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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Atlantic Forest (Brazil)
Agroforestry Systems in Southern Bahia: Economic & Conservation Potential of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF, 46 KB), Sociedade de Estudos dos Ecossistemas e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Bahia
Analysis and Ecological Relevance of Institutions in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF), Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia
Assessment and Capacity Building of NGOs Active in the Serra do Mar Corridor, Final report, Português (PDF, 154 KB), Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Biodiversity Conservation and Management in the Watershed of the Sao Joao River, Final report, Português (PDF, 717 KB), Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Biodiversity Conservation of the Restingas in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Final report, Português (PDF, 73 KB), Instituto de Pesquisas e Conservação da Biodiversidade dos Biomas Brasileiros
Coastal Environments of the Atlantic Forest - Phase 3, Final report, Português (PDF, 169 KB) / Annex 1, Português (PDF, 2 MB) / Annex 2, Português (PDF, 120 KB) / Annex 3, Português (PDF, 125 KB), Instituto de Conservação de Ambientes Litorâneos da Mata Atlântica
Community Awareness of Threatened Aquatic Species Among the River Islands of the Paraíba do Sul River, Final report, Português (PDF, 1.4 MB), Associacao Dos Pescadores E Amigos Do Rio Paraiba Do Sul
Coordination of CEPF in the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF), Conservação Internacional do Brasil
Ecological Corridor of the South of Minas, Final report, Português (PDF, 60 KB), Valor Natural
Establishment of a Network of Private Reserves and Conservation/Recuperation Systems of Forest Fragments in the South of Bahia, Final report, Português (PDF, 28 KB), Instituto BioAtlântica
Expanding the Site Conservation Network in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot, Final report, Português (PDF, 97 KB), BirdLife International
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Increasing the Network of Protected Areas in the Bahian Portion of the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest - Phase I, Final report, Português: Part 1 (PDF, 996 KB) / Part 2 (PDF, 760 KB), Associação Flora Brasil
Mapping the Occurrence, Distribution and Conservation Status of Endemic and Threatened Reptiles in Bahian Restingas, Final report, Português (PDF), Instituto de Pesquisas e Conservação da Biodiversidade dos Biomas Brasileiros
Preparation for the Coordination of CEPF in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF), Conservação Internacional do Brasil
Protected Areas as Centers for Environmental Awareness in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF, 36 KB) - Related report: Adequação a Legislação e Educação Ambiental para o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade em assentamentos de reforma agrária, Português (PDF, 2.4 MB), Associação dos Proprietários de Reservas Particulares do Estado da Bahia
Protecting and Restoring the Três Picos Buffer Zone: A Corridor Approach to Conserving Forest-Based Services and Biodiversity, Final report, Português (PDF, 52 KB) - Related report - Vegetação, Uso e Cobertura do Solo, Português (PDF, 2.4 MB), Instituto Rede Brasileira Agroflorestal
Recuperation of the Atlantic Forest in the Watershed of Rio Caraiva, Final report, Português (PDF, 115 KB), Instituto Cidade
Small Grant Program for the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF, 52 KB) - Related report: Fortalecimento Institucional no Corredor Central da Mata Atlântica, Português (PDF, 2.3 MB), Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia
Small Grants Program - Institutional Development of NGOs in the Serra do Mar Corridor, Final report, Português (PDF, 220 KB), Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Socioenvironmental Restoration of the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil - Education, Research, and Environmental Restoration, Final report, Português (PDF, 63 KB), Instituto Terra
Study of Wildlife Animal Traffic in the Atlantic Forest and Its Implications for Conservation., Final report, Português (PDF, 38 KB) - Related report - Vida silvestre: o estreito limiar entre preservação e destruição, Português (PDF, 1.45 MB) / Part 2 (PDF, 5.40 MB), Rede Nacional de Combate ao Tráfico de Animais Silvestres
Supporting the Implementation of Mosaics in Protected Areas in the Serra do Mar Corridor, Final report, Português (PDF, 44 KB), Instituto Amigos da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlantica
Using the Eco-Index to Allow Organizations Working in Neotropical Hotspots to Share Experiences and Glean Lessons from Colleagues, Final report (PDF), Rainforest Alliance
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About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro