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In the Philippines, we are working in the Sierra Madre Biological Corridor, in the mountainous eastern portion of the island of Luzon. This 1.4 million hectare area contains more than 40 percent of the country's remaining old growth forest and is home to over 400 species of wildlife, of which more than 150 are found nowhere else on Earth. Approximately half of these species, including the Philippine eagle, Philippine crocodile and flying fox, are threatened. With only three percent of the Philippines' original vegetation remaining, protection of this Corridor is critical.

Agricultural expansion, logging, mining and unclear land tenure are the primary threats to the Sierra Madre's old growth forests.

Conservation Carbon Project: Sierra Madre, Philippines
In order to preserve the critical ecosystems of the Sierra Madre Mountains and rehabilitate large tracks of forest to help enhance the habitat of endangered species, we have developed an innovative carbon offset project in the area. This project will restore and protect 12,500 hectares of forest in the northern Sierra Madre Biological Corridor and offset 2.7 million ton of carbon dioxide over 25 years. more


© CI, Haroldo Castro
Sierra Madre, Philippines

• The Philippines Hotspot
• The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund on the Philippines

 Photo credits for banner image: (Zebras in Botswana) © CI, Chris Brooks