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Chocó-Manabi Conservation Corridor
Strategic Direction 2.  Bring selected protected areas and species under improved management
Demarcating and Promoting the Limits of the Lower Portion of the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve
Support the consolidation of the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve by focusing on defining and demarcating its limits in the lower portion of the reserve and promoting awareness of the reserve’s boundaries to nearby communities.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 1/07-12/07
Grantee Fondo Ambiental Nacional
Expand, Strengthen, and Sustain the Community Conservation Areas in the Buffer Zone of the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve
Expand existing conservation incentive agreements with the Chachi Indigenous Peoples to five new centers and bring two Afro-Ecuadorian centers into the scheme for an additional 5,000 hectares under protection as part of the Great Chachi Reserve in the buffer zone of the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve.
Amount $79,000
Grant Term 1/07-6/08
Grantee Fundación Servicio Ecuatoriano para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible
Participatory Evaluation and Update of the Manglares Cayapas Mataje Ecological Reserve Management Plan
Finalize the management plan for the REMACAM (Cayapas Mataje Mangroves Ecological Reserve) and to begin implementing the first phase of productive projects in the region.  The plan will be elaborated and validated with local participation to minimize potential negative impacts and to develop the necessary partnerships and political will for the sustainable management and conservation of the area’s natural resources.
Amount $60,000
Grant Term 9/05-6/07
Grantee Grupo Social Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio
Community Management Plan for the Protected Area Refugio de Vida Silvestre
Develop a community management plan for the mangrove ecosystem of Muisne-Conjimies and strengthen community ability to ensure sustainable use of resources in the region. 
Amount $59,996
Grant Term 5/05-4/07
Grantee Fundación de Defensa Ecológica
Consolidation of Territories, Establishment of Legal Jurisdiction and Social Organization of the Ancestral Lands of the Chachi Nation within the Mache Chindul Ecological Reserve
Consolidate the Chachi territories in the southern region of Esmeraldes in Ecuador Reserva Ecológica Mache Chindul. The project includes working directly with the Coordination Committee of the Chachi to build its capacity to govern and manage indigenous territories, focusing on the sustainable management of natural resources.
Amount $60,763
Grant Term 4/05-4/06
Grantee Corporación para la Investigación, Capacitación y Apoyo Técnico para el Manejo Sustentable de los Ecosistemas Tropicales
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 45 KB)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management in the Territorial Lands of the Awá Indigenous Community of Ecuador
Consolidate the Awa Indigenous Territory, maintaining its ecological integrity and permitting connectivity and sufficient species flow to other areas through the legal establishment of the Reserva de la Vida and the strengthening of local capacity to manage conservation and development projects.
Amount $116,575
Grant Term 4/05-1/08
Grantee Federación de Centros Awá del Ecuador
Biological Monitoring of the Great Chachi Reserve - Esmeraldas, Ecuador
Design a biodiversity monitoring system and build local capacity within the Chachi indigenous communities to contribute to the implementation of a conservation strategy for the eventual Grand Reserva Chachi. This will be an extension to the already existing Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 1/05-3/06
Grantee Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 405 KB)
Related News and Products - In Focus, January 2006: Tackling Conservation with the Chachi
Strengthening Sustainable Tourism in the Protected Areas of the Chocó-Manabi Machalilla National Park, Ecuador
Improving the management and biodiversity conservation of Machalilla National Park through a participatory process of elaboration and implementation of a system of minimum environmental, social, and service quality standards for tourism providers in and around the Park.
Amount $61,666
Grant Term 10/04-9/06
Grantee Asociación Ecuatoriana de Ecoturismo
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 52 KB)
Conservation and Integrated Management of Golondrinas Protected Forest
Implement the Management Plan for Golondrinas Protected Forest involving the local communities in the design and implementation process. The plan includes sustainable production alternatives, environmental education, research and ecotourism, all in an effort to reduce the communities’ pressure on their natural resources.
Amount $29,000
Grant Term 9/04-8/07
Grantee Fundación Altropico
Forestry Workshop for the Chocó Bio-Region
Conduct a workshop, "Identification and Promotion of Sustainable Development Practices in Communities Surrounding Protected Areas" with the objective of demonstrating and applying "Forestería Análoga" as a best practice for reforestation.
Amount $9,900
Grant Term 11/03-11/03
Grantee Fundación Rainforest Rescue
Project Documents - Related report: Taller de Foresteria Analoga para la Biorregion Choco, Español (PDF, 25 KB)
Assessment of Deforestation, Threats and Management: Needs of Five Protected Areas in the Chocó-Manabi Corridor of Ecuador
Provide detailed information about current forest extent and deforestation pressure and analyze five major protected areas—Cotacachi-Cayapas, Machalilla, Cayapas-Mataje, Mache Chindul and Awa Forest Reserve—with respect to threats and current management capacity and needs. The project will ultimately support partner efforts to improve protected areas management and to monitor the corridor.
Amount $49,361
Grant Term 9/03-3/05
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 34 KB)
Preparation of a Management Plan for the Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve
Prepare a management plan for Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve, which protects 119,172 hectares of rain forest in the southern fringe of the Chocó-Manabi Corridor but has come under threat through agricultural encroachment and illegal colonization. Development of the plan will involve establishment of a process of open dialogue, consultation and active participation of local and national stakeholders to come to agreement on key goals for the park over the next 10 years, as well as immediate actions to mitigate key threats.
Amount $149,981
Grant Term 6/03-9/04
Grantee Corporación para la Investigación, Capacitación y Apoyo Técnico para el Manejo Sustentable de los Ecosistemas Tropicales
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 52 KB)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index
Strengthening the Management Capacity of Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve
Strengthen Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve by providing funding for basic park management and community outreach activities. Grantee will develop working plans based on the needs identified by the Ministry of the Environment and by those activities identified in the management plan for this reserve to be developed under another CEPF project.
Amount $76,971
Grant Term 6/03-12/06
Grantee Fondo Ambiental Nacional
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 52 KB)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro