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The Philippines
Strategic Direction 1.  Improve linkage between conservation investments to multiply and scale up benefits on a corridor scale in Sierra Madre, Eastern Mindanao, and Palawan
Establishing the Link between Biodiversity and Human Well-Being: Developing a Suitable Framework under Philippine Conditions
Identify opportunities to integrate human welfare and biodiversity conservation objectives into the sustainability of the CEPF initiative in Palawan, Eastern Mindanao, and the Sierra Madre.
Amount $100,000
Grant Term 4/06-9/07
Grantee Conservation International
National Prioritization System for GEF and Other Donors' Biodiversity Conservation Investment in the Philippines
Take the key biodiversity areas (KBAs) initiative one step further in developing a system to prioritize conservation efforts in the Philippines by establishing an agreed set of criteria that will be used to assess and prioritize conservation action and investments in KBAs.
Amount $7,500
Grant Term 2/06-10/06
Grantee Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 21 KB)
Strengthening Conservation Efforts and Land Use on the Northern Sierra Madre Corridor through the Regional Geographic Information Network
Enhance the Regional Geographic Information Network’s (RGIN) conservation efforts in the Cagayan Valley in the Sierra Madre Corridor. Provide support for capacity building, databanking, information system development, and communication. As a result of this investment, RGIN members will be able to more effectively support corridor-wide natural resource conservation efforts.
Amount $40,000
Grant Term 1/06-6/07
Grantee Integrated and Sustainable Upland Community Development Foundation
Palawan Biodiversity Corridor Facilitation
Implement priority corridor-wide activities identified in the Palawan Strategy Development project supported by CEPF. Enhance the institutional mechanisms needed to make corridor-scale conservation possible and construct a technical support system that will benefit other CEPF grantees. 
Amount $200,000
Grant Term 4/05-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Eastern Mindanao Corridor Facilitation for the Philippines
Enhance effective corridor conservation through supporting local conservation related to technical capacity, mechanisms to coordinate efforts among stakeholders, and a policy environment that favors conservation. 
Amount $290,000
Grant Term 1/05-8/07
Grantee Conservation International
Defining and Monitoring Conservation Outcomes for the Philippines
Support the conservation of biodiversity in Eastern Mindanao, Sierra Madre and Palawan by providing a corridor conservation framework for other CEPF grantees that will maximize conservation investment in the creation of new and management of existing protected areas and the management of appropriate interstitial areas for biodiversity purposes.
Amount $382,336
Grant Term 7/04-7/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 52 KB)
Creating a New Protected Area for the Mantalingahan Range Forests of Palawan
Carry out biodiversity surveys, help build local government’s GIS capacity and refine stakeholders’ strategy in ensuring the largest remaining forest left on Palawan is declared a protected area.
Amount $195,125
Grant Term 3/04-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
CEPF Grant Facilitation in the Philippines
Assisting CEPF in all aspects of attracting grant applicants, grant making and monitoring and evaluating grant performance in the Philippines.
Amount $449,958
Grant Term 8/03-9/07
Grantee Conservation International
Strengthening Corporate and Philanthropic Support for Biodiversity Conservation in the Philippines
Engage Philippines corporate business sector as an active partner and philanthropic contributor to biodiversity conservation in the Philippines, especially in scaling up projects supported by CEPF.
Amount $162,500
Grant Term 7/03-9/05
Grantee First Philippine Conservation, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Conservation Assessment in Bataraza and Balabac, Palawan
Identify populations of critical species in the mangrove forests of Bataraza and Balabac and determine the condition of these mangrove habitats as well as key threats and conservation opportunities.
Amount $9,088
Grant Term 5/03-9/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Development of Biodiversity Monitoring Project for the Eastern Mindanao Corridor
Assess what will be needed to set up a permanent biodiversity monitoring project to validate and track biodiversity and its conservation in Eastern Mindanao.
Amount $8,000
Grant Term 5/03-3/04
Grantee Philippine Eagle Conservation Program Foundation, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Protected Area Design and Management of Core Nuclei Within the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor
Provide any needed technical assistance and lobbying to support the signing of presidential proclamations to create protected areas with preliminary boundaries in Penablanca and Quirino. Once the protected areas have been established, ensure effective management is in place and that additional biological assessments are done to finalize the areas' geographic boundaries.
Amount $481,739
Grant Term 9/02-11/04
Grantee Conservation International
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, March 2004: New Protected Area Action for Indonesia and the Philippines
- From CEPF E-News, November 2003: Arroyo Expands Peñablanca Protected Area
- From CEPF E-News, May 2003: Team Records Philippine Eagle
Palawan Strategy Development Project
Create a database to consolidate existing biological and abiotic information and coordinate creation of a strategy and map for Palawan conservation that includes five-year outcomes, risk of habitat loss and other spatial analysis, conclusions of the social, economic and policy assessment and recommended actions.
Amount $571,449
Grant Term 6/02-6/04
Grantee Conservation International
The original grant term has been increased by five months and the funding amount has been decreased by $218.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 41 KB)
CEPF Conservation Strategy Preparatory Work in the Philippines
Visit each priority area identified in the CEPF Philippines ecosystem profile, hold meetings with local NGOs and communities to introduce the CEPF, coordinate with international NGOs working on the ground in the Philippines and identify potential partners.
Amount $111,544
Grant Term 4/02-2/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro