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Investment Committee
Biodiversity Review Committee

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 - En Français (PDF, 24 KB)
 - Em Português (PDF, 51 KB)

Additional Information:
 - Overview (PDF, 927 KB)
 - Portfolio Highlights (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Ecotourism Information:
 - Tourism Fact Sheet (PDF, 272 KB)
 - Tourism Fact Sheet (En Español) (PDF, 261 KB)
 - Tourism Fact Sheet (Em Português) (PDF, 297 KB)
About Verde Ventures
Verde Ventures is an investment fund managed by Conservation International (CI) that strengthens small and medium-sized enterprises that are strategically important to biodiversity conservation. The fund provides debt and equity financing of $30,000-$500,000 to select businesses in CI's priority areas.

To date, Verde Ventures investments have supported:

  • Site-based protection of 307,402 hectares of key biodiversity habitat
  • Indirect protection of an additional 3 million hectares in protected areas adjacent to project sites
  • Protection of 189 globally threatened species found in project sites
  • Businesses that employ 14,877 people working in project sites in 13 countries
  • Partners in raising more than $3 million in additional funding.

To see more detailed information about Verde Ventures, download our latest summary (PDF, 82 KB).

Verde Ventures is one of three funds established by CI for the protection and promotion of biodiversity. For more information on the two complementary funds managed by CI, visit:

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
The Global Conservation Fund


© CI, Sterling Zumbrunn
Coffee cherries, Chiapas, Mexico

© CI, Sarah Frazee
Ecotourists in Guatemala

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