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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Southern Mesoamerica
Arresting Agricultural Encroachment into La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture in the Buffer Zone, Final report (PDF, 78 KB), Fundación Para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Panamá
Campaign to Increase Awareness about the Biological Importance of Baru Volcano National Park, Final report, Español (PDF, 21 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral del Corregimiento de Cerro Punta
Capacity Building for Local Management of the Naso-Teribe Region, Final report (PDF), Alianza para la Conservación y el Desarrollo
Community Consultation and Institutional Strengthening for the Sustainable Management of the Rama Indigenous Territory Protected Area, Final report, Español (PDF), Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaraguense, Recinto de Bluefields-Raas
Conservation Research of the Central American Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in the La Amistad International Park, Costa Rica, Final report, Español (PDF, 27 KB), Asociación Meralvis
Conserving Biodiversity in Damani Wetlands Reserve, Ngobe Buglé Indigenous Territory, Final report, Español (PDF, 43 KB), Centro de Estudios y Acción Social Panameño
Conserving the Forests of La Amistad International Park through the Promotion of Traditional Medicine in Three Communities of Naso Ethnicity, Final report, Español (PDF, 97 KB), Asociación de Practicantes de Medicina Tradicional Naso
Consolidation of the Protected Area System of Costa Rica, Final report, Español (PDF), The Leatherback Trust
Ecotourism Development in the Inter-Municipal Park of the Mahogany Wetlands in Rama-Bluefields, Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF, 33 KB), Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Environmental and Economic Needs Assessment to Conserve the Caño Negro Wetlands of the Kukra River, Nicaragua, Final report (PDF), Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Environmental Education to Conserve the Flagship Species of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Final report, Español (PDF, 28 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo Académico de la Universidad Nacional
Establishing Maquenque National Park to Achieve Connectivity Within the Cerro-Silva-La Selva Biological Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF, 42 KB), Centro Científico Tropical
Establishing the Biological Boundaries of the Osa Biological Corridor through Data Compilation and Analysis, Final report, Español (PDF, 42 KB), Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in the Northern and Southern Mesoamerican Hotspot, Final report (PDF, 26 KB), Environmental Law Institute
Institutional Support to the Osa Conservation Area, Final report, Español (PDF, 38 KB), Fundación Corcovado Lon Willing Ramsey Jr.
Mitigating Threats to the Bi-National Region of La Amistad International Park Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture, Final report, Español (PDF, 45 KB), Fundación Agroecológica Cotobruseña
Natural Resource Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Areas of Palo Seco Reserve - Chiriqui Grande, Panama, Final report, Español (PDF, 22 KB), Asociación Comercial y Agropecuaria de Chiriquì Grande
Park Guard Capacity Building - Mahogany Wetlands Intermunicipal Ecological Park, Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF), Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Pilot Project for Local Participatory Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Buffer Zone of Indio Maíz Biological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF), Asociación de Desarrollo y Promoción Humana de la Costa Atlántica
Plan for Control and Protection for the Corcovado and Piedras Blancas National Parks and Their Surrounding Areas, Final report, Español (PDF), Fundación Corcovado Lon Willing Ramsey Jr.
Preparation of the Management Plan for the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB), Fundación Amigos del Río San Juan
Preparing Southern Mesoamerica's Nongovernmental Organizations for CEPF Projects, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), Conservation International
Promoting Biological Connectivity in the Osa Peninsula Through Sustainable Agriculture, Final report (PDF, 78 KB), Fundación Neotropica
Promoting Connectivity in the Talamanca-Caribbean Biological Corridor for Biodiversity Conservation, Final report, Español (PDF, 60 KB), Asociación de Organizaciones del Corredor Biológico Talamanca Caribe
Promoting Conservation for Regional Development and Unification: Scientific Research, Biological Monitoring and Capacity Building for Improved Management of Protected Areas, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Promoting Environmental Education in Selected Ngobe-Buglé Communities of the Palo Seco Forest Reserve, La Amistad International Park, Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB), Modelo de Comunidad Ecológica Los Valles
Promoting Environmental Education in the Schools of Bocas del Toro, Final report (PDF, 25 KB), Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Promoting Sustainable Development in the Buffer Zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Ecotourism in the Naso Indigenous Community Territory – Phase II, Final report, Español (PDF, 31 KB), Organización para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Pueblo Naso
Promoting Traditional Conservation Practices in the Cabecares Indigenous Communities of Bajo Chirripo and Nairi Awari, La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 2.59 MB) - Related report - Conservación y conocimiento tradicional en Bajo Chirripó, Español (PDF, 717 KB) , Asociación IXACAVAA de Desarrollo e Información Indígena
Rapid Ecological Evaluation and Inventory of Flora and Fauna in the Ngobe-Buglé Indigenous Reservation of Bocas del Toro, Panamá, Final report (PDF), Fundación Universidad Nacional
Strengthening Community Park Guards and Increasing Institutional Coordination in the Cerro Silva-Indio Maíz Corridor of Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF, 453 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Structure and Composition of a Fragmented Forest Landscape: A Tool for Strategy Design for Biodiversity Conservation, Final report (PDF), Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
Support to Civil Society for the Protection of Volcan Baru National Park, Panama, Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB), Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Support to the Volunteer Park Guards of Mahogany Ecological Wetlands Park, Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF, 23 KB), Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Supporting the Integration of Civil Society into Conservation and Development Decision-Making Processes at the Regional Level, Final report, Español (PDF, 51 KB), Conservation International
Using the Eco-Index to Allow Organizations Working in Neotropical Hotspots to Share Experiences and Glean Lessons from Colleagues, Final report (PDF), Rainforest Alliance
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About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro