The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business
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Solving the planets most pressing environmental challenges requires the ingenuity and commitment of the private sector. As business acquires more influence worldwide and public support for conservation grows, companies face new incentives to demonstrate environmental leadership.

The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business provides a new forum for collaboration between the private sector and the environmental community. The Center promotes business practices that reduce industrys ecological footprint, contribute to conservation, and create value for the companies that adopt them. The result is a net benefit for the global environment and for participating companies.

In collaboration with industry leaders, other environmental organizations, and academia, the Center develops and demonstrates innovative, replicable business practices that focus on three critical issues:

BIODIVERSITY - transforming the impact that key industries have on critical ecosystems by reducing their contribution to habitat loss and pollution and by finding innovative ways for them to contribute positively to conservation.

WATER - encouraging large industrial and agricultural water users to employ best practices and to promote public policies that conserve water, enhance water quality, and protect watersheds.

CLIMATE CHANGE - engaging industry in limiting the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by reducing industrys own emissions and by offsetting emissions through forest conservation, renewable energy and energy efficient projects.

The Center engages those industries that have the greatest impact on critical ecosystems and those with the greatest potential to promote positive change. These include agriculture, fisheries, forestry, energy, mining, travel and leisure, transportation, manufacturing, and financial services.

Created in a partnership between Conservation International and Ford Motor Company, the Center operates as a division of CI and is governed by a distinct executive board of leaders from the business and environmental communities. While the Centers corporate partners represent a wide range of industries, all share the Centers commitment to environmental improvement, collaboration, and transparency.

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