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Publications: Project Completion Documents
Eastern Arc & Coastal Forests
Army Ants in the Fragmented Forests of Taita Hills and Lower Tana River, Final report (PDF, 335 KB), Caspar Schöning
Assessing the Potential for Restoring Connectivity and Evaluating Options for Improved Management of the Udzungwa Scarp, Iyondo, Matundu, and Nyanganje Forest Reserves in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, Final report (PDF, 29 KB), Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali
Assessment of Tumbatu Flora and Fauna Species, Final report (PDF, 1.4 MB), Jongowe Environmental Management Association
Baseline Carbon Storage Assessment of Kenya’s Coastal Forests, Final report (PDF, 20 KB) - Related report: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Storage & the Potential for Forestry Based Carbon Offset Projects in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (PDF, 428 KB) - Related report: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Storage & the Potential for Forestry Based Carbon Offset Projects in the Lower Tana River Forests: the Tana Delta Irrigation Project and the Tana River National Primate Reserve (PDF, 408 KB), International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Biodiversity of a Landscape: Examining Forest Heterogeneity and Ecological Change in the East Usambaras Since 1975, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), University of Florida
Capacity Building to Empower Community Conservation, Final report (PDF, 32 KB), Kasigau Conservation Trust
Chytrid Distribution and Pathogenicity Among Frogs of the Udzungwas, Final report (PDF), Wildlife Conservation Society
Evaluation of Tanzania Forest Conservation Group's Participatory Forest Management Initiatives in the Eastern Arc, Final report (PDF, 92 KB), Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Facilitating a Process of Stakeholders Consultations on the Interventions Required to Restore and Increase the Connectivity of Forest Patches in Taita Hills, Final report (PDF), The East African Wild Life Society
Facilitating the Process of Designing CEPF/GCF Connectivity Interventions in the Udzungwa Mountains Area, Final report (PDF), World Wide Fund for Nature
Forest Use and Conservation of Biodiversity in Witu Forest, Final report (PDF, 179 KB), Danish Zoological Society
Making Available Copies of WWF Ecoregion Books, Final report (PDF, 19 KB), World Wide Fund for Nature
Making Available Free Copies of Coastal Forest Books, Final report (PDF), World Wide Fund for Nature
Managing CEPF’s Outcomes Database for the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests Of Tanzania and Kenya Hotspot, Final report (PDF), East Africa Natural History Society
Overview of Butterfly Faunas of Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests: Biodiversity, Endemism, Conservation, Final report (PDF), African Butterfly Research Institute
Preventing Unsustainable Timber Trade from the Coastal Forests of Southeast Tanzania Following Completion of the Mkapa Bridge, Final report (PDF), TRAFFIC International
Primates on Mt. Kasigau, Kaya Rubai and Along the Tana River, Kenya: Preparing for Red List Assessments and Conservation Action, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment of the Rehabilitation of theTana Delta Irrigation Project with Design of Critical Primate Habitat Improvement, Increased Indigenous Forest Connectivity and Community Woodlots, Final report (PDF), National Museums of Kenya
Rehabilitation of Chawia Forest for the Conservation of Its Flora and Fauna, Final report (PDF, 191 KB), The East African Wild Life Society
Restoration and Increase of Connectivity Among Fragmented Forest Patches in the Taita Hills, Southeast Kenya, Final report (PDF, 27 KB), Ghent University
Standardizing Forest Change Methodologies Between Sokoine University and CABS to Assist in Identifying Connectivity Priorities Across the Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Technical Advisor – Conservation Corridors: Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya, Final report (PDF, 33 KB), Conservation International
The Amani Butterfly Project, Final report (PDF, 24 KB), Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
The Forgotten Coastal Forests of Mtwara: A Reconnaissance to Prioritize Biological Knowledge for Community Conservation Initiatives, Final report (PDF) - Related report - Mtwara Reconnaissance Project: A Reconnaissance to Prioritise Biological Knowledge for Community Conservation Initiatives (PDF, 1.4 MB) / Part 2 (PDF, 801 KB) , The Society for Environmental Exploration
“Scientific Advisor” for the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya Hotspot, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
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About the Reports
All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro