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Strategic Direction 4.  Assess impact of conservation interventions at district level and below
Annual Forest Cover Change Analysis and Change Detection Map for Sumatra
Analyze and map Sumatra's deforestation for use in determining current conservation priorities and monitoring the change in biodiversity over time. This project will provide a vital component of Conservation International-Indonesia's project to define, refine and monitor outcomes for Sumatra.
Amount $50,000
Grant Term 4/05-12/06
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 191 KB)
Grantmaking and Partnerships on the Ground in Sumatra
Facilitate all aspects of CEPF grantmaking and partnerships on the ground in Sumatra, including working with grantees on troubleshooting, sharing lessons learned and leveraging funds to enlarge and/or sustain CEPF-supported projects.
Amount $307,077
Grant Term 1/05-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Defining, Refining, and Monitoring Outcomes for Sumatra
Refine priorities and opportunities for achieving tangible conservation in Sumatra and build the capacity of Indonesia’s civil society to monitor the status of biodiversity based on quantifiable outcomes.
Amount $300,000
Grant Term 10/04-12/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 56 KB)
Implementing the Conservation Concession Approach on Sumatra's Siberut Island
Facilitate steps necessary to keep logging concession cancelled on Siberut Island from slipping back into commercial status, through blocking related lawsuit and garnering public support for conservation of former concessions as protected areas.
Amount $92,841
Grant Term 11/03-10/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 45 KB)
Survey of the Distribution of the Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and the Thomas Leaf Monkey (Presbytis thomasi) in the Seulawah Ecosystem
Survey the presence of orangutans (Pongo abelii) and Thomas leaf monkeys (Presbytis thomasi) in the Seulawah Ecosystem, including three protected areas and two virgin forest tracts.
Amount $5,023
Grant Term 4/03-8/04
Grantee Yayasan Ekologi Konservasi Nanggroe Aceh
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 26 KB)
Assessment and Boundary Setting for High-Biodiversity Forests in Angkola, Northern Sumatra
Assess the biodiversity of Angkola and the boundaries of forest tracts of high biodiversity. The Angkola region is thought to be a valuable part of the northern Sumatra biodiversity corridor though little of its current biodiversity has been documented.
Amount $9,333
Grant Term 11/02-1/03
Grantee Yayasan Biota Lestari
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 27 KB)
Building Capacity of Locals to Conduct Biodiversity Surveys in Angkola
Train local people in biodiversity survey methods to assess the conservation status of key sites in northern Sumatra, complementing and assisting a similar CEPF-funded initiative by Yayasan Biota Lestari in Sumatra's Angkola region.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/02-7/03
Grantee Yayasan Cipta Citra Lestari Indonesia
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 34 KB)
Use of Forest Resources in Riau: A Look at Legal and Illegal Employment
Conduct a study of employment connected with forest sector industries in Riau Province, Sumatra with emphasis on the Tesso Nilo Forest as part of a feasibility study for conservation concession potential.
Amount $48,081
Grant Term 10/02-9/03
Grantee World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 23 KB)
Conservation Assessment and Managment Plan for Threatened Sumatran Species and Red List Assessment of Threatened Reptiles and Freshwater Fish
Conduct a Red List assessment of fresh water fish and reptiles in Sumatra that have yet to be assessed. Work will be done with species experts to develop broad recommendations for research and management of these and other already assessed species to result in well-targeted activities to address threats affecting those species.
Amount $100,839
Grant Term 7/02-11/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro