Mountains of Southwest China

Aug. 10, 2007
Protecting Yunnan’s Snub-nosed Monkeys
Communities and nature reserve officials are working together in an important partnership to protect Endangered Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys, which are found only in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot.

May 18, 2007
Jisha Village Sets First for Environmental Law in China
An influential new textbook on Chinese environmental law cites the work of a CEPF grantee in the Yunnan Province, in which a community successfully blocked unlawful tourism development. The textbook helps promote an understanding of biodiversity and natural resource management in China.

May 2007
Artists Aiding Conservation

The Yunnan Academy of Art arranged for 11 artists to paint in the Baimaxueshan National Nature Reserve, creating works that focused on raising public awareness of and establishing a new fundraising mechanism for conservation in the region.

August 2006
World Heritage Recognition for China's Panda Habitat

Nearly 1 million hectares of panda habitat in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot have been declared a World Heritage site. Support from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund helped to bring together a range of government authorities and biodiversity experts to create the nomination that resulted in this designation.

November 2005
Community Conservation in Qinghai Helps Patch Holes in Roof of World
Extreme challenges face biodiversity in China's Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot. But a “Green Community Network” in the south of the reserve is drawing on ancient sources of Buddhist tradition to provide old answers to the new problems.

July 2005
World Bank and CEPF Strengthen Ties in Asia
Representatives from the World Bank, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), and governments from several Asian countries met in late June at the third in a series of regional meetings to explore how to improve linkages between the CEPF initiative and Bank operations.

May 2005
Green Films Light Up Yunnan’s Clear Blue Sky
CEPF grantees participated in a community film festival, raising awareness of biodiversity and conservation issues through photographs, films, and educational talks.

March 2005
CEPF Boost to WWF Small Grants Fund in China
CEPF has committed $296,000 to WWF China's successful Small Grants Fund, enabling the organization to offer additional help to nongovernmental organizations working to conserve the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot.

February 2005
CI China Program Hosts International Ecotourism Conference
Tthe Conservation International (CI) China program recently co-hosted the first International Ecotourism Conference at the Hailuogou National Glacier Park in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot.

January 2005
Buddhist Leaders Protect Woodlands
The Kawagebo Culture Society united government officials, schools, and religious leaders to counter new threats posed by tourists and pilgrims to one of the most sacred Tibetan mountains.

November 2004
Marketing Social Change
Thirteen individuals in nine biodiversity hotspots are being trained in social marketing and the art of convincing local communities and governments that conservation is key. The project brings promising individuals and local groups together with the support of Rare and Conservation International’s global communications team

September 2004
WildAid China Ramps Up
WildAid China has made significant progress in securing additional funding and numerous partners for its Active Conservation Awareness Program since receiving a CEPF grant to develop the program in late 2003.

September 2004
Sharing, Cooperation and Scaling Up in China
Building the fledgling civil society in the Mountains of Southwest China hotspot is no small task. Many of the civil society groups that do exist operate on annual budgets of less than $1,200-$6,000 and have little, if any, contact with other groups. CEPF support is making a difference.

June 2004
Workshops Build Nature Reserve Capacity in China
Eighty managers and technical staff from China's newly established national reserves recently participated in the first of a series of training workshops to help build their capacity to manage these important areas effectively. The workshop was the first of six to be held.

April 2004
Keeping the Nujiang River Running
Twenty journalists, experts and scholars from Beijing and Yunnan Province recently took an investigative trip to the Nujiang River and the communities alongside it as part of a project by Green Earth Volunteers. The purpose of their visit: to learn first-hand about the issues in the area known as "The Grand Canyon of the Orient."

March 2004
Partnership for Tiger Action
Save The Tiger Fund and CEPF have joined forces to link tiger conservation programs across Asia. The two major grant makers will work together to combat threats to tigers, including smuggling of tiger parts by highly organized regional networks that are often linked to trafficking in narcotics and weapons.

January 2004
Leveraging SARS to Reduce Illegal Wildlife Trade
TRAFFIC East Asia is in the midst of a new project to combat illegal wildlife trade in China with the unlikely help of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). TRAFFIC aims to develop a strategy to leverage concern about health issues, such as SARS, into concrete conservation impact in ways that are responsive to cultural, social and economic circumstances.

November 2003
Blueprint to Halt Asia’s Bird Extinction Crisis
BirdLife launched a groundbreaking guide Nov. 12 to help governments and civil society prevent the extinction of Asia's birds, one in eight of which is under threat. Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado of Japan unveiled the blueprint, Saving Asia's Threatened Birds, at a special international event attended by more than 100 people in Tokyo.

November 2003
Developing a Shared Agenda to Save the Yunnan Snub-Nosed Monkey
Key stakeholders met for the first time in October to discuss the need for a range-wide conservation strategy to help save the endangered Yunnan snub-nosed monkey. The workshop was held in the Baimaxueshan National Nature Reserve in Zongdian (Shangri-La County) of China's Yunnan Province.

August 2003
Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Amid the diverse student population of Kent University in England, a multinational team is nearing the end of an intensive 10 weeks of specialized training to become community educators with a single mission: to promote local pride in the environment in some of the planet's most threatened ecosystems.