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CI and the Tourism

Ecotourism at Conservation International

Through a network of regional and specialist staff members based in Washington, DC, CI’s ecotourism program provides technical assistance to our in-country programs and close partners. The following descriptions illustrate CI’s approach:

Ecotourism Enterprises and Destination Development
During the past 15 years, CI has supported the development of exemplary ecotourism products by providing technical assistance, capacity building, and funding to communities, entrepreneurs, and partners.

Engagement of Communities
CI’s tourism development programs emphasize understanding community approaches toward tourism, as well as the underlying conservation, capacity, social, political, and economic issues.

Policy Planning and Working with Local Partners
CI supports national and local governments in formulating and establishing policy frameworks that guide development of the tourism sector, government institutional arrangements, and laws affecting tourism.

Capacity Building and Training
CI works to improve the capacity of field practitioners and program managers to design and implement ecotourism programs that truly address conservation issues and that create needed jobs and income opportunities.

Knowledge and Learning
CI coordinates a global information exchange network among our regional ecotourism specialists; our technical staff members, who are based in Washington, DC; and an expanding number of international partners as we gather and spread knowledge from our ecotourism experience.

CI and the Tourism Industry
CI began working with the tourism industry in 1992, focusing on the Triple Bottom Line (environmental, social and economic) long before it was popular to do so. Through our Ecotourism program, the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB) and Verde Ventures, CI has invested significant resources in tourism related projects in over 15 countries globally.

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© CI, Haroldo Castro
Laguna del Tigre National Park, Guatemala

© CI, Olivier Langrand
CI ecotourism advisor Kaddu Sebunya (left) working in Gabon

© Cristina Mittermeier
Adventure tourist hiking in the Galapagos

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Banner Photo: (Okavango Delta, Botswana) © Frans Lanting/Minden Pictures

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