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Strategic Direction 3.  Build alliances among conservation-minded groups in civil society and the private sector
West Coast Ecologically Sustainable Tourism Project - WEST Project Sumatra
Develop an alliance among surf industry representatives in Indonesia, Australia and the United States (including Surfer Magazine and Billabong Odyssey), the nongovernmental organization Surfaid, and Conservation International, and launch a joint effort to promote conservation and sustainable economic development on Siberut Island.
Amount $15,000
Grant Term 2/06-12/06
Grantee ASEAN Focus Group Pty Ltd.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 23 KB)
Equator Ventures
Support the pilot phase of Equator Ventures, a partnership initiative with UNDP's Equator Initiative. Implement loan and technical assistance packages to small- to medium-sized enterprises benefiting biodiversity and local communities, and monitor biodiversity results.
Amount $11,110
Grant Term 6/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering eight hotspots; the total grant amount is $99,986.
Related News and Products - Equator Ventures Web site
Batang Gadis National Park Development and Management Support
Assist the local government and communities adjacent to the Batang Gadis National Park with creating a co-management regime, as well as exploring economic development opportunities that will help sustain conservation of the park’s biodiversity while bettering the lives of affected communities in northern Sumatra.
Amount $480,778
Grant Term 7/04-12/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 33 KB)
Asia Wildlife Trade Strategy Planning
Undertake consultations with Save The Tiger Fund, WildAid, and CEPF representatives regarding an Asia-wide strategy to more effectively address the threat of wildlife trade to biodiversity conservation.
Amount $5,302
Grant Term 1/04-3/04
Grantee TRAFFIC International
This is a multiregional project covering two hotspots; the total grant amount is $10,604.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 42 KB)
Creation and Management of the Tesso Nilo Protected Area as a Centerpiece of Sumatra’s Tesso Nilo Bukit/Tigapuluh Conservation Corridor
Encourage federal and provincial governments to designate Tesso Nilo, a last stronghold of Sumatra’s fast-disappearing lowland forest, as a protected area and help to put in place a protected area management system endorsed and run by local stakeholders.
Amount $994,972
Grant Term 1/04-6/07
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature - Indonesia
CANOPI: A Program to Unite and Strengthen the Conservation of the Bukit Barisan Selatan Landscape in Sumatra, Indonesia Through Information Building, Capacity Building and Management
Conserve the ecosystems of the Bukit Barisan Selatan landscape via training local people to monitor biodiversity and to both develop and implement an integrated management regime.
Amount $301,902
Grant Term 10/03-11/04
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 34 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, July 2004: UN Foundation and CEPF Join Forces in Sumatra
Facilitate the Establishment of the Tesso Nilo Conservation Forest
Facilitate the multi-stakeholder-driven development of Tesso Nilo as a conservation forest supported by local people and governments, a variety of donors and the international business community that utilizes paper and other products derived from Sumatra forests.
Amount $319,305
Grant Term 7/03-3/06
Grantee Conservation Management Ltd.
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Workshop on Planning and Implementing Conservation Efforts in the Seulawah Ecosystem
Organize a workshop with local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to reach a concensus on how NGOs will work together to conserve biodiversity in the Seulewah ecosystem of North Sumatra.
Amount $5,546
Grant Term 12/02-1/03
Grantee Universitas Syiah Kuala
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 23 KB)
Workshop to Finalize Vision Map and Development of Project Design for Tesso Nilo Bukit Tiga Puluh (TNBT) Landscape
Support for a workshop in which key stakeholder organizations will come together in Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh to finalize the creation of a consensus-made five-year vision map to guide CEPF investment in the region.
Amount $3,789
Grant Term 11/02-2/03
Grantee Riau Mandiri
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 30 KB)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro