community educators with a single mission: to promote local pride in the environment in some of the planet's most threatened ecosystems.

July 2003
First Wilderness Management Courses Held in Cape
Seventeen field rangers and reserve managers participated in the first wilderness management training courses in the Western Cape, South Africa during June. The courses, presented by the Wilderness Action Group and accredited by the University of Natal's Centre for Environment and Development, were the first offered in the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot.

December 2002
Local Coordination Key to CEPF Expansion
Key to success is ensuring that the right organizations are involved in the right projects from the outset. As part of its expansion in 2002, CEPF launched a new approach to coordinate and expand its portfolio from the ground.

December 2002
Table Mountain Fund Awards First Grants to Create Conservation Role Models
Eleven people will soon be on the path to conservation leadership positions in South Africa as the first to benefit from the WWF-South Africa Table Mountain Fund Capacity Building Program in the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot.

March 2002
CEPF Expands to Nine Hotspots
This year marks a major expansion for CEPF with grants for conservation projects now available in six additional biodiversity hotspots. The total amount available in these hotspots is $41.5 million over five years.
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© SANParks
Chris van Melle Kamp, chairman of Nature's Valley Trust, (center) accepted the Kudu Award from Nancy Dos Reis, Miss Earth South Africa 2006, and David Mabunda, CEO of SANParks.

Learn more about our investment strategy for this hotspot.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Chameleon) © CI, Russell A. Mittermeier