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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Assessment of Invasive Pathogens in Relation to the Distribution of Introduced Mosquitoes in Tonga: Potential Threats to Biodiversity, Final report (PDF, 54 KB) - Related report: A preliminary assessment of the distribution of mosquitoes in the kingdom of Tonga: potential threats to biodiversity through invasive pathogens (PDF, 423 KB), EcoCare Pacific Trust
Challenging the Yellow Crazy Ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) on Tokelau: Development and Implementation of Control Options for Invasive Ants, Final report (PDF, 747 KB), Victoria Link Limited
Feasibility Study and Project Plan to Eradicate Rats from Ahnd Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia, Final report (PDF, 49 KB), Conservation Society of Pohnpei
Feasibility Study for the Management of Invasive Alien Species on Kayangel Atoll, Palau, Final report (PDF, 50 KB) - Related report: Management of Invasive Alien Species on Kayangel Atoll: Eradication of Rats, Mice and Cats (PDF, 363 KB), Palau Conservation Society
Launching the Pacific Invasives Learning Network: Strengthening and Connecting Invasive Species Management and Demonstration Projects Across the Pacific Islands, Final report (PDF, 100 KB) - Related report: Launching the PILN (PDF, 787 KB), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Maintain and Enhance Pacific Islands Focus of the Global Invasive Species Database, Final report (PDF), Auckland UniServices Limited
Nu’utele and Nu’ulua Islands (Aleipata) – First Steps to Island Restoration and a Secure Wildlife Sanctuary for the Independent State of Samoa, Final report (PDF), David Butler Associates Ltd
Pacific Ant Prevention Program: Implementation Phase I, Final report (PDF, 32 KB), Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Phoenix Islands Conservation Survey and Assessment of Restoration Feasibility: Kiribati, Final report (PDF, 62 KB) - Related Report: Phoenix Islands Conservation Survey and Assessment of Restoration Feasibility: Kiribati (PDF, 7.4 MB), Pacific Expeditions Limited
PP-CII Coordination and Technical and Scientific Support for RNHP Projects, Final report (PDF), Auckland UniServices Limited
Prospects for Biological Control of Merremia Peltata, Final report (PDF, 51 KB) - Related report: Prospects for Biological Control of Merremia peltata (PDF, 533 KB), Landcare Research New Zealand LTD
Protecting the Internationally Important Seabird Colony of Vatuira Island, Fiji, Final report (PDF, 48 KB), BirdLife International Pacific Regional Programme
Protection of Fakaofo from Myna Birds Invasion, Final report (PDF, 25 KB) - Related report: Protection of Tokelau Fakaofo from myna bird (Acridotheres spp.) invasion (PDF, 844 KB), Taupulega Fakaofo
Protection of Tanga'eo, the endemic Mangaia Kingfisher (Halcyon rufficollaris) from Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis), Final report (PDF), Taporoporoanga Ipukarea Society
Restoration of Nu'utele and Nu'ulua Islands (Aleipata Group), Samoa, Final report (PDF, 57 KB), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Restoration of Vahanga Atoll, Final report (PDF, 67 KB) - Related report: Ecological Restoration of Vahanga Atoll, Acteon Group, Tuamotu Archipelago Operational Plan (PDF, 431 KB), Societe d'Ornithologie de Polynesie
The Viwa Island Restoration Project, Fiji, Final report (PDF, 101 KB), University of the South Pacific
Urgent, Interim Employment of Coordination and Technical Support Officer (PP-CII), Final report (PDF), Auckland UniServices Limited
Tell a Friend About CEPF

In 2006, CEPF completed a one-year investment program in the Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot supported by the Australian government’s Regional Natural Heritage Program and focused specifically on a targeted Invasive Alien Species Program. All projects funded under this program supported demonstration projects focused on preventing, controlling, and eradicating invasive alien species in key biodiversity areas that also raise civil society's capacity to continue to implement these types of initiatives in the future.

About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro