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The Philippines
Strategic Direction 2.  Build civil society’s awareness of the myriad benefits of conserving corridors of biodiversity
IEC and Awareness Campaign for the Sustainable Resource Management at the Critical Watersheds of the Sierra Madre’s Palali-Mamparang Mountain Range
Build on the successes of a previous CEPF-supported project that established alliances needed to manage the watersheds in the Sierra Madre’s Palali-Mamparang Mountains by supporting increased awareness among local government, communities, and the private sector regarding the environmental and economic value of the area.
Amount $40,000
Grant Term 1/06-6/07
Grantee Friends of the Environment for Development and Sustainability, Inc.
Equator Ventures
Support the pilot phase of Equator Ventures, a partnership initiative with UNDP's Equator Initiative. Implement loan and technical assistance packages to small- to medium-sized enterprises benefiting biodiversity and local communities, and monitor biodiversity results.
Amount $11,109
Grant Term 6/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering eight hotspots; the total grant amount is $99,986.
Related News and Products - Equator Ventures Web site
Enhancement of Educational Park as Reforestation Training Center (Phase II)
Train local communities on proper restoration and reforestation techniques and advocate for Palawan’s biodiversity conservation through popular education.
Amount $10,240
Grant Term 9/04-10/05
Grantee Palawan Conservation Corps
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, September 2004: Education Benefits Nature and People in the Philippines
Mt Irid-Mt Angilo Proposed Protected Area Advocacy Project
Establish a permanent Irid-Angilo protected area and strengthen the awareness of the major stakeholders in the southern portion of the Sierra Madre biodiversity conservation corridor. Educational campaigns and environmental advocacy will be used to further encourage the major stakeholders to participate in efforts to conserve the corridor.
Amount $19,992
Grant Term 6/04-4/05
Grantee Yakap Kalikasan Tungo sa Kaunlaran ng Pilipinas, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Establishing an Educational Nature Park to Build Local Capacity for Restoring Wild Habitats
Create an educational park where local communities and conservationists will learn how to restore natural forests and streams, while gaining awareness of the need to conserve Palawan's biodiversity. An estimated 5,000 native trees and shrubs will be planted in the course of the project.
Amount $9,760
Grant Term 1/03-12/04
Grantee Palawan Conservation Corps
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, September 2004: Education Benefits Nature and People in the Philippines
Building a Global Constituency for Biodiversity Conservation
Implement a series of targeted public awareness and education campaigns in nine hotspots in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Campaign leaders participate in an intensive training course at the UK's Kent University or Mexico's Guadalajara University, prepare detailed plans to implement campaigns, link with a local organization in their region and commit to a minimum two years with that organization.
Amount $306,747
Grant Term 1/03-12/06
Grantee Conservation International ($96,896 grant), Rare ($209,851 grant)
This is a multiregional project covering nine hotspots; the total grant amount is $1,993,855 (Rare $1,364,030 and Conservation International $629,825).
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2006: Partners in Peñablanca
- Lesson Learned, September 2005
- Index to CEPF-supported campaigns
- In Focus, November 2004: Marketing Social Change
- In Focus, August 2003: Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Launching of the PBCPP Products and the National Geographic July 2002 Issue
Organize an event to launch the results and products from the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-setting Program (PBCPP), including a final report, map and a CD-ROM. Include a presentation on the Network for Nature, which is the mechanism that will ensure that the PBCPP's results will be implemented.
Amount $57,786
Grant Term 7/02-10/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro