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Integrating Biodiversity Conservation into Oil and Gas Development

The Energy and Biodiversity Initiative (EBI), convened by The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business, is developing tools and guidelines for integrating biodiversity into oil and gas development. The Initiative seeks to be a positive force for biodiversity conservation by bringing together four major energy companies and five leading conservation organizations to share experiences and build on intellectual capital to create value and influence key audiences. These participants consult with other stakeholders from industry, academia, and the environmental community to produce outputs with broad dissemination.

The following organizations are committing senior representatives as well as financial and in-kind resources to the Initiative:

Conservation International
Fauna & Flora International
Shell International
Smithsonian Institution
The Nature Conservancy
The World Conservation Union (IUCN)

Four working groups, co-led by representatives from participating energy companies and conservation organizations, are addressing the following issues:

The Business Case Working Group, co-led by Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy: The rationale for integrating biodiversity conservation into oil and gas exploration and production;

The Biodiversity Conservation Practices Working Group, co-led by ChevronTexaco and Smithsonian Institution: Identification and implementation of best technical and management practices;

The Metrics Working Group, co-led by BP and Fauna and Flora International: Performance indicators for measuring the positive and negative impact of oil and gas development on biodiversity; and

The Site Selection Working Group, co-led by IUCN and Shell International: Criteria for deciding whether to undertake activities in sensitive environments.

The first meeting of the Initiative was held in London in January 2001. It is planned that the Initiative will continue until January 2003.

Below are current versions of documents generated by the Initiative. These documents are categorized under EBI Background Documents and Workshop Proceedings from the EBI Consultative Workshop, held in Washington DC, on the 23rd of January, 2002. These will be updated periodically as new versions are made available.

EBI Background Documents
Mission Statement (PDF, 50KB)
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 43KB)
Common Terms (PDF, 64KB)

Working Groups' Terms of Reference (PDF, 39KB)
Participating Organizations and Representatives (PDF, 69KB)

EBI Consultative Workshop Proceedings, January 23rd 2002
Workshop Agenda and List of Attendees (PDF, 89KB)
Workshop Minutes (PDF, 71KB)
Workshop Presentations (PDF, 811KB)
Draft Site Selection Decision-Making Framework (PDF, 102KB)
Draft Primary Impacts Matrix (PDF, 211KB)
Draft Secondary Impacts Matrix (PDF, 226KB)
Working Groups' Terms of Reference (PDF, 131KB)
Participating Organizations and Representatives (PDF, 127KB)

For more information please contact:
Dr. Assheton Stewart Carter
Director, Energy & Mining Program
The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business
Conservation International
1919 M Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
+1 202 912 1449


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