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Strategic Direction 2.  Empower civil society to organize in favor of conserving biodiversity
Develop and Implement Conservation Collaboration Model to Save Siberut National Park
Establish the community group Collaborative Management Siberut as a legal entity to co-manage Siberut National Park. A strategic plan for the co-management will be developed together with Siberut National Park Authorities (SNPA) resulting in a comprehensive plan in line with SNPA priorities and work plan.
Amount $50,000
Grant Term 11/06-6/07
Grantee Darmanto
This grant is financially administered by Darmanto on behalf of Collaborative Management Siberut.
Integrated Tiger Conservation in Southern Sumatra
Begin a process of increasing tiger habitat by re-establishing connectivity between Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park and protected areas to the north while reducing the threat of illegal hunting of tigers and human-tiger conflict.
Amount $29,975
Grant Term 11/06-6/07
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Continuation of the Patrolling Program (RPU) for Poaching Suppression, Rhino and Tiger Protection and Monitoring, and Ecosystem Conservation in Bukit Barisan National Park and its Buffer Areas, Sumatra, Indonesia
Effectively protect wildlife and their habitats in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park in Sumatra through the continuation of Rhino & Tiger Protection Units operated by the Program Konservasi Badak Indonesia (the Indonesian Rhino Conservation Program). In cooperation with national park authorities, these anti-poaching teams detect and destroy traps and snares, and help identify and apprehend poachers.
Amount $50,000
Grant Term 11/06-5/07
Grantee International Rhino Foundation
Partnership for the Conservation of Sumatran Natural Heritage
Develop networking and partnership approaches to build and strengthen collaboration among government, civil society, and the private sector for the conservation of the rainforest heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Amount $900,000
Grant Term 1/05-6/07
Grantee United Nations Foundation
Motivating Governments to Address Illegal Wildlife in Southeast Asia
Boost political support for controlling illegal resource-use activities, with a special focus on illegal wildlife trade, by convening a group of pro-conservation parliamentarians in Southeast Asia to meet regularly on priority issues related to combating illegal logging, fishing, and wildlife trade.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 11/04-1/05
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering three hotspots; the total grant amount is $15,000.
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Rapid Response Team for Conservation Investment in Sumatra
Provide technical and/or political support and troubleshooting for CEPF-supported grantees and conservation initiatives in Sumatra. An advisory committee made up of senior nongovernmental and government representatives will provide the political support, while a team made up of experienced scientists and project managers will provide technical assistance. Both will work closely with CEPF's Sumatra grant manager.
Amount $156,752
Grant Term 10/04-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Empowering Local People and Local Government to Support Batang Gadis National Park
Garner support for conservation among communities adjacent to the new Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP) and thus contribute to saving 108,000 hectares of Batang Gadis forest and, ultimately, 400,000 hectares of Angkola forest integral to the larger Leuser Ecosystem and the Northern Sumatra Biodiversity Conservation Corridor. The grant recipient - a consortium of four local groups - will empower local communities and governments at the village level through participation in creation of the park and its management schemes, as well as exploration of biodiversity-friendly economic development opportunities.
Amount $369,890
Grant Term 10/04-3/07
Grantee Yayasan Bina Ketrampilan Desa
A portion of the funding for this grant is provided through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Conservation of Sumatra Tiger in Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape
Raise capacity of teams in Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh conservation corridor to monitor tigers and stop tiger poaching as well as build awareness of local communities about the nature and value of the biological diversity in an around them.
Amount $233,874
Grant Term 1/04-12/05
Grantee World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Save The Tiger Fund
Award small- and medium-sized grants to partners working to save Asia’s wild tigers, tiger prey species, and tiger habitats and/or to address the threat posed to tigers by illegal wildlife trade.
Amount $500,000
Grant Term 1/04-9/08
Grantee National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
This is a multiregional project covering three regions; the total grant amount is $2.1 million. A portion of the funding for this grant is provided through support to CEPF from the Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation.
Related News and Products - Tiger Watch Newsletter, Vol. 10 No. 1, Spring 2007 (PDF, 443 KB)
- From CEPF E-News, March 2004: Partnership for Tiger Action
- Press release, February 2004: Save The Tiger Fund Announces Alliance With Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Investigations to Support the Cancellation of Three Forest Concessions in Sumatra's Seulawah Ecosystem
Encourage the cancellation of three logging concessions in Aceh Province within the biodiversity-rich Seulawah Ecosystem, via documenting forest concessionaires’ practices and gathering public opinions in the three districts where the concessions are located.
Amount $54,420
Grant Term 9/03-7/05
Grantee Yayasan Ekowisata Aceh
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Strengthen Community Forest Management in Sumatra's Seulawah Ecosystem
Develop and implement locally run adaptive forest management for 25,000 hectares to serve as a model for Northern Sumatra’s Seulawah Ecosystem.
Amount $227,180
Grant Term 9/03-6/07
Grantee Yayasan Rumpun Bambu Indonesia
Related News and Products -In Focus, September 2006: Aceh's Grassroots Resurgence
Ecotourism Product Development as a Means to Supplant Illegal Logging in the Tangkahan Area of Leuser National Park
Build the capacity of local groups in Tangkahan, a village in the buffer zone of Gunung Leuser National Park, to develop and produce ecotourism products. It is expected that successful ecotourism in Tangkahan will slow illegal logging in this portion of the national park.
Amount $22,325
Grant Term 7/03-1/04
Grantee Indonesian Ecotourism Network
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, August 2004: Cutting a New Path for Illegal Loggers in Sumatra
Campaign Against Illegal Logging in Karo Forest Reserve of the Leuser Ecosystem
Collect information on illegal logging in Karo, which is part of the buffer zone of the Leuser Ecosystem in the Northern Sumatra Conservation Corridor. Results will be brought to the attention of local communities and decisionmakers in hope of gaining their support to combat illegal logging.
Amount $9,785
Grant Term 4/03-8/03
Grantee Yayasan Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup dan Pelestarian Alam
Project Documents - Final report, Bahasa (PDF, 30 KB)
Incorporating Local Stakeholders and Conservation into Riau's Provincial Spatial Planning Process
This project will enlist local stakeholders in Riau’s provincial spatial planning process, which at this time proposes allocation of almost 50 percent of the province’s remaining natural forests to commercial concessions.
Amount $46,081
Grant Term 4/03-9/03
Grantee Yayasan Kaliptra
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Empowering Local Stakeholders to Support Cancellation of PT Bhara Induk Timber Concession in Sumatra's Angkola Forest
Garner the support of local communities for securing the 50,000-hectare PT Bhara Induk timber concession as a protected forest in the Angkola region of the Northern Sumatra Conservation Corridor.
Amount $9,960
Grant Term 3/03-6/03
Grantee PeaceWork
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 39 KB)
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Policy Initiative Planning Grant
Re-establish Conservation International-Indonesia's physical presence in Sumatra's civil war-torn Aceh Province and rally key decisionmakers and stakeholders to act in favor of conserving Aceh's forests and wildlife. A key output will be an assessment of the conservation and economic options for mitigating threats to biodiversity.
Amount $221,220
Grant Term 1/03-10/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Building a Global Constituency for Biodiversity Conservation
Implement a series of targeted public awareness and education campaigns in nine hotspots in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Campaign leaders participate in an intensive training course at the UK's Kent University or Mexico's Guadalajara University, prepare detailed plans to implement campaigns, link with a local organization in their region and commit to a minimum two years with that organization.
Amount $460,120
Grant Term 1/03-12/06
Grantee Conservation International ($145,344 grant), Rare ($314,776 grant)
This is a multiregional project covering nine hotspots; the total grant amount is $1,993,855 (Rare $1,364,030 and Conservation International $629,825).
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2006: Partners in Peñablanca
- Lesson Learned, September 2005
- Index to CEPF-supported campaigns
- In Focus, November 2004: Marketing Social Change
- In Focus, August 2003: Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Anti-Poaching Patrols for Rhinos, Tigers and Other Megafauna within Bukit Barisan National Park and Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia
Continue and expand existing forest patrols that protect rhinos, tigers and elephants in the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park and ecosystem. Deliverables include confiscation of traps, apprehension and prosecution of poachers, and an evaluation of the patrols' effectiveness.
Amount $835,585
Grant Term 1/03-6/06
Grantee International Rhino Foundation
A portion of the funding for this grant is provided through support to CEPF from the Australian government's Regional Natural Heritage Program.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 34 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, October 2003: Rhino Protection Units Stop Poachers in Sumatra
- In Focus, January 2003: Groups Intensify Anti-Poaching Patrols in Sumatra
Reassessment of Indonesia's Biosphere Reserves on Sumatra
Support and play a leadership role in a MAB Biosphere Reserve Workshop in Indonesia, with particular regard to Sumatra's Leuser Ecosystem and Siberut Island. The project's purpose is to strengthen linkages among stakeholders working toward conserving the reserves.
Amount $7,367
Grant Term 12/02-2/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Organizing Local Communities to Advocate for Cancellation of Forest Concession in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
Build the capacity of local people to advocate and publicize the need for cancellation of a forest concession in the northwest of Sumatra's Bukit Tigapuluh National Park.
Amount $9,985
Grant Term 12/02-4/03
Grantee Yayasan Alam Sumatera
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 38 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, September 2003: Talang Mamak, Groups Win Forest Protection in Sumatra
Investigation and Campaign About Biodiversity Concerns Related to the Ladiagalasko Road Development Plan
Prevent additional forest loss in the Leuser ecosystem by informing decisionmakers about the environmental consequences of the Ladiagalasko Road. Conduct research and interviews during a five-day trip in the area of the road development and produce a report to be used as a tool to inform the project. The trip will include members of the media, nongovernmental organizations, and parliament.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 9/02-12/02
Grantee Sekretariat Kerjasama Pelestarian Hutan Indonesia
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
CEPF Support of Local Partners in Sumatra
Support for the position of a local grant manager who will help build capacity of potential grantees in Sumatra to complement the work of existing CEPF grantees and to increase successful applications for grants. This position will also work with grantees to ensure accurate and productive monitoring and evaluation of CEPF-funded projects.
Amount $290,849
Grant Term 7/02-4/05
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Building the Capacity of NGOs to Conserve Forests and Species in Sumatra's Tesso Nilo/Bukit Tigapuluh Conservation Corridor
Raise the capacity of an alliance of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Sumatra's Riau and Jambi provinces to effectively discuss biodiversity considerations in land use and land tenure issues with decision makers at all levels of government, key stakeholders and national and international media.
Amount $184,297
Grant Term 7/02-12/03
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature - Indonesia
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 28 KB)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro