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Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot

In 2006, CEPF completed a one-year investment program in the Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot supported by the Australian government’s Regional Natural Heritage Program and focused specifically on a targeted Invasive Alien Species Program. The projects funded by this program, detailed below, supported demonstration projects focused on preventing, controlling, and eradicating invasive alien species in key biodiversity areas that also raise civil society's capacity to continue to implement these types of initiatives in the future.
Challenging the Yellow Crazy Ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) on Tokelau: Development and Implementation of Control Options for Invasive Ants
Develop and implement control options for yellow crazy ants on Tokelau. The project will involve training of local personnel in ant control, monitoring and evaluation of the success of control programs; implementing an education and awareness program for local people, and developing a contingency plan for future ant explosions.
Amount $16,000
Grant Term 4/06-6/06
Grantee Victoria Link Limited
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 747 KB)
Protection of Fakaofo from Myna Birds Invasion
Develop and implement a myna bird management project on Fakaofo atoll, Tokelau. The project will involve the preparation of a feasibility study and operational plan for myna bird eradication. If feasibility is positive, myna birds will be eradicated from the atoll and local people trained in how to prevent re-invasion.
Amount $13,000
Grant Term 4/06-6/06
Grantee Taupulega Fakaofo
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 25 KB)
- Related report: Protection of Tokelau Fakaofo from myna bird (Acridotheres spp.) invasion (PDF, 844 KB)
Restoration of Nu'utele and Nu'ulua Islands (Aleipata Group), Samoa
Establish the necessary preparatory groundwork, such as feasibility studies, operational plans, and management strategies for the restoration of the Aleipata islands by eradicating the Pacific or Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) and controlling the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes). Once eradicated, island populations of globally threatened birds and flying foxes will be secured.
Amount $70,235
Grant Term 4/06-9/06
Grantee Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 57 KB)
Prospects for Biological Control of Merremia Peltata
Prepare a feasibility study of the prospects for the effective biocontrol of the weedy invasive vine, Merremia peltata, in the hotspot. The project will also outline the steps and costs associated with such a program, and the opportunities to enhance the ability of local people to manage invasive plants.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 3/06-6/06
Grantee Landcare Research New Zealand LTD
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 51 KB)
- Related report: Prospects for Biological Control of Merremia peltata (PDF, 533 KB)
Phoenix Islands Conservation Survey and Assessment of Restoration Feasibility: Kiribati
Prepare feasibility and operational plans for the management of invasive species on priority islands in the Phoenix group detailing the invasive species to be managed, the methodology, budget, timing, non-target issues and the monitoring and maintenance of pest-free status.
Amount $80,000
Grant Term 3/06-6/06
Grantee Pacific Expeditions Limited
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 62 KB)
- Related Report: Phoenix Islands Conservation Survey and Assessment of Restoration Feasibility: Kiribati (PDF, 7.4 MB)
Related News and Products - Lesson Learned, February 2007
Assessment of Invasive Pathogens in Relation to the Distribution of Introduced Mosquitoes in Tonga: Potential Threats to Biodiversity
Survey the distribution and abundance of invasive mosquito species in Tonga and analyze blood samples for pathogens, including avian malaria and arboviruses. The project will also work closely with Tongan community groups to raise awareness of mosquito-borne disease and to determine the feasibility of mosquito habitat removal.
Amount $15,019
Grant Term 3/06-5/06
Grantee EcoCare Pacific Trust
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 54 KB)
- Related report: A preliminary assessment of the distribution of mosquitoes in the kingdom of Tonga: potential threats to biodiversity through invasive pathogens (PDF, 423 KB)
Restoration of Vahanga Atoll
Prepare a detailed operational management plan for the eradication of Pacific rats on Vahanga Atoll as a first step in the restoration of the island biodiversity. Once initiated the project will also provide a training opportunity for local people in pest survey and eradication techniques and monitoring of indigenous biota.
Amount $19,800
Grant Term 2/06-6/06
Grantee Societe d'Ornithologie de Polynesie
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 67 KB)
- Related report: Ecological Restoration of Vahanga Atoll, Acteon Group, Tuamotu Archipelago Operational Plan (PDF, 431 KB)
Protecting the Internationally Important Seabird Colony of Vatuira Island, Fiji
Prepare a feasibility study for the eradication of Pacific rats from Vatu-i-Ra island, Fiji in order to safeguard globally significant seabird populations. If the feasibility is positive, rat eradication will be conducted along with training of community members in eradication and raising awareness of invasive species management issues.
Amount $19,264
Grant Term 2/06-8/06
Grantee BirdLife International Pacific Regional Programme
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 48 KB)
Feasibility Study for the Management of Invasive Alien Species on Kayangel Atoll, Palau
Prepare a feasibility study and project plan for invasive species management of Kayangel Atoll, Palau. The feasibility study will include the consideration of social and economic, as well as technical and ecological, issues. Further project objectives include capacity building of resource managers and raising local awareness of invasive species impacts.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 2/06-6/06
Grantee Palau Conservation Society
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 50 KB)
- Related report: Management of Invasive Alien Species on Kayangel Atoll: Eradication of Rats, Mice and Cats (PDF, 363 KB)
Feasibility Study and Project Plan to Eradicate Rats from Ahnd Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia
Prepare a feasibility study and project plan for the eradication of rats from Ant Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia. The feasibility study will include a site assessment, rodent survey, eradication planning and a trial eradication of techniques along with a report to the community on the outcomes of the feasibility.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 2/06-6/06
Grantee Conservation Society of Pohnpei
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 49 KB)
Protection of Tanga'eo, the endemic Mangaia Kingfisher (Halcyon rufficollaris) from Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
Prepare a feasibility study for the eradication of common myna birds from Mangaia Island. The feasibility study will assess the social acceptance of eradicating mynas; determine myna distribution and the best time for eradication; provide a plan to train Mangaians for survey work and recommend the best techniques for success.
Amount $19,472
Grant Term 1/06-6/06
Grantee Taporoporoanga Ipukarea Society
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Nu’utele and Nu’ulua Islands (Aleipata) – First Steps to Island Restoration and a Secure Wildlife Sanctuary for the Independent State of Samoa
Develop the co-management agreement between the village councils and government for the restoration and long-term conservation of these islands to safeguard populations of Endangered land birds as well as internationally important seabird congregations of boobies, noddies, terns and frigate birds and nesting grounds of the hawksbill turtle.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 1/06-6/06
Grantee David Butler Associates Ltd
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Launching the Pacific Invasives Learning Network: Strengthening and Connecting Invasive Species Management and Demonstration Projects Across the Pacific Islands
Develop the Pacific Invasives Learning Network by promoting the establishment of multi-agency invasive alien species teams, assisting the teams to identify and implement demonstration projects in key biodiversity areas, linking teams through targeted learning exchanges, and building additional partnerships.
Amount $77,485
Grant Term 1/06-6/06
Grantee Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 100 KB)
- Related report: Launching the PILN (PDF, 787 KB)
Related News and Products - Lesson Learned, October 2006
Pacific Ant Prevention Program: Implementation Phase I
Design an effective plan for the implementation of a Pacific Ant Prevention Program to strengthen island defenses against the introduction of invasive ants, to control or eradicate invasive ants in key biodiversity areas, and to perform research and provide training in invasive ant management techniques.
Amount $86,895
Grant Term 12/05-6/06
Grantee Secretariat of the Pacific Community
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 32 KB)
The Viwa Island Restoration Project, Fiji
Restore the populations of native fauna of Viwa Island and ensure the long-term conservation of the Endangered Fijian ground frog (Platymantis vitiana).  This integrated project will also address water storage on the island as well as develop ecotourism potential.
Amount $122,250
Grant Term 10/05-8/06
Grantee University of the South Pacific
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 101 KB)
Maintain and Enhance Pacific Islands Focus of the Global Invasive Species Database
Ensure that invasive species data are available at the highest quality, currency, and completeness in a popular format.  Provide practitioners and decisionmakers with free access to authoritative, current, relevant information and allow them to better address invasive alien species issues in key biodiversity areas throughout the hotspot.
Amount $90,781
Grant Term 10/05-6/06
Grantee Auckland UniServices Limited
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
PP-CII Coordination and Technical and Scientific Support for RNHP Projects
Provide the most up-to-date technical input to grantees on a series of conservation projects focusing on the conservation of Endangered plants and animals throughout the Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot that are threatened by invasive alien species.
Amount $143,601
Grant Term 10/05-6/06
Grantee Auckland UniServices Limited
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Urgent, Interim Employment of Coordination and Technical Support Officer (PP-CII)
Establish a thorough review process for proposals received that strive to conserve Endangered species threatened by invasive alien species. Provide technical support to project managers, stakeholders, and others involved in the planning and implementation of these projects and refine priorities for the Regional Natural Heritage Program's investment.
Amount $19,600
Grant Term 8/05-11/05
Grantee Auckland UniServices Limited
This project is funded through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro