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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Cape Floristic Region
Baviaans Conservancy: Feasibility Study to Investigate the Conversion of Land Use from Small Stock Farming to Sustainable Biodiversity-Based Ventures, Final report (PDF), Baviaans Conservancy
Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve Project: Mega-Reserve Vision and 5-Year Development and Management Plan, Final report (PDF, 33 KB), Wilderness Foundation
Blaauwberg Conservation Area, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Botanical Assessment and Hotspot Identification for the Slanghoek Valley, Western Cape Province, South Africa, Final report (PDF), Rawsonville Wine & Tourism
Co-authorship of a Book titled East of the Cape–Conserving Eden, Final report (PDF), Shirley Pierce Cowling
Conservation Biology of the Black Harrier in South Africa, Final report (PDF), University of Cape Town
Creating Electronic Access to Information on the Red Data List Species and Endemic Plant Families of the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Development of a Strategic Management and Business Plan to Ratify the Objectives of the Gouritz Megapark Conservation Corridor, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Die Oog Rehabilitation and Improvement Project, Final report (PDF, 31 KB), Friends of Die Oog
Ensuring an Effective Role for the Southern Cape Herbarium and Garden Route Botanical Garden in Conservation in the Southern Cape, South Africa, Final report (PDF), Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust
Facilitating Implementation in the Priority Mega-Reserves and Lowland Corridors in the CFR, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
First African Botanic Gardens Congress, Final report (PDF), Durban Botanic Gardens
Highlighting the Hotspots: Curating, Using and Sharing the C.A.P.E. Findings and Other Biodiversity Data in Support of Bioregional Planning and Land-Use Decisionmaking, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Investing in Technology to Build Communication and Financial Management Capacity for Civil Society Biodiversity Conservation NGOs in African Hotspots, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Mainstreaming Biodiversity on the Cape Flats: Project Design Phase, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Market Research Support to the Africa Environmental News Service, Final report (PDF), Equals Three Communications
Partnerships, Cooperative Management and Incentives to Secure Biodiversity Conservation in Priority Areas in the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), Botanical Society of South Africa
Production of a Research Strategy to Support CFR Conservation, Final report (PDF, 49 KB), Fynbos Forum
Promoting and Marketing Flower Valley Conservation Trust - Biodiversity-Based Small Business Development Initiative, Final report (PDF), Flower Valley Conservation Trust
Promoting Public Participation in Caring for Tokai's Core Cape Flats Flora Conservation Site, Final report (PDF), Friends of Tokai Forest
Providing Guidelines for Game Fencing in the Gouritz Initiative Rooiberg-Gamkaberg to Outeniqua Nature Reserves Corridor, Final report (PDF), Conservation Management Services
Putting Biodiversity Plans to Work, Final report (PDF, 61 KB), Botanical Society of South Africa
Salt River Macro Invertebrate Sanctuary: Stakeholder Engagement Process, Final report (PDF), Nature’s Valley Trust
Sustainable Utilization: A Tool for Managers and Workers in the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), South African Protea Producers and Exporters Association
Taking C.A.P.E. to a Finer Scale: Catalyzing Conservation Action in the Cederberg Conservation Corridor and the “Cederberg Mega-Reserve Area” in the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
The Biodiversity & Wine Initiative, Final report (PDF, 68 KB), The South African Wine & Brandy Company
The Cederberg Mega-Reserve Project Management Unit: Setting the Stage for Conservation in the Cederberg Mega-Reserve, South Africa, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
The Gamtoos Valley Collective Land Management Project Phase 1: Assessing the Viability of Collective Land Management as a Model for Conservation in the Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve Coastal Corridor, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
The St. Francis Conservancy Project, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
The Table Mountain Fund Capacity Building Program for the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF, 44 KB), World Wide Fund for Nature - South Africa
Turning Duineveld Eco-Threat Into Profitable Employment: Phase 1 - Development of a Business Plan, Final report (PDF), Duineveld Coastal Association
Van der Kempskloof/Parsonsvlei Management Plan, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Western Baviaanskloof Initiative Community Planning Process, Final report (PDF), Western Baviaanskloof Initiative
Wilderness Concepts and Practice Training Courses for Western & Eastern Cape, Final report (PDF), Wilderness Action Group
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About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro