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Publications: Project Completion Documents

All recipients of CEPF grants complete a final project report, detailing results and lessons learned. The formats vary for reports on small grants. We share the reports to help expand knowledge among others working in the region and in other hotspots.

Atlantic Forest (Brazil)
Agroforestry Systems in Southern Bahia: Economic & Conservation Potential of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF, 46 KB), Sociedade de Estudos dos Ecossistemas e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Bahia
Analysis and Ecological Relevance of Institutions in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF), Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia
Assessment and Capacity Building of NGOs Active in the Serra do Mar Corridor, Final report, Português (PDF, 154 KB), Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Biodiversity Conservation and Management in the Watershed of the Sao Joao River, Final report, Português (PDF, 717 KB), Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Biodiversity Conservation of the Restingas in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Final report, Português (PDF, 73 KB), Instituto de Pesquisas e Conservação da Biodiversidade dos Biomas Brasileiros
Coastal Environments of the Atlantic Forest - Phase 3, Final report, Português (PDF, 169 KB) / Annex 1, Português (PDF, 2 MB) / Annex 2, Português (PDF, 120 KB) / Annex 3, Português (PDF, 125 KB), Instituto de Conservação de Ambientes Litorâneos da Mata Atlântica
Community Awareness of Threatened Aquatic Species Among the River Islands of the Paraíba do Sul River, Final report, Português (PDF, 1.4 MB), Associacao Dos Pescadores E Amigos Do Rio Paraiba Do Sul
Coordination of CEPF in the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF), Conservação Internacional do Brasil
Ecological Corridor of the South of Minas, Final report, Português (PDF, 60 KB), Valor Natural
Establishment of a Network of Private Reserves and Conservation/Recuperation Systems of Forest Fragments in the South of Bahia, Final report, Português (PDF, 28 KB), Instituto BioAtlântica
Expanding the Site Conservation Network in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot, Final report, Português (PDF, 97 KB), BirdLife International
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Increasing the Network of Protected Areas in the Bahian Portion of the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest - Phase I, Final report, Português: Part 1 (PDF, 996 KB) / Part 2 (PDF, 760 KB), Associação Flora Brasil
Mapping the Occurrence, Distribution and Conservation Status of Endemic and Threatened Reptiles in Bahian Restingas, Final report, Português (PDF), Instituto de Pesquisas e Conservação da Biodiversidade dos Biomas Brasileiros
Preparation for the Coordination of CEPF in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF), Conservação Internacional do Brasil
Protected Areas as Centers for Environmental Awareness in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF, 36 KB) - Related report: Adequação a Legislação e Educação Ambiental para o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade em assentamentos de reforma agrária, Português (PDF, 2.4 MB), Associação dos Proprietários de Reservas Particulares do Estado da Bahia
Protecting and Restoring the Três Picos Buffer Zone: A Corridor Approach to Conserving Forest-Based Services and Biodiversity, Final report, Português (PDF, 52 KB) - Related report - Vegetação, Uso e Cobertura do Solo, Português (PDF, 2.4 MB), Instituto Rede Brasileira Agroflorestal
Recuperation of the Atlantic Forest in the Watershed of Rio Caraiva, Final report, Português (PDF, 115 KB), Instituto Cidade
Small Grant Program for the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, Final report, Português (PDF, 52 KB) - Related report: Fortalecimento Institucional no Corredor Central da Mata Atlântica, Português (PDF, 2.3 MB), Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia
Small Grants Program - Institutional Development of NGOs in the Serra do Mar Corridor, Final report, Português (PDF, 220 KB), Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Socioenvironmental Restoration of the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil - Education, Research, and Environmental Restoration, Final report, Português (PDF, 63 KB), Instituto Terra
Study of Wildlife Animal Traffic in the Atlantic Forest and Its Implications for Conservation., Final report, Português (PDF, 38 KB) - Related report - Vida silvestre: o estreito limiar entre preservação e destruição, Português (PDF, 1.45 MB) / Part 2 (PDF, 5.40 MB), Rede Nacional de Combate ao Tráfico de Animais Silvestres
Supporting the Implementation of Mosaics in Protected Areas in the Serra do Mar Corridor, Final report, Português (PDF, 44 KB), Instituto Amigos da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlantica
Using the Eco-Index to Allow Organizations Working in Neotropical Hotspots to Share Experiences and Glean Lessons from Colleagues, Final report (PDF), Rainforest Alliance
Cape Floristic Region
Baviaans Conservancy: Feasibility Study to Investigate the Conversion of Land Use from Small Stock Farming to Sustainable Biodiversity-Based Ventures, Final report (PDF), Baviaans Conservancy
Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve Project: Mega-Reserve Vision and 5-Year Development and Management Plan, Final report (PDF, 33 KB), Wilderness Foundation
Blaauwberg Conservation Area, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Botanical Assessment and Hotspot Identification for the Slanghoek Valley, Western Cape Province, South Africa, Final report (PDF), Rawsonville Wine & Tourism
Co-authorship of a Book titled East of the Cape–Conserving Eden, Final report (PDF), Shirley Pierce Cowling
Conservation Biology of the Black Harrier in South Africa, Final report (PDF), University of Cape Town
Creating Electronic Access to Information on the Red Data List Species and Endemic Plant Families of the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Development of a Strategic Management and Business Plan to Ratify the Objectives of the Gouritz Megapark Conservation Corridor, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Die Oog Rehabilitation and Improvement Project, Final report (PDF, 31 KB), Friends of Die Oog
Ensuring an Effective Role for the Southern Cape Herbarium and Garden Route Botanical Garden in Conservation in the Southern Cape, South Africa, Final report (PDF), Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust
Facilitating Implementation in the Priority Mega-Reserves and Lowland Corridors in the CFR, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
First African Botanic Gardens Congress, Final report (PDF), Durban Botanic Gardens
Highlighting the Hotspots: Curating, Using and Sharing the C.A.P.E. Findings and Other Biodiversity Data in Support of Bioregional Planning and Land-Use Decisionmaking, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Investing in Technology to Build Communication and Financial Management Capacity for Civil Society Biodiversity Conservation NGOs in African Hotspots, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Mainstreaming Biodiversity on the Cape Flats: Project Design Phase, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Market Research Support to the Africa Environmental News Service, Final report (PDF), Equals Three Communications
Partnerships, Cooperative Management and Incentives to Secure Biodiversity Conservation in Priority Areas in the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), Botanical Society of South Africa
Production of a Research Strategy to Support CFR Conservation, Final report (PDF, 49 KB), Fynbos Forum
Promoting and Marketing Flower Valley Conservation Trust - Biodiversity-Based Small Business Development Initiative, Final report (PDF), Flower Valley Conservation Trust
Promoting Public Participation in Caring for Tokai's Core Cape Flats Flora Conservation Site, Final report (PDF), Friends of Tokai Forest
Providing Guidelines for Game Fencing in the Gouritz Initiative Rooiberg-Gamkaberg to Outeniqua Nature Reserves Corridor, Final report (PDF), Conservation Management Services
Putting Biodiversity Plans to Work, Final report (PDF, 61 KB), Botanical Society of South Africa
Salt River Macro Invertebrate Sanctuary: Stakeholder Engagement Process, Final report (PDF), Nature’s Valley Trust
Sustainable Utilization: A Tool for Managers and Workers in the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), South African Protea Producers and Exporters Association
Taking C.A.P.E. to a Finer Scale: Catalyzing Conservation Action in the Cederberg Conservation Corridor and the “Cederberg Mega-Reserve Area” in the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
The Biodiversity & Wine Initiative, Final report (PDF, 68 KB), The South African Wine & Brandy Company
The Cederberg Mega-Reserve Project Management Unit: Setting the Stage for Conservation in the Cederberg Mega-Reserve, South Africa, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
The Gamtoos Valley Collective Land Management Project Phase 1: Assessing the Viability of Collective Land Management as a Model for Conservation in the Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve Coastal Corridor, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
The St. Francis Conservancy Project, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
The Table Mountain Fund Capacity Building Program for the Cape Floristic Region, Final report (PDF, 44 KB), World Wide Fund for Nature - South Africa
Turning Duineveld Eco-Threat Into Profitable Employment: Phase 1 - Development of a Business Plan, Final report (PDF), Duineveld Coastal Association
Van der Kempskloof/Parsonsvlei Management Plan, Final report (PDF), Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Western Baviaanskloof Initiative Community Planning Process, Final report (PDF), Western Baviaanskloof Initiative
Wilderness Concepts and Practice Training Courses for Western & Eastern Cape, Final report (PDF), Wilderness Action Group
Attending the Regional Stakeholder Meeting and Planning Workshop for the Project: Development of an IBA Caretaker Network in the 5 Priority Corridors, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Planning Workshop for the Project: Development of an Important Bird Area Caretaker Network in the Five Priority Corridors, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
Eastern Arc & Coastal Forests
Army Ants in the Fragmented Forests of Taita Hills and Lower Tana River, Final report (PDF, 335 KB), Caspar Schöning
Assessing the Potential for Restoring Connectivity and Evaluating Options for Improved Management of the Udzungwa Scarp, Iyondo, Matundu, and Nyanganje Forest Reserves in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, Final report (PDF, 29 KB), Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali
Assessment of Tumbatu Flora and Fauna Species, Final report (PDF, 1.4 MB), Jongowe Environmental Management Association
Baseline Carbon Storage Assessment of Kenya’s Coastal Forests, Final report (PDF, 20 KB) - Related report: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Storage & the Potential for Forestry Based Carbon Offset Projects in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (PDF, 428 KB) - Related report: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Storage & the Potential for Forestry Based Carbon Offset Projects in the Lower Tana River Forests: the Tana Delta Irrigation Project and the Tana River National Primate Reserve (PDF, 408 KB), International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Biodiversity of a Landscape: Examining Forest Heterogeneity and Ecological Change in the East Usambaras Since 1975, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), University of Florida
Capacity Building to Empower Community Conservation, Final report (PDF, 32 KB), Kasigau Conservation Trust
Chytrid Distribution and Pathogenicity Among Frogs of the Udzungwas, Final report (PDF), Wildlife Conservation Society
Evaluation of Tanzania Forest Conservation Group's Participatory Forest Management Initiatives in the Eastern Arc, Final report (PDF, 92 KB), Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Facilitating a Process of Stakeholders Consultations on the Interventions Required to Restore and Increase the Connectivity of Forest Patches in Taita Hills, Final report (PDF), The East African Wild Life Society
Facilitating the Process of Designing CEPF/GCF Connectivity Interventions in the Udzungwa Mountains Area, Final report (PDF), World Wide Fund for Nature
Forest Use and Conservation of Biodiversity in Witu Forest, Final report (PDF, 179 KB), Danish Zoological Society
Making Available Copies of WWF Ecoregion Books, Final report (PDF, 19 KB), World Wide Fund for Nature
Making Available Free Copies of Coastal Forest Books, Final report (PDF), World Wide Fund for Nature
Managing CEPF’s Outcomes Database for the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests Of Tanzania and Kenya Hotspot, Final report (PDF), East Africa Natural History Society
Overview of Butterfly Faunas of Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests: Biodiversity, Endemism, Conservation, Final report (PDF), African Butterfly Research Institute
Preventing Unsustainable Timber Trade from the Coastal Forests of Southeast Tanzania Following Completion of the Mkapa Bridge, Final report (PDF), TRAFFIC International
Primates on Mt. Kasigau, Kaya Rubai and Along the Tana River, Kenya: Preparing for Red List Assessments and Conservation Action, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment of the Rehabilitation of theTana Delta Irrigation Project with Design of Critical Primate Habitat Improvement, Increased Indigenous Forest Connectivity and Community Woodlots, Final report (PDF), National Museums of Kenya
Rehabilitation of Chawia Forest for the Conservation of Its Flora and Fauna, Final report (PDF, 191 KB), The East African Wild Life Society
Restoration and Increase of Connectivity Among Fragmented Forest Patches in the Taita Hills, Southeast Kenya, Final report (PDF, 27 KB), Ghent University
Standardizing Forest Change Methodologies Between Sokoine University and CABS to Assist in Identifying Connectivity Priorities Across the Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Technical Advisor – Conservation Corridors: Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya, Final report (PDF, 33 KB), Conservation International
The Amani Butterfly Project, Final report (PDF, 24 KB), Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
The Forgotten Coastal Forests of Mtwara: A Reconnaissance to Prioritize Biological Knowledge for Community Conservation Initiatives, Final report (PDF) - Related report - Mtwara Reconnaissance Project: A Reconnaissance to Prioritise Biological Knowledge for Community Conservation Initiatives (PDF, 1.4 MB) / Part 2 (PDF, 801 KB) , The Society for Environmental Exploration
“Scientific Advisor” for the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya Hotspot, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Guinean Forests (Upper Guinean Forest)
Acoustic Monitoring of Forest Elephants, Final report (PDF), Cornell University
Action Plan for the Conservation of Chimpanzees in West Africa, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Africa Environmental News Service: Phase Two – E-commerce Development and Market Research, Final report (PDF), Africa Environmental News Service
Ankasa Exploration Base, Final report (PDF, 92 KB), Living Earth Foundation
Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in the Guinean Forests of West Africa, Final report (PDF, 352 KB) / En Français (PDF, 496 KB), Environmental Foundation for Africa - Sierra Leone
Awareness Campaign on the Bushmeat Crisis, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Biological Inventory and Ecological Study of the Southern Dassioko and Monogaga Forests (Southwest Coast of Côte d'Ivoire), Final report, Français (PDF), SOS-FORETS
Building Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation in West Africa, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
Building Sustainable Livelihoods Around the Wologizi-Wonegizi Proposed Protected Areas, Final report (PDF, 300 KB), Skills and Agriculture Development Services, Inc.
Building the Capacity of Farmers in the SW Ghana Conservation Corridor to Practice Cocoa Agroforestry, Final report (PDF), Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Union
Bushmeat Awareness & Sustainable Development in Southeast Liberia Project, Final report (PDF), Grand Gedeh Community Servant Association
Bushmeat Hunting and Trade in the Nimba Mountains, Final report, Français (PDF), Fauna & Flora International
Capacity Building of Local Riverine Communities for Biodiversity Conservation of Two Important Bird Areas: the Grande Chutes Forest at Kindia and the Kounoukan Forest at Forécariah (Guinea), Final report, Français (PDF), Guinee-Ecologie
Conservation Connections: Developing a Conservation Corridor for the Nimba Highlands and the Sapo-Tai Complex, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Conservation of Biodiversity in Marahoué National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Conservation Priority-Setting Products and Dissemination, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Corridor Conservation – West Africa, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Developing a National Biodiversity Strategy for Ghana, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Development of a Strategic Plan for the Establishment of International Corridors for Elephant Migration in West Africa, Final report, Français (PDF), IUCN-The World Conservation Union
Echoes of the Rain Forest, Final report (PDF), AGORO Centre for Intercultural Learning and Talent Development
Echoes of the Rain Forest Project – Second Phase, Final report (PDF), AGORO Centre for Intercultural Learning and Talent Development
Engaging the Private Sector in Conservation in Côte d’Ivoire, Final report, Français (PDF, 33 KB), Afrique Nature International
Ensuring Effective and Sustainable Management of the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Sierra Leone, Through the Establishment of the Tiwai Island Administrative Committee Secretariat, Final report (PDF), Environmental Foundation for Africa - Sierra Leone
First African Botanic Gardens Congress, Final report (PDF), Durban Botanic Gardens
Forest Conservation at Mont Péko, Côte d'Ivoire, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
Habitat Assessment, Ichthyological Inventory and Management Recommendations for High Priority Coastal Mangrove Zone and Fouta Djalon of Guinea, Final report (PDF), University of Louisiana at Monroe
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Herpetological Survey in the Ghana-Togo Highlands, Final report (PDF), University of Vermont
Hunting to Extinction: Addressing the Threat of the Bushmeat Trade to Wildlife in the Upper Guinea Forest, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Implementation of Activities for Creating a Protected Area Network and Biodiversity Conservation Corridors in Liberia, Final report (PDF), Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia
Improving Implementation of Environmental Legislation in Liberia, Final report (PDF), Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia
Improving the Capacity of GECOMSA in NGO Management, Final report (PDF), Grand Gedeh Community Servant Association
Increasing Our Knowledge of Biodiversity in Priority Areas of the Upper Guinean Forest Through Biological Assessments, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Intensification of the Liberia Forest Re-assessment Project to Create New Conservation Areas in Liberia, Final report (PDF), Fauna & Flora International
Interim Support to the Management of Sapo National Park, Liberia, Final report (PDF), Fauna & Flora International
Inventory of Butterflies in the Missahoe Classified Forest in Togo, Upper Guinea Forest, Final report, Français (PDF), Association pour la Gestion Intégrée et Durable de l'Environnement
Liberia Forest Reassessment, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Liberia Sea Turtle Project, Final report (PDF), Save My Future Foundation
Liberia: Laying the Foundation for the Creation of a Network of New Protected Areas, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Long-Term System for Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE), Final report (PDF), IUCN-The World Conservation Union
Market Research Support to the Africa Environmental News Service, Final report (PDF), Equals Three Communications
Monrovia, Liberia as a Transport Hub for the Bushmeat Trade, Final report (PDF), Concerned Environmentalists for the Enhancement of Biodiversity
National Public Awareness Campaign for Liberia, Final report (PDF), Zoological Society of Philadelphia
Photographic and Technical Field Support for Survey of the Ghana-Togo Highlands, Volta Region (Ghana), Final report (PDF), University of Vermont
Phytomedica Network: Enhancing Exchange of Information through Phytomedica Network, Final report (PDF), Conserve Africa Foundation
Preliminary Meeting to Establish Elephant Corridors between Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, Final report (PDF), Marcus Parren
Primate and Birds Diversity in the Fazao-Malfacassa National Park, Togo, Final report (PDF), University of Calgary
Protected Area Gap Analysis the Upper Guinea Ecosystem Contribution to Regional Workshop on Protected Areas in Western and Central Africa, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Reconstruction for Biodiversity Conservation, Research, and Ecotourism in the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Sierra Leone, Final report (PDF), Environmental Foundation for Africa
Regional Workshop on Protected Areas in West and Central Africa., Final report (PDF), IUCN-The World Conservation Union
Rural Bushmeat and Public Opinion Survey, Final report (PDF), Zoological Society of Philadelphia
Status of White-Necked Picathartes (Picathartes gymnocephalus) in Ghana, Final report (PDF), Ghana Wildlife Society
Stimulating a Coordinated and Informed Approach to Biodiversity Conservation in Sierra Leone through Capacity Building of EFA and the Forum for Environmental Action, Final report (PDF, 32 KB), Environmental Foundation for Africa - Sierra Leone
Strengthening the Role of Universities in Biodiversity Conservation in West Africa: An Analysis of Opportunities, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Support For African Ornithologists From The Upper Guinea Forest To Attend The Eleventh Pan-African Ornithological Congress - PAOC XI, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
Support for the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group, Final report (PDF), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Support for the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group, Final report (PDF, 127 KB)  - Case studies (PDF, 234 KB) - Communications strategy (PDF, 778 KB), Conservation International
Support to Coordination of Biological Monitoring Program at Sapo National Park, South-east Liberia, Final report (PDF), Fauna & Flora International
Taking Biodiversity Conservation to the Proposed Lake Piso Nature Reserve, Final report (PDF, 42 KB) - Related report: Biodiversity and Environmental Impacts of Human Activities on the proposed Lake Piso Nature Reserve (PDF, 118 KB) / Regional Map (PDF, 278 KB), Farmers Associated to Conserve the Environment
The 2005 Smithsonian Environmental Leadership Course: Participation by Samba T. Diallo, Final report (PDF), Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura
West African Vulture Survey, Final report (PDF), Afrique Nature International
A Marketing Pilot for Community-Based Tourism in Madagascar: Designing and Implementing a Pilot That Can be Replicated Countrywide, Final report (PDF), EcoAfrica Environmental Consultants
Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in Madagascar, Final report (PDF, 407 KB), Conservation International
Assessment of Priority Areas for Plant Conservation, Final report (PDF, 175 KB), Missouri Botanical Garden
Assessment of the Environmental, Economic And Quality Control Issues Of Wild-Harvesting Medicinal Plants Centella asiatica and Drosera madagascariensis in Madagascar, Final report (PDF), L'Homme et l'Environnement
Biodiversity Advocacy in Madagascar, Final report (PDF, 35 KB), Conservation International
Biodiversity Knowledge Gathering, Final report, Français (PDF, 28), Conservation International
Building a National Constituency for Bird and Biodiversity Conservation in Madagascar, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
Central Menabe Biodiversity: Plan for Protection of Nature's Rich Endowment Through the Development of a Regional Management Scheme, Final report (PDF), Association Fanamby
Communities and Zahamena Protected Area, Final report, Français (PDF), MATEZA
Community Forest Management of the Tandroy Forests of Southern Madagascar, Final report, Français (PDF, 30 KB), Centre Ecologique de Libanona
Core Support to WWF-Madagascar's Ecology Training Program, Final report (PDF, 47 KB), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Ecology Training Program, Final report (PDF), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Emergency Intervention to Prevent Slash and Burn and to Ensure the Sustainability of the Income Generating for Conservation Program, Final report (PDF, 30 KB), L'Homme et l'Environnement
Expedition Madagascar, Final report (PDF, 21 KB), The Human Footprint
First African Botanic Gardens Congress, Final report (PDF), Durban Botanic Gardens
Forested Corridors Management, Final report (PDF, 40 KB), Conservation International
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Hope in Daraina, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Improving Conservation Site Management Through Stakeholder Empowerment and Private Sector Participation in Daraina, Northeast Madagascar, Final report (PDF, 1.7 MB), Association Fanamby
Increasing Knowledge - Decreasing Detriment: Improving the Monitoring and Management of Madagascar's Wildlife Trade, Final report (PDF), TRAFFIC International
Initiation Of A Natural Resource Management Program in the Area Between the Loky and the Manambato Rivers, Northeast Madagascar, Final report (PDF), Association Fanamby
Knowledge Management: Information & Monitoring, Final report, Français (PDF), Conservation International
Legal Fees Associated with the Creation of the Malagasy NGO “Vahatra”, Final report (PDF), The Field Museum of Natural History
Local Population and Private Sector Involvement for Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation at the Vohimana Rainforest in Madagascar, Final report (PDF), L'Homme et l'Environnement
Madagascar Biodiversity Network, Final report (PDF, 51 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Madagascar Community-Based Wetlands Conservation Project, Final report (PDF), The Peregrine Fund
Makira Forest Area Conservation Project, Final report (PDF), Wildlife Conservation Society
Management Training, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Mapping the Vegetation of Madagascar, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), Conservation International
Small Scale Initiatives Support, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Study Tour to Washington DC for Malagasy Scholars from the University of Antananarivo, Final report (PDF), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
The Manambolomaty Conservation Project, Final report (PDF), The Peregrine Fund
Wetland Conservation in the Mahavavy-Kinkony Complex, Madagascar, Final report (PDF, 1.4 MB), BirdLife International
Zahamena Protected Area Management, Final report (PDF, 29 KB), Conservation International
Northern Mesoamerica
Bladen Nature Reserve Protection Program, Final report (PDF, 823 KB), Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education
Developing an Integrated Strategy and Project Plan to Conserve the Chiquibul/ Maya Mountain Key Biodiversity Area in Belize, Final report / Appendix (PDF), Friends for Conservation and Development
Exchanging CEPF Grantee Experience and Lessons Learned in Protected Areas Management in Northern Mesoamerica at the Mesoamerican Protected Areas Congress II, Final report, Español (PDF, 55 KB), Conservation International
Fostering Stakeholder Coordination in the Selva Maya through Ecoregional Planning and Alliance Building, Final report (PDF, 758 KB), The Nature Conservancy
Identifying Important Bird Areas in Belize and Guatemala, Final report (PDF, 2 MB), BirdLife International
Needs Assessment for Conserving the Key Biodiversity Areas of Laguna del Tigre National Park and Chiquibul-Montañas Mayas, Final report, Español (PDF), Asociación Trópico Verde / ParksWatch Guatemala
Preparation of a Strategy to Conserve Critically Endangered Species in Northern Mesoamerica, Final report, Español (PDF, 45 KB), Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano
Updating the Master Plan for Laguna del Tigre National Park: Definition of a New Model for Internal Zoning, Final report, Español (PDF, 35 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Southern Mesoamerica
Arresting Agricultural Encroachment into La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture in the Buffer Zone, Final report (PDF, 78 KB), Fundación Para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Panamá
Campaign to Increase Awareness about the Biological Importance of Baru Volcano National Park, Final report, Español (PDF, 21 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral del Corregimiento de Cerro Punta
Capacity Building for Local Management of the Naso-Teribe Region, Final report (PDF), Alianza para la Conservación y el Desarrollo
Community Consultation and Institutional Strengthening for the Sustainable Management of the Rama Indigenous Territory Protected Area, Final report, Español (PDF), Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaraguense, Recinto de Bluefields-Raas
Conservation Research of the Central American Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in the La Amistad International Park, Costa Rica, Final report, Español (PDF, 27 KB), Asociación Meralvis
Conserving Biodiversity in Damani Wetlands Reserve, Ngobe Buglé Indigenous Territory, Final report, Español (PDF, 43 KB), Centro de Estudios y Acción Social Panameño
Conserving the Forests of La Amistad International Park through the Promotion of Traditional Medicine in Three Communities of Naso Ethnicity, Final report, Español (PDF, 97 KB), Asociación de Practicantes de Medicina Tradicional Naso
Consolidation of the Protected Area System of Costa Rica, Final report, Español (PDF), The Leatherback Trust
Ecotourism Development in the Inter-Municipal Park of the Mahogany Wetlands in Rama-Bluefields, Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF, 33 KB), Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Environmental and Economic Needs Assessment to Conserve the Caño Negro Wetlands of the Kukra River, Nicaragua, Final report (PDF), Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Environmental Education to Conserve the Flagship Species of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Final report, Español (PDF, 28 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo Académico de la Universidad Nacional
Establishing Maquenque National Park to Achieve Connectivity Within the Cerro-Silva-La Selva Biological Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF, 42 KB), Centro Científico Tropical
Establishing the Biological Boundaries of the Osa Biological Corridor through Data Compilation and Analysis, Final report, Español (PDF, 42 KB), Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in the Northern and Southern Mesoamerican Hotspot, Final report (PDF, 26 KB), Environmental Law Institute
Institutional Support to the Osa Conservation Area, Final report, Español (PDF, 38 KB), Fundación Corcovado Lon Willing Ramsey Jr.
Mitigating Threats to the Bi-National Region of La Amistad International Park Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture, Final report, Español (PDF, 45 KB), Fundación Agroecológica Cotobruseña
Natural Resource Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Areas of Palo Seco Reserve - Chiriqui Grande, Panama, Final report, Español (PDF, 22 KB), Asociación Comercial y Agropecuaria de Chiriquì Grande
Park Guard Capacity Building - Mahogany Wetlands Intermunicipal Ecological Park, Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF), Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Pilot Project for Local Participatory Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Buffer Zone of Indio Maíz Biological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF), Asociación de Desarrollo y Promoción Humana de la Costa Atlántica
Plan for Control and Protection for the Corcovado and Piedras Blancas National Parks and Their Surrounding Areas, Final report, Español (PDF), Fundación Corcovado Lon Willing Ramsey Jr.
Preparation of the Management Plan for the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB), Fundación Amigos del Río San Juan
Preparing Southern Mesoamerica's Nongovernmental Organizations for CEPF Projects, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), Conservation International
Promoting Biological Connectivity in the Osa Peninsula Through Sustainable Agriculture, Final report (PDF, 78 KB), Fundación Neotropica
Promoting Connectivity in the Talamanca-Caribbean Biological Corridor for Biodiversity Conservation, Final report, Español (PDF, 60 KB), Asociación de Organizaciones del Corredor Biológico Talamanca Caribe
Promoting Conservation for Regional Development and Unification: Scientific Research, Biological Monitoring and Capacity Building for Improved Management of Protected Areas, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Promoting Environmental Education in Selected Ngobe-Buglé Communities of the Palo Seco Forest Reserve, La Amistad International Park, Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB), Modelo de Comunidad Ecológica Los Valles
Promoting Environmental Education in the Schools of Bocas del Toro, Final report (PDF, 25 KB), Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Promoting Sustainable Development in the Buffer Zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Ecotourism in the Naso Indigenous Community Territory – Phase II, Final report, Español (PDF, 31 KB), Organización para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Pueblo Naso
Promoting Traditional Conservation Practices in the Cabecares Indigenous Communities of Bajo Chirripo and Nairi Awari, La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 2.59 MB) - Related report - Conservación y conocimiento tradicional en Bajo Chirripó, Español (PDF, 717 KB) , Asociación IXACAVAA de Desarrollo e Información Indígena
Rapid Ecological Evaluation and Inventory of Flora and Fauna in the Ngobe-Buglé Indigenous Reservation of Bocas del Toro, Panamá, Final report (PDF), Fundación Universidad Nacional
Strengthening Community Park Guards and Increasing Institutional Coordination in the Cerro Silva-Indio Maíz Corridor of Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF, 453 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Structure and Composition of a Fragmented Forest Landscape: A Tool for Strategy Design for Biodiversity Conservation, Final report (PDF), Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
Support to Civil Society for the Protection of Volcan Baru National Park, Panama, Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB), Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Support to the Volunteer Park Guards of Mahogany Ecological Wetlands Park, Nicaragua, Final report, Español (PDF, 23 KB), Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Supporting the Integration of Civil Society into Conservation and Development Decision-Making Processes at the Regional Level, Final report, Español (PDF, 51 KB), Conservation International
Using the Eco-Index to Allow Organizations Working in Neotropical Hotspots to Share Experiences and Glean Lessons from Colleagues, Final report (PDF), Rainforest Alliance
Mountains of Southwest China
A Media Campaign to Promote Ecotourism in China, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 217 KB), China Youth Daily - Green Island
A Strategy for the Threatened Birds of Asia, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
A Study of Feasibility and Effects of Ecotourism at Baoshan Gushi Cheng, Yunnan, Final report (PDF), Susie Lee Cecchi
Anti-Poaching and Reducing Illegal Collection of Endangered Species in Wanglang Nature Reserve, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Wanglang Nature Reserve
Asia Wildlife Trade Strategy Planning, Final report (PDF, 42 KB), TRAFFIC International
Asian Conservation Awareness Program - China, Final report (PDF), WildAid
Assessment on Influencing Factors on the Giant Panda Habitat in Diebu County, Gansu Province, Final report (PDF), Li Xiaohong
Assessment on Resource and Environment of Sichuan Partridge in Panzhihua Area, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 330 KB), Sichuan Normal University
Black Market: The Trade in Endangered Species in Asia, Final report (PDF, 99 KB), Conservation International
Building Best Biodiversity Conservation Strategies in the Mountains of Southwest China, Final report (PDF, 95 KB), Conservation International
Capacity Building for Newly Established Nature Reserves in the Mountains of Southwest China, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 233 KB), Conservation International
Capacity Building for Yunnan Shangri-la County Alpine Botanic Garden, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), Construction Planning Office of Shangri-la Alpine Botanic Garden
Conservation Research on White-Eared Pheasant Habitat in Western Sichuan, Final report (PDF), Wang Nan
Develop Conservation Strategies to Eliminate Yew Trade in Mountains of Southwest China, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 254 KB) - Related report: Trade and Conservation of Taxus in China, Chinese (PDF, 2.3 MB), TRAFFIC International
Development of the China World Heritage Biodiversity Program, Final report (PDF), IUCN-The World Conservation Union
Eco-Lanes Building in Wanglang Nature Reserve, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Wanglang Nature Reserve
Effective Public Evaluation on the Conservation Areas and Natural Heritages in China, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Friends of Nature, China
Environmental Education on Wetland Biodiversity Conservation in Northwest Yunnan Province, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 262 KB), Yunnan Normal University
Establishing Database on Mammals and Birds of Sichuan and Chongqing, Final report (PDF), Chinese (PDF), Sichuan Academy of Forestry - Liu Shaoying
Establishing Ecotourism Guidelines for Nature Reserves in South Ganzi Prefecture, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 330 KB), Sichuan Wildlife Resource Survey and Conservation Management Station
Establishing Partnerships for Lasting Conservation in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot, Final report (PDF, 54 KB), Conservation International
Establishing White Pagodas as Landmarks of Critical Ecological Sites in Xiaozhongdian Town, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 87 KB), Angweng Reincarnated Buddha
Extending Distribution of 'Restoring China's Natural Vegetation', Final report (PDF, 19 KB), Eco-Security Task Force of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development
Feasibility Study for the Implementation of Forestry Conservation Concessions and Sustainable Development in China, Final report (PDF, 12 KB) - Related technical report, Chinese (PDF, 115 KB), Global Environmental Institute
Green Community Network – Public Participation of Ecological Environmental Protection Action Plan, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 407 KB), Snowland Great River Environmental Protection Association
Green Law Clinic— Training Volunteers on Environmental Law, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Green Law Institute for Action
Green Olympics Train to the Southwest – A Public Environment Education Project, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 391 KB), Global Village Beijing
Independent Environmental and Biological Impact Research of South-to-North Water Diversion Program, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 282 KB) - Related report, Chinese (PDF, 412 KB) / Map, Chinese (PDF, 292 KB), Yang Yong
Inventory and Assessment of Non-Timber Forest Product Resources by Tibetans in Meilixueshan, Final report (PDF), The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Leveraging SARS to Significantly Reduce Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade, Final report (PDF, 199 KB), TRAFFIC International
Linking Tourism to Biodiversity Conservation in Southwest China – Khampa International Ecotourism Conference, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Make a Difference in 10 Days: International Conference on Nature Reserve's Scientific Exchange and Capacity Building, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 200 KB), Chen Youping
Mapping on Freshwater Fisheries in Southwest China, Final report (PDF, 127 KB), Fan Enyuan
Monthly Conservation Forum among Chengdu-Kunming College Student Conservation Organizations, Final report (PDF, 132 KB), Green Student Organizations Society
Natural Resources Protection and Community Development in Tuogushui Village, China, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Baimaxueshan National Nature Reserve Management Office
One World, One Health: The Threat of Emerging Diseases to Human Security and Conservation and the Implications for Public Policy, Final report (PDF, 26 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Population Survey on Cedar Species (Sabia Pingii) in Yele Nature Reserve, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Yele Nature Reserve Management Office, Sichuan
Producing Educational Posters for National Key Protected Wild Animals of Sichuan Ganzi Tibetan Prefecture, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 158 KB), Peng Jitai
Promote Public Participation in Conserving Nu River, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Green Watershed
Promoting Bird Watching in Chengdu City, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Green Student Organizations Society
Promotion of Ecotourism Market in the Hengduan Mountains, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Sichuan Alpine Ecology Study Centre
Protecting Cypress Trees Indigenous to the Kawagebo Area of Deqin County, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 385 KB), Kawagebo Culture Society
The Conceptual Master Planning of Ecotourism for Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, Final report (PDF, 160 KB), Southwest Forestry College
The Development of a Galliformes Monitoring Program in Southwest China: Preparatory Phase, Final report (PDF), World Pheasant Association
The Inspection of Three Rivers’ Communication of Upper Reaches of Changjiang River, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Environmental Volunteer Association of Sichuan University
The Preliminary Project on Wildlife Consumption and Trade Monitoring and Public Awareness Education in Key Regions in China, Final report, Chinese (PDF), International Fund for Animal Welfare
The Third Green Camp of Yunnan University Students- “Attention to Development of Nu River” to Discover the Biodiversity and Cultural Variety of Nu River, Final report, Chinese (PDF), Youth Volunteers Association of Yunnan University
Third Nongovernmental Organization Forum on International Environmental Cooperation in China, Final report (PDF), International Fund for China's Environment
Training for Green Journalists in Southwest China, Final report (PDF, 164 KB), Green Student Organizations Society
What’s Wrong With Yew? A Study of the U.S. Market for China’s Taxus wallichiana, Final report (PDF, 125 KB), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
World Heritage Nomination for Giant Panda Habitat, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), Eco-Security Task Force of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development
“Preserve Nujiang” Photo Exhibition, Final report, Chinese (PDF, 208 KB), Green Earth Volunteers
The Philippines
A 10-Year Framework Plan for Ecohistorical Tourism in the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, Philippines, Final report (PDF), Miriam-Public Education and Awareness Campaign for the Environment
A Strategy for the Threatened Birds of Asia, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
Building Civil Society’s Capacity for Conserving Eastern Mindanao’s Priority Sites, Final report (PDF, 42 KB), Mindanao Environment Forum
Building Partnerships for Sustainable Management of Critical Watersheds in the Sierra Madre’s Palali-Mamparang Mountains, Final report (PDF, 121 KB), Friends of the Environment for Development and Sustainability, Inc.
Capacity Building for Financial Operations in CI-Philippines and CI-Indonesia, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
CEPF Conservation Strategy Preparatory Work in the Philippines, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Collaborative Work Plan for the Newly Formed Alliance for Research and Conservation of the Philippine Eagle, Final report (PDF), Philippine Eagle Conservation Program Foundation, Inc.
Conservation Assessment in Bataraza and Balabac, Palawan, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Consultation on Conservation of Philippine Eagle, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), BirdLife International
Defining and Monitoring Conservation Outcomes for the Philippines, Final report (PDF, 52 KB), Conservation International
Development of Biodiversity Monitoring Project for the Eastern Mindanao Corridor, Final report (PDF), Philippine Eagle Conservation Program Foundation, Inc.
Empowering the Manobos of Mt. Magdiwata Forest Reserve Area to Effectively Manage Their Ancestral Domain Claim, Final report (PDF), Livelihood Enhancement in Agro-forestry Foundation, Inc.
Enabling Communities and Ancestral Domain Stakeholders to Improve Natural Resource Management, Final report (PDF), Process Luzon Association, Inc
Enhancement of Educational Park as Reforestation Training Center (Phase II), Final report (PDF), Palawan Conservation Corps
Enlarged Scales: Strengthening Philippine Crocodile Conservation in the Sierra Madre Corridor, Final report (PDF, 204 KB), Mabuwaya Foundation Inc.
Establishing an Educational Nature Park to Build Local Capacity for Restoring Wild Habitats, Final report (PDF), Palawan Conservation Corps
Finalization of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Wildlife Act (RA 9147), A Critical Step Toward the Establishment of Critical Habitats Identified by the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-Setting Program, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Launching of the PBCPP Products and the National Geographic July 2002 Issue, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Mt Irid-Mt Angilo Proposed Protected Area Advocacy Project, Final report (PDF), Yakap Kalikasan Tungo sa Kaunlaran ng Pilipinas, Inc.
National Prioritization System for GEF and Other Donors' Biodiversity Conservation Investment in the Philippines, Final report (PDF, 21 KB), Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies, Inc.
Palawan Strategy Development Project, Final report (PDF, 41 KB), Conservation International
Participatory Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Mt. Hamiguitan Range, Davao Oriental and Its Environs for Development, Final report (PDF, 89 KB) - Related report - Training Manual: Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation (Biome) System for Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary Stakeholders (PDF, 146 KB), Central Mindanao University
Stakeholders Workshop on Philippine Eagle, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Strengthening Corporate and Philanthropic Support for Biodiversity Conservation in the Philippines, Final report (PDF), First Philippine Conservation, Inc.
Training for CEPF Grant Facilitation in the Philippines, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Succulent Karoo
A Conservation Awareness Raising Plan for the Bushmanland Inselberg Geographic Priority Area, Final report (PDF), Namprocon CC
A Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Succulent Karoo Biodiversity Resource and Conservation Center with Satellite Information Centers, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
A Transformation Map for the Little Karoo, Final report (PDF), Geo Terra Image (Pty) Ltd.
A Vegetation Map for the Little Karoo, Final report (PDF), Regalis Environmental Services CC
Alternative Small Predator Management Techniques in the Succulent Karoo : Options to Conserve Biodiversity, Final report (PDF), South African National Parks
An Inventory of the Rare and Endemic Plants and Habitats of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Final report (PDF, 19 KB) - Related report - A Description of the Endemic Flora and Vegetation of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Namaqualand, June 2006 (PDF, 1.72 MB), Nick Helme
Biodiversity Awareness Raising: Exhibitions and Biodiversity Fieldtrips During the Western Cape International Youth Festival, Final report (PDF), Western Cape International Youth Festival
Co-authorship of a Book titled East of the Cape–Conserving Eden, Final report (PDF), Shirley Pierce Cowling
Conservation Priorities for Insects of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Final report (PDF), Jonathan Colville
Developing a Fine-Scale Conservation Plan for the Kamiesberg Uplands, Final report (PDF), Philip Desmet
Development of the Sutherland Succulent Karoo Route: Catalyzing Conservation Through Ecotourism and Environmental Awareness, Final report (PDF, 28 KB), Garden Route Enviro Services
Ecological Interactions and Impact of the Tent Tortoise (Psammobates tentorius) on the Succulent Karoo Biome, Final report (PDF), University of Stellenbosch
Environmental Education Program for The Succulent Karoo Hotspot in Namibia: Phase 1 - Program Development, Final report (PDF), Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust
Facilitating the Transition from Conservation Planning to Action: Establishing SKEP Sub-regional Coordination Nodes, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Facilitating the Transition from Conservation Planning to Action: Providing Biodiversity Specialist Support to the SKEP Coordination Team, Final report (PDF), Botanical Society of South Africa
Formal Launching of CEPF-Funded SKEP Programme in Knersvlakte, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Impacts of Herbivores on the Succulent Karoo Vegetation of Anysberg Nature Reserve, Final report (PDF, 166 KB), University of Cape Town
Inventory, Mapping, and Increased Awareness of the Brown Hyena and Other Large Predators in the Sperrgebiet and Surrounding Areas, Namibia, Final report (PDF), Brown Hyena Research Project
Investing in Technology to Build Communication and Financial Management Capacity for Civil Society Biodiversity Conservation NGOs in African Hotspots, Final report (PDF), South African National Biodiversity Institute
Karoo Veld: Ecology & Management, Final report (PDF, 65 KB), University of Stellenbosch
Klein Karoo Awareness Project, Final report (PDF), L. H. Jordaan
Knersvlakte Biodiversity Awareness Raising Project, Final report (PDF, 37 KB), Masibambane Multi-Purpose Community Centre
Market Research Support to the Africa Environmental News Service, Final report (PDF), Equals Three Communications
Nieuwoudtville Biodiversity Facilitators Project, Final report (PDF), Indigo Development and Change
Piloting a Resource for Environmental Education in the Little Karoo, Final report (PDF), Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust
Planning the Knersvlakte Biodiversity Corridor, Final report (PDF), CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Raising Awareness and Building Local Capacity for Project Design and Implementation Linked to SKEP Conservation Targets, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Sanna's Garden: Animated Animals Teach Kids about Conservation, Final report (PDF, 65 KB), Fopspeen Live Art
Sharing Lessons From the Succulent Karoo on Conservation Assessment and Planning, Final report (PDF), Philip Desmet
Southern Namib Restoration Ecology Information Package, Final report (PDF), EnviroScience
Taking SKEP to a Finer Scale: Catalyzing Conservation Action in Geographic Priority Areas in the Succulent Karoo, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
The Biodiversity & Wine Initiative Succulent Karoo Expansion, Final report (PDF, 41 KB), The South African Wine & Brandy Company
Sundaland (Sumatra)
A Strategy for the Threatened Birds of Asia, Final report (PDF), BirdLife International
A Voice of Siberut: Publication and Dissemination of the Newspaper Pualigoubat, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), Yayasan Citra Mandiri
Annual Forest Cover Change Analysis and Change Detection Map for Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 191 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Anti-Poaching Patrols for Rhinos, Tigers and Other Megafauna within Bukit Barisan National Park and Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), International Rhino Foundation
Asia Wildlife Trade Strategy Planning, Final report (PDF, 42 KB), TRAFFIC International
Assessment and Boundary Setting for High-Biodiversity Forests in Angkola, Northern Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 27 KB), Yayasan Biota Lestari
Assessment and Strategy for Protecting Wildlife and Timber Resources in the Gunung Leuser Ecosystem, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Batang Gadis National Park Development and Management Support, Final report (PDF, 33 KB), Conservation International
Building Capacity of Locals to Conduct Biodiversity Surveys in Angkola, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), Yayasan Cipta Citra Lestari Indonesia
Building the Capacity of NGOs to Conserve Forests and Species in Sumatra's Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh Conservation Corridor, Final report (PDF, 28 KB), World Wide Fund for Nature - Indonesia
Campaign Against Illegal Logging in Karo Forest Reserve of the Leuser Ecosystem, Final report, Bahasa (PDF, 30 KB), Yayasan Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup dan Pelestarian Alam
CANOPI: A Program to Unite and Strengthen the Conservation of the Bukit Barisan Selatan Landscape in Sumatra, Indonesia Through Information Building, Capacity Building and Management, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), Wildlife Conservation Society
Capacity Building for Financial Operations in CI-Philippines and CI-Indonesia, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
CEPF Conservation Strategy Preparatory Work in Sumatra, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
CEPF Support of Local Partners in Sumatra, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Collaborative Management as a Tool For Reaching Consensus Among Stakeholders in Tesso Nilo for Better Natural Resource Management, Final report (PDF, 21 KB), Riau Mandiri
Conservation Assessment and Managment Plan for Threatened Sumatran Species and Red List Assessment of Threatened Reptiles and Freshwater Fish, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Conservation of Sumatra Tiger in Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape, Final report (PDF), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Conservation of the Sumatran Orangutan in the Northern Sumatra Corridor, Final report (PDF, 27 KB), Conservation International
Defining, Refining, and Monitoring Outcomes for Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 56 KB), Conservation International
Documenting and Stopping Economic Loss From Hydro Plants Slowed by Forest Conversion in Riau Province, Final report (PDF, 20 KB), Yayasan Sikap Tulus Untuk Sesama
Economic Analysis of Tesso Nilo Forest Concessions, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Ecotourism Product Development as a Means to Supplant Illegal Logging in the Tangkahan Area of Leuser National Park, Final report (PDF), Indonesian Ecotourism Network
Empowering Local Stakeholders to Support Cancellation of PT Bhara Induk Timber Concession in Sumatra's Angkola Forest, Final report (PDF, 39 KB), PeaceWork
Enhance Community Capacity through Rattan Product Development in Northern Siberut, Final report (PDF), Perkumpulan Uma Mentawai
First Anniversary Celebration for Batang Gadis National Park, Final report (PDF), Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Gerakan Masyarakat Madina Pemantau Apatur Negara
Human Resources and Educational Program of 34 High School Students to Study in Nine State Universities in Sumatra in the Year 2003/2004, Final report (PDF, 18 KB), Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru
Implementing the Conservation Concession Approach on Sumatra's Siberut Island, Final report (PDF, 45 KB), Conservation International
Incorporating the Investment Strategies and Regional Planning into Building the Master Plan for CANOPI at Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Final report (PDF), Greenomics Indonesia
Investigation and Campaign About Biodiversity Concerns Related to the Ladiagalasko Road Development Plan, Final report (PDF), Sekretariat Kerjasama Pelestarian Hutan Indonesia
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Policy Initiative Planning Grant, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Organizing Local Communities to Advocate for Cancellation of Forest Concession in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Final report (PDF, 38 KB), Yayasan Alam Sumatera
Reassessment of Indonesia's Biosphere Reserves on Sumatra, Final report (PDF), Conservation International
Review of the Co-Management Model for Siberut National Park, Final report (PDF, 24 KB), Antonius Djogo
Strategy Development for Sumatra's Newly Declared Batang Gadis National Park, Final report (PDF), Yayasan Bina Ketrampilan Desa
Strengthening Community Commitment to Protect Batang Gadis National Park, Final report (PDF, 31 KB), Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Harapan Madina
Survey of the Distribution of the Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and the Thomas Leaf Monkey (Presbytis thomasi) in the Seulawah Ecosystem, Final report (PDF, 26 KB), Yayasan Ekologi Konservasi Nanggroe Aceh
Use of Forest Resources in Riau: A Look at Legal and Illegal Employment, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
West Coast Ecologically Sustainable Tourism Project - WEST Project Sumatra, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), ASEAN Focus Group Pty Ltd.
Workshop on Planning and Implementing Conservation Efforts in the Seulawah Ecosystem, Final report (PDF, 23 KB), Universitas Syiah Kuala
Workshop to Finalize Vision Map and Development of Project Design for Tesso Nilo Bukit Tiga Puluh (TNBT) Landscape, Final report (PDF, 30 KB), Riau Mandiri
Workshop to Formulate Management Strategies for Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Final report (PDF), Komunitas Konservasi Indonesia WARSI
Tropical Andes (Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor)
Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in the Tropical Andes, Final report (PDF, 748 KB), Asociación para la Conservación, Investigación de la Biodiversidad y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Biodiversity Conservation and Participative Sustainable Management of the Natural Resources of Amboró National Park and ANMIA, Final report, Español (PDF), Probioma
Building Awareness of the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor in Peru and Bolivia, Final report (PDF), International Center for Journalists
Creation and Effective Management of Forest Protected Areas in Peru, Final report (PDF), World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Developing Natural Resources Management Programs in Four Communities Within The Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Disseminating and Implementing Legal Tools for Conservation in the Private Sector in the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Final report (PDF), Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
Disseminating and Implementing Legal Tools for Conservation in the Private Sector in the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Phase II, Final report, Español (PDF, 61 KB), Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
Enhancing Public Awareness for Improved Management of the Machu Picchu Sanctuary and its Surrounding Environment, Final report, Español (PDF), Instituto Machu Picchu
Evaluating Threats in the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Formalizing Forest Access and Implementing Sustainable Brazil Nut Management in Madre de Dios, Peru, Final report (PDF), Amazon Conservation Association
Formalizing Forest Access and Implementing Sustainable Brazil Nut Management in Madre de Dios, Peru: Bridging Phase, Final report from first grant (PDF), Amazon Conservation Association
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Implementing Basic Infrastructure for Local Area Networks (LAN), Internal Telephone Communications, and a WAN Network between the National Herbarium of Bolivia and the Bolivian Fauna Collection, Final report, Español (PDF, 21 KB), Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ecología
Improving Management and Consolidation of Selected Protected Areas Within the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Monitoring Conservation Outcomes in the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF 89.8 KB), Amigos del Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado
Organizational Strengthening of the Council of Tacana Indigenous Peoples for Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Final report, Español (PDF), Wildlife Conservation Society
Prevention of Human-Induced Forest Fires in Madidi and Apolobamba National Parks, Final report, Español (PDF), CARE Bolivia
Project Polylepis, Final report (PDF), American Bird Conservancy
Reducing Deforestation in the Buffer Zone of Bolivia's Madidi National Park: Promoting the Cultivation, Manufacture and Use of Bamboo Products, Final report, Español (PDF), Central de Pueblos Indigenas de La Paz
Restoration and Sustainable Management of Forest Resources in the Mining Zone of Tipuani, Bolivia, Final report (PDF), TRÓPICO
Transboundary Coordination Mechanism for the Vilcabamba-Amboró Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Updating and Republication of Manual of Legal Tools for Private Conservation in Perú, Final report, Español (PDF) - Final report, first grant (PDF), Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
Using the Eco-Index to Allow Organizations Working in Neotropical Hotspots to Share Experiences and Glean Lessons from Colleagues, Final report (PDF), Rainforest Alliance
Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena (Chocó-Manabi Conservation Corridor)
Achieving Stakeholder Collaboration for the Sustainable Development of Northern Esmeraldas - Support for the Ecological Summit Process, Final report, Español (PDF, 36 KB), Fundación Altropico
Assessment of Deforestation, Threats and Management: Needs of Five Protected Areas in the Chocó-Manabi Corridor of Ecuador, Final report (PDF, 34 KB), Conservation International
Awacachi Corridor Project - Sustainable Community Development and Capacity Building , Final report, Español (PDF, 34 KB), Fauna & Flora International
Biological Monitoring of the Great Chachi Reserve - Esmeraldas, Ecuador, Final report, Español (PDF, 405 KB), Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos
Building the Chocó-Manabi Conservation Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Chachi Reserve Zone Planning Grant, Final report (PDF, 713 KB), Conservation International
Communication Strategy for the Chocó–Manabi Conservation Corridor (Phase 1), Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Community-Based Strategy to Conserve the Malaga Bay Region of the Pacific Coast of Colombia as a Contribution to Conserve the Choco - Manabi Coast, Final report, Español (PDF, 1.5 MB) / map (PDF, 1 MB), Fundación Centro de Investigaciones del Pacifico
Connectivity of the Golondrinas Protected Forest and the Awa Indigenous Territories of Northern Ecuador: Preparatory Phase, Final report, Español (PDF), Fundación Altropico
Conservation and Sustainable Development in Laguna de Cube, Final report, Español (PDF), Fundación Jatun Sacha
Conserving Highly Threatened Coastal Rain Forest of Punta Galeras to Achieve Connectivity with Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 25 KB), Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos
Consolidation of Community Protected Areas to Improve Biodiversity Conservation in Eight Community Councils of the Pacific Coast in Accordance with the Integrated Environmental Management Plan of the Community Councils Affiliated with RECOMPAS, Final report, Español (PDF, 35 KB), Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil
Consolidation of Territories, Establishment of Legal Jurisdiction and Social Organization of the Ancestral Lands of the Chachi Nation within the Mache Chindul Ecological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 45 KB), Corporación para la Investigación, Capacitación y Apoyo Técnico para el Manejo Sustentable de los Ecosistemas Tropicales
Development and Implementation of Private Nature Reserves in Serranía de los Paraguas, Final report, Español (PDF), Corporación Serraniagua
Development of the Payment of Environmental Services for the Conservation and Restoration of the Biological and Multicultural Corridor of the Munchique-Pinche National Park, Final report, Español (PDF, 859 KB), Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria
Effects of the Fragmentation of the Landscape and Indicators for the State of Biodiversity Conservation in the Chocó Ecoregional Complex, Final report, Español (PDF, 39 KB), Fundación Ecotrópico Colombia
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Final report (PDF), University of Western Ontario
Pangan Project: An Initiative to Achieve Community Conservation in the Pangan Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF) / appendix (PDF), Fundación para la Investigación y Conservación ProAves
Pilot Experiences in Conservation Management of the Humid Coastal Forests of Punta Galeras, Southeastern Chocó, Ecuador, Final report, Español (PDF 25 KB), Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos
Preparation of a Land and Cultural Use Plan for Awá Indigenous Territory of Barbacoas and Tumaco, Colombia, Final report, Español (PDF), Unidad Indígena del Pueblo Awá
Preparation of a Management Plan for the Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 52 KB), Corporación para la Investigación, Capacitación y Apoyo Técnico para el Manejo Sustentable de los Ecosistemas Tropicales
Preparing NGOs in Colombia and Ecuador for the Application Process in the Chocó-Manabí Conservation Corridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Conservation International
Promoting and Evaluating Conservation Best Practices for the Coffee Growing Zone of the Micro-Corridor Paraguas-Tatamá, Final report, Español (PDF), Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, Comité Departamental de Cafeteros del Valle del Cauca
Regional Forum Prior to the Summit for Ecology and Development in the Northern Region of Esmeraldas, Final report, Español (PDF), Fundación Altropico
Restoration of Mangrove Forests in Muisne, Ecuador, Final report, Español (PDF), Fundación de Defensa Ecológica
Selecting Productive Alternatives for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Resources In Three Chachi Centers in the Province of Esmeraldas, Final report, Español (PDF, 19 KB), Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos
Strengthening Local Government Capacity for Conservation Planning and Implementation in the Machalilla National Park - Chongon Forest Reserve Subcorridor, Final report, Español (PDF), Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
Strengthening Sustainable Tourism in the Protected Areas of the Chocó-Manabi Machalilla National Park, Ecuador, Final report, Español (PDF, 52 KB), Asociación Ecuatoriana de Ecoturismo
Strengthening the Management Capacity of Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve, Final report, Español (PDF, 52 KB), Fondo Ambiental Nacional
Using the Eco-Index to Allow Organizations Working in Neotropical Hotspots to Share Experiences and Glean Lessons from Colleagues, Final report (PDF), Rainforest Alliance
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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Man in raft) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Water lily) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Golden-crowned sifaka) © CI, Haroldo Castro