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The Philippines
Strategic Direction 3.  Build capacity of civil society to advocate for better corridor and protected area management and against development harmful to conservation
Building Conservation Constituency through the 16th Annual Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines, “Renewing Ties: Scientists and Grass-root Practitioners for Biodiversity Conservation”
Foster learning during the annual symposium of the Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines by highlighting CEPF grantees' successes and lessons learned in implementing biodiversity conservation programs.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 1/07-6/07
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines, Inc.
Conservation of the Del Carmen Watershed and the Formulation of the Watershed Management & Development Plan
Develop and begin implementation of a watershed management and development plan for the Del Carmen watershed to mitigate unsustainable practices that are harmful to conservation.  LEAF, local government, and the Del Carmen Water District will develop a co-management agreement among stakeholders, conduct a communications campaigns, profile the socioeconomic characteristics of local communities, assess biophysical conditions, and incorporate watershed management priorities into the local government land-use plans.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 2/06-9/07
Grantee Livelihood Enhancement in Agro-forestry Foundation, Inc.
Socioeconomic and Environment Development of Bucas Grande Watershed
Create a socioeconomic and environment development plan of the Bucas Grande Watershed to conserve the remaining resources within the watershed. The project aims to conduct socioeconomic profiling of occupants of the watershed and an environmental assessment of the biophysical condition of the area for an integrated community‑managed water system plan.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 2/06-9/07
Grantee Socorro Empowered Peoples Cooperative
Conservation of the Taguibo Watershed Forest Reserve and Formulation of the Watershed Management and Development Plan
Develop and initiate implementation of a watershed management and development plan for the Taguibo watershed that reconciles overlapping land-use plans and tenurial instruments. Work in partnership with the Butuan Water District to establish co-management agreements among stakeholders, conduct a communications campaigns, profile the socioeconomic characteristics of local communities, assess biophysical conditions, and reconcile the competing land-use plans under one watershed management framework.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 1/06-12/06
Grantee Livelihood Enhancement in Agro-forestry Foundation, Inc.
Expansion of the Aurora Memorial National Park
Catalyze the expansion of the Aurora Memorial National Park to 78,678 hectares by working with DENR and local government units to complete the documentary requirements for protected area expansion and develop the implementation of a protected area management plan with the participation of local stakeholders to build capacity in the Philippines Hotspot. 
Amount $30,000
Grant Term 9/05-8/06
Grantee Aurora Resource Development Initiatives Association, Inc.
Mt. Irid- Angilo New Protected Area Establishment: An Example of Public-Private Partnership
Improve the legal protection status of Mt. Irid-Angilo, a key biodiversity area within the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor by supporting the development of the technical documents required for protected area status, developing a management plan, and building the capacity of local stakeholders to participate in management activities.
Amount $140,549
Grant Term 6/05-9/07
Grantee Yakap Kalikasan Tungo sa Kaunlaran ng Pilipinas, Inc.
Related News and Products - In Focus, August 2005: After the Flood – Big Business Helps Cast Watersheds In New Light
Expansion of the Mt. Hilong-Hilong Range Protected Landscape
Enhance natural resource management and governance capacity in Mt. Hilong-Hilong by supporting the development of a protected area management plan and the creation and capacity building of the Protected Area Management Board. The project will be implemented through the Northern Mindanao NGO Alliance with the Surigao Economic Development Foundation, Inc acting as the coordinating partner.
Amount $130,000
Grant Term 5/05-6/07
Grantee Surigao Economic Development Foundation, Inc.
Sierra Madre Forest Gardens Program
Engage farmers who rely on slash and burn agriculture in establishing a more diverse and productive buffer zone for the Penablanca Forest as part of an innovative partnership consisting of a cluster of CEPF grantees with each focusing on its particular expertise.
Amount $199,426
Grant Term 4/05-6/07
Grantee Counterpart International
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2006: Partners in Peñablanca
Mobilizing Business Sector Resources to Support Watershed Management
Establish fund-raising mechanisms involving the private sector for support of watershed conservation in the southern portion of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 3/05-6/07
Grantee Philippine Business for Social Progress
Related News and Products - In Focus, August 2005: After the Flood – Big Business Helps Cast Watersheds In New Light
Empowering the Manobos of Mt. Magdiwata Forest Reserve Area to Effectively Manage Their Ancestral Domain Claim
Strengthen the capacity of an indigenous people’s organization to sustainably manage their ancestral domain claim area, a known Philippine eagle site, as a healthy, fully functioning watershed.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 2/05-1/06
Grantee Livelihood Enhancement in Agro-forestry Foundation, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Building Civil Society’s Capacity for Conserving Eastern Mindanao’s Priority Sites
Establish a micro grants fund for small nongovernmental organizations and small community-based groups known as People's Organizations to participate in tangible conservation of nesting sites of the Endangered Philippine eagle as part of a plan to protect biodiversity in the Eastern Mindanao Corridor.
Amount $19,678
Grant Term 2/05-11/05
Grantee Mindanao Environment Forum
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 42 KB)
Building Critical Stakeholder Support for Conservation of the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) Population along the Sierra Madre Mountain Range
Locate and monitor Philippine eagles and their nests in the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor to help guide a national effort to protect the eagle in the wild. The project also aims to raise local public awareness of the eagle's natural history and conservation needs.
Amount $121,058
Grant Term 1/05-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Project MAMBOOGOOK: Research and Conservation of Philippine Eagles in Central and Eastern Mindanao
Locate and study key Philippine eagle nests in the Eastern Mindanao biodiversity conservation corridor, while facilitating creation and implementation of management plans to conserve the habitat and species necessary to protect the eagle as a flagship species for the whole of the corridor's biodiversity.
Amount $350,000
Grant Term 1/05-4/08
Grantee Philippine Eagle Conservation Program Foundation, Inc.
Corridor Facilitation and Protected Area Management of Core Nuclei within the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor
Support the adoption and implementation of the protected area management plans of the recently expanded Penablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape and newly created Quirino Protected Landscape with special emphasis on encouraging the active participation of municipal government in management activities.
Amount $300,000
Grant Term 1/05-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2006: Partners in Peñablanca
A 10-Year Framework Plan for Ecohistorical Tourism in the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, Philippines
Develop a framework for protected areas in the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor that identifies ecotourism opportunities that highlight nature and human history. The framework is intended to generate local employment, business ventures and biodiversity conservation as well as local interest in protected area management.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 12/04-1/06
Grantee Miriam-Public Education and Awareness Campaign for the Environment
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Design and Management of the Northeastern Cagayan Conservation Corridor
Expand protected area within the Sierra Madre biodiversity conservation corridor to include a key tract of species-rich forest, while enabling local civil society to take part in the management of the resulting new protected area.
Amount $108,812
Grant Term 12/04-6/07
Grantee Cagayan Valley Partners in People Development
Toward Biodiversity Conservation within the Eastern Mindanao Corridor: Biodiversity Archiving and Assessment Project
Build capacity within Eastern Mindanao Corridor to map biodiversity, set scientifically based conservation priorities, and then monitor progress in priority areas. While the project centers on Mt. Hamiguitan, Mt. Hilong-hilong, and Mt. Puting Bato, it aims to generate skills and information that will be used to develop a corridor-wide conservation framework for use by government and civil society working in partnership to conserve Eastern Mindanao's biodiversity.
Amount $200,675
Grant Term 9/04-6/07
Grantee Philippine Eagle Conservation Program Foundation, Inc.
Participatory Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Mt. Hamiguitan Range, Davao Oriental and Its Environs for Development
Inventory and conserve the endemic, endangered and economically important flora and fauna in Hamiguitan Range and its environs by involving the local community in southeastern Mindanao. This project will provide data to validate the Protected Area Suitability Assessment results for Hamiguitan Range as a proposed protected area.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 8/04-3/06
Grantee Central Mindanao University
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 89 KB)
- Related report - Training Manual: Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation (Biome) System for Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary Stakeholders (PDF, 146 KB)
Building Partnerships for Sustainable Management of Critical Watersheds in the Sierra Madre’s Palali-Mamparang Mountains
Build capacity of local communities and government officials to call for and implement better forest corridor and watershed management as well as safeguards against development harmful to conservation.
Amount $9,992
Grant Term 3/04-6/04
Grantee Friends of the Environment for Development and Sustainability, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 121 KB)
Enabling Communities and Ancestral Domain Stakeholders to Improve Natural Resource Management
Build capacity of local people to understand and utilize community-based forest management and ancestral domain claims as a means of conserving forests and threatened endemic species in the Cagayan portion of the Sierra Madre biodiversity conservation corridor.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 3/04-11/04
Grantee Process Luzon Association, Inc
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Stakeholders Workshop on Philippine Eagle
Following on from a Philippine eagle workshop hosted by CEPF in September 2003, host a workshop with stakeholders to help determine which projects are of immediate priority for CEPF support to help save Philippine eagles and their critical habitat.
Amount $3,848
Grant Term 10/03-12/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Consultation on Conservation of Philippine Eagle
Participate in CEPF forum with key Philippine conservationists to prioritize and coordinate proposals for conserving the Philippine eagle in the wild.
Amount $3,000
Grant Term 8/03-8/03
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 18 KB)
Community Enforcement Initiative to Stop Poaching and Illegal Forest Destruction in Palawan
Provide a quick-response mechanism for environmental crimes including illegal logging and illegal fishing in Palawan Province in the Philippines hotspot. This project, called “Swift Justice,” is implemented together with local communities using the Philippines “citizen arrest” law. It will also provide financial and technical assistance to create alternative livelihood projects in target communities.
Amount $311,564
Grant Term 7/03-12/06
Grantee Environmental Legal Assistance Center, Inc.
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, January 2004: Chainsaws Confiscated in Palawan Community Direct Action
Training for CEPF Grant Facilitation in the Philippines
Bring the newly-hired CEPF Philippines Grant Manager to Washington for training in all aspects of grantmaking and for familiarization with CEPF's Washington DC-based operations. Upon completion of training, the Grant Manager will begin assisting the Asia Grant Director with all aspects of CEPF implementation in the Philippines.
Amount $8,759
Grant Term 4/03-7/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Finalization of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Wildlife Act (RA 9147), A Critical Step Toward the Establishment of Critical Habitats Identified by the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-Setting Program
Support the coordination and facilitation of regional and national stakeholder consultation that will help ensure stakeholder involvement with the regulations of the Wildlife Act, to further promote the results of the PBCPP and advocate for the inclusion of the 71 priority areas as critical habitats under the act, and the smooth finalization of the act through administrative order.
Amount $22,754
Grant Term 8/02-10/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Capacity Building for Financial Operations in CI-Philippines and CI-Indonesia
Increase the capacity of Conservation International-Philippines and Conservation International-Indonesia to develop, manage and report on conservation projects. Focus on budget development and financial management elements required to ensure well-designed and managed projects through institutional capacity building, operational strengthening and increasing decentralization of project management.
Amount $44,605
Grant Term 7/02-3/03
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering two hotspots; the total grant amount is $108,662.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health
Cover travel and full participation costs for individuals from the Atlantic Forest, Chocó-Darién-Western Ecuador, Guinean Forests of West Africa, Madagascar, Philippines, and Tropical Andes hotspots to attend the Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People conference.
Amount $3,890
Grant Term 5/02-7/02
Grantee University of Western Ontario
This is a multiregional project covering six hotspots; the total grant amount is $27,200.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro