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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Sundaland (Sumatra)
A Strategy for the Threatened Birds of Asia, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
A Voice of Siberut: Publication and Dissemination of the Newspaper Pualigoubat, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), Yayasan Citra Mandiri
Annual Forest Cover Change Analysis and Change Detection Map for Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 191 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Anti-Poaching Patrols for Rhinos, Tigers and Other Megafauna within Bukit Barisan National Park and Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), International Rhino Foundation
Asia Wildlife Trade Strategy Planning, Final report (PDF, 42 KB), TRAFFIC International
Assessment and Boundary Setting for High-Biodiversity Forests in Angkola, Northern Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 27 KB), Yayasan Biota Lestari
Assessment and Strategy for Protecting Wildlife and Timber Resources in the Gunung Leuser Ecosystem, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Batang Gadis National Park Development and Management Support, Final report (PDF, 33 KB), Conservation International
Building Capacity of Locals to Conduct Biodiversity Surveys in Angkola, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), Yayasan Cipta Citra Lestari Indonesia
Building the Capacity of NGOs to Conserve Forests and Species in Sumatra's Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh Conservation Corridor, Final report (PDF, 28 KB), World Wide Fund for Nature - Indonesia
Campaign Against Illegal Logging in Karo Forest Reserve of the Leuser Ecosystem, Final report, Bahasa (PDF, 30 KB), Yayasan Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup dan Pelestarian Alam
CANOPI: A Program to Unite and Strengthen the Conservation of the Bukit Barisan Selatan Landscape in Sumatra, Indonesia Through Information Building, Capacity Building and Management, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Capacity Building for Financial Operations in CI-Philippines and CI-Indonesia, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
CEPF Conservation Strategy Preparatory Work in Sumatra, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
CEPF Support of Local Partners in Sumatra, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Collaborative Management as a Tool For Reaching Consensus Among Stakeholders in Tesso Nilo for Better Natural Resource Management, Final report (PDF, 21 KB), Riau Mandiri
Conservation Assessment and Managment Plan for Threatened Sumatran Species and Red List Assessment of Threatened Reptiles and Freshwater Fish, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Conservation of Sumatra Tiger in Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape, Final report (PDF), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Conservation of the Sumatran Orangutan in the Northern Sumatra Corridor, Final report (PDF, 27 KB), Conservation International
Defining, Refining, and Monitoring Outcomes for Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 56 KB), Conservation International
Documenting and Stopping Economic Loss From Hydro Plants Slowed by Forest Conversion in Riau Province, Final report (PDF, 20 KB), Yayasan Sikap Tulus Untuk Sesama
Economic Analysis of Tesso Nilo Forest Concessions, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Ecotourism Product Development as a Means to Supplant Illegal Logging in the Tangkahan Area of Leuser National Park, Final report (PDF), Indonesian Ecotourism Network
Empowering Local Stakeholders to Support Cancellation of PT Bhara Induk Timber Concession in Sumatra's Angkola Forest, Final report (PDF, 39 KB), PeaceWork
Enhance Community Capacity through Rattan Product Development in Northern Siberut, Final report (PDF), Perkumpulan Uma Mentawai
First Anniversary Celebration for Batang Gadis National Park, Final report (PDF), Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Gerakan Masyarakat Madina Pemantau Apatur Negara
Human Resources and Educational Program of 34 High School Students to Study in Nine State Universities in Sumatra in the Year 2003/2004, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru
Implementing the Conservation Concession Approach on Sumatra's Siberut Island, Final report (PDF, 45 KB), Conservation International
Incorporating the Investment Strategies and Regional Planning into Building the Master Plan for CANOPI at Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Final report (PDF), Greenomics Indonesia
Investigation and Campaign About Biodiversity Concerns Related to the Ladiagalasko Road Development Plan, Final report (PDF), Sekretariat Kerjasama Pelestarian Hutan Indonesia
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Policy Initiative Planning Grant, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Organizing Local Communities to Advocate for Cancellation of Forest Concession in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Final report (PDF, 38 KB), Yayasan Alam Sumatera
Reassessment of Indonesia's Biosphere Reserves on Sumatra, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Review of the Co-Management Model for Siberut National Park, Final report (PDF, 24 KB), Antonius Djogo
Strategy Development for Sumatra's Newly Declared Batang Gadis National Park, Final report (PDF), Yayasan Bina Ketrampilan Desa
Strengthening Community Commitment to Protect Batang Gadis National Park, Final report (PDF, 31 KB), Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Harapan Madina
Survey of the Distribution of the Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and the Thomas Leaf Monkey (Presbytis thomasi) in the Seulawah Ecosystem, Final report (PDF, 26 KB), Yayasan Ekologi Konservasi Nanggroe Aceh
Use of Forest Resources in Riau: A Look at Legal and Illegal Employment, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
West Coast Ecologically Sustainable Tourism Project - WEST Project Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), ASEAN Focus Group Pty Ltd.
Workshop on Planning and Implementing Conservation Efforts in the Seulawah Ecosystem, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), Universitas Syiah Kuala
Workshop to Finalize Vision Map and Development of Project Design for Tesso Nilo Bukit Tiga Puluh (TNBT) Landscape, Final report (PDF, 30 KB), Riau Mandiri
Workshop to Formulate Management Strategies for Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Final report (PDF), Komunitas Konservasi Indonesia WARSI
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About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro